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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Nice fish Mike ...whos the guy that reeled it in for ya ????....Devils advocate would wonder why a gentleman wouldnt let his wife reel it in ... Just kidding ....way to go Paul!!!!
  2. many many moons ago i have.....nothing in there but carp....if your looking for small bodies of water....check out the quaries around sparta.....loaded with crappie and pike Good Luck!
  3. Domo Oregotto...Mr Roboto
  4. Paul using a plastic strainer is considered spatulaism in his religion and is punishable by 50 lashes with a wet noodle and told to fork off
  5. "Yes" said the Shoemaker to the alligator...
  6. is that what they call it in the states...."fantacy football" we call it PORN up here Nice fish and Welcome to the board!
  7. did you ever think you would grow up to take pics of flowers????? Nice Shot Sweatheart
  8. well wishes to you and your Pops
  9. The fondest memories i have of my first marriage were at the neighbors house...lol
  10. Absolutely EXCELLENT progress!!!!! looking forward for more "half full" reports until the cup overflows.....keep it up Jenn you are an inspiration
  11. im sure you have been doing your homework but here is a read of direct comparison http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1034&message=36596175&q=canon+t1+vs+nikon+d5000&qf=m Good Luck with your choice
  12. ▌♥ ▌ HAPPY CANADA DAY ▌♥ ▌
  13. congrats Skeeter...and ALL involved!!! Peaches couldnt have timed her entrance any better...great time to celebrate bdays along with Canada day
  14. aim between the eyes and pull the trigger....no need to pass the problem on to someone else
  15. And here i thought it was in a brothel in New Orleans
  16. Death Penalty? Im sure David Millgard and his family dont see your point of view Im glad the cop is going to recover ...it seems he does alot of good in his community without a uniform on as well Speedy Recovery!
  17. I have no business posting in this threat but ...my Golden Retriever is just getting over being sick the past few days (24 hours of unexplenation) which caused her to vomit twice ...and from our visit to the vet to investigate ...alot of other dogs have fallen ill too..i wasnt at the G2G so im thinking theres probably more to the story then something they ate....make sure your dogs shots are all up to date especially when they are going to be playing in groups
  18. I wish ....but i cant even play the radio...
  19. Two = number of kids Co = The first 2 letters of both their names Da = First 2 letters of my name...or Dad....or just Daaaaaa Hence Twocoda...also the name of my boat
  20. speak for yourself Hey Dave ever heard the term ...."guilty by association?"...no worries we wont hold the "company you keep" against you welcome aboard
  21. Yep the times are a changin...i can remember when it was only kosher to play doctor with a member of the opposite sex
  22. Heres a few from the Tuesday storm it was quite the spectacle to see...the show was surreal to something out of Hollywood My noise reduction was over looked and in these photos you can see "hotspots" which translates to more time to edit then one would like ...
  23. Good Job ...but you do realize...HE could have rented a machine for the day to do his landscaping and YOU could have been fishing....but its nice to know you have a dozer ready to go should the next task arise...i had an old Jager 150 CFM compressor in the same situation ....i ended up pulling the head AND heli-coil Good Job!
  24. 5 years sitting in the bush quietly ???? that gotta be some kind of a record Good on ya finding your way out...welcome aboard
  25. you guys do realize this is the ONTARIO fishing community?!?! ...just messin around ...hey Paul if you left a good enough impression on Roy to sit at his Christmas table (that in itself) would be like winning the lotto! Cheers to both of ya for getting out
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