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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Good luck in the derby ....monkey puke and cut bait 60 down over everything ....looooooooooooooooong leads
  2. any publiushers in the house ? what a great read although the outcome was favourable for the fish ....the memories are MORE favourable for you guys...congrates to the both of you for knowing how to spend quality time ...
  3. thats where i went wrong then ....i used 20 pound test....
  4. If a buddy of mine didnt have his fillet knife with him for me to cut it all off ....my baitcaster would most likely be laying beside yours at the bottom ...
  5. also ....i think you may find out how hard a birds nest is to clean up on a baitcaster ....it isnt too much fun ...hope you dont find out like i did when braid first came out ...i went back to mono and never looked back...
  6. 10 k posts????? i see rehab for the internet porn is paying off....lol...congrates
  7. 35 bucks a hide ??? who needs a coon dog when mother nature is on your side
  8. im still trying to figure out why your right eye was dangling off the bottom of the cart.... My regards to your wife GCD....better luck next time ...lol...
  9. video says it all....good tune ...good friends ...good fishing ...good times all add up to a GOOD LIFE.....good on ya'll Stealing your catch phrase " thanks for sharing "
  10. ahhhhhhhhhhh the payoff for your labours of doing something you love to do ....CONGRADULATIONS !!!!
  11. make sure you have batteries for the flashlight ....trust me ....its a 115 bucks if the light doesnt come on when its supposed to ....
  12. nice find ...good luck with this project....my uncle inlaw just hand built something very similar to this boat for shooting over to Chantry Island....his passion for it almost convinced me to do the same....( then my wife smacked me in the head and told me to finish the two projects i have on the go ...)
  13. didnt these guys do the soundtrack for the Betty Boop series of cartoons ?? sure does sound like it to me then later evolve into the Soggy Bottom Boys
  14. ok dont get me wrong ...im really a nice guy but when someone squeezes in between you and another fisherman that are fishing at a respective distance between each other for several hours and form a pattern of drifts so you and he do not get messed up ....all is well until a boe boe decides he can fish in between you and the next guy with his daisy mart fishing rod attached to a cleo and a 1/ 2ounce weight on it .....i have a tenancy to raise an eyebrow and suggest it might be beneficial for his day ...if he moved up stream or down stream....then he looked at me and said with his chopped English accent " des is not your riva i can fish here also"....he was right he could although it wasnt going to be easy for anyone ...including himself ...since i was float fishing as was the guy next to me was about four or five feet away ( but we had a rythem going and all was well with our drifts)....so " buddy " makes his big cast and BAM right on to my float ...i merely say to him ....see i told you there isnt enough room to squeeze in here ....your making this more difficult then it needs to be ....which he replies ...."you catch fish ...i can catch them too " ....i said ok but dont cross my line again .....he waits one drift to pass then chucks his rig out ...catching the dude on the other side of the river ....hence messing everyone up on both sides until his crap is sorted out again ...5 minutes passes ....finally my first drift goes well after he is straightened out again ....my secong drift.....bam he is right into me again ....i say in a little more firmer voice....look your screwing things up for everyone in this pool why dont you try somewhere else...we are all here to have a good time ...he replies ...." i dont have to .....i catch fish right here ...i see them ....i catch them ....dees is not your riva".....i get all straightened around again ..having to retie because of my 4 pound test is unbelievable messed around his 30 pound test.... ...i recommend he doesnt cross my line again ....first..... cast ....right back into my line ....i snapped and said I told you ....DO NOT CROSS ME and for the third time you did .....tell me how many fish you can see while your in there with them ....( as i motioned my hands to his throat and shoved him into the river ) SPLASH!!! .......( he surprisingly said NOTHING at all )....merely climbed out of the river ...and left.... was this right to do ???? NO (hence the reason i first posted "im ashamed to say this but...." just like baseball ...three strikes and your out regardless of how you feel about it * Boe Boe is not in reference to any one particular nationality ...a boe boe can have many different colours of skin and accents....
  15. all i have to say is ....ITS DOESENT MATTER WHAT YOU PRESENT .....MAKE SURE YOU PRESENT IT PROPERLY ....then and only then ....you will find the difference between catching fish ....and taking pics of other peoples phish.... presentation ....presentation ...presentation ....need i say more about presentation????
  16. Im ashamed to say this but ....after several warning to a guy crossing my line and fishing literally right in my pocket ...after the third time ....i pushed him in the river ...needless to say he had to go and change his clothes so i got to enjoy the rest of the day fishing with lots of room as everyone that was there shyed away from me ....lol...
  17. The bay is a very beautiful area ...but i might suggest taking a trip up the Mirimichi River and catching some Atlantic salmon ....if you do ....youll need a fly rod ...Ive fished the area from Newcastle all the way to Doaktown....most productive fishing was in Blackville ( red butt green machines) wooly buggers) we didnt have flyrods with us so we went in to the MNR to make sure our pin reels would be acceptable ( which they had never seen before) and after our tutorial on using them they agreed to let us use them ... the fishing is well worth the price of a burial lot to be able to get a residence fishing license...( you have to own land and a burial plot counts) i paid 150 bucks for mine in 1988 with no intentions on ever using it as a resting place but for the purpose of owning land in NB Good Luck with the Atlanitcs if you do go up river...
  18. call any excavation company...they will bury it onsite...
  19. all you have to do is get a variance...400 is a good price in comparisons to the alternatives...a meeting will be held at council regarding your issue and you will get to state your case...if no one opposes it ...your good to go ...if someone does oppose it ...youll know who it is that made the initial complaint and then you can return the favour of their property ....you have an ass in your neighborhood... Good Luck
  20. probaby because they are a PITA to carry around...
  21. monkey puke or cut bait ... Good Luck
  22. OH where OH where .... Can my post count be ???? Canukers tryin ta take it ..... Away from me ... they only talk fishin... so it has to be good.... and everyone has a post count .. of... ooooooooooonly three...... Thank you ...thank you very much ....im here all week ...dont forget to tip your waitress and leave in a cab
  23. your enthusiasm is outstanding ....one of the best features of being a fisherman is ...always having something to look forward to .....dont wish the summer away just yet...before you know it ...youll be pulling chinneys from the river
  24. dam i always miss out on the new blood in the forum.... never pmed me .....ta think i like white russians too....lol...
  25. probably under vented @ the soffit... the insulation isnt supposed to touch the underside of your roof ...this will cause daming on the roof from the heat transfer through the insulation ....check and ensure your moor vents are not collapsed ( or even present depending on the age of your home) if your structure is stick framed (16 inchs between rafters you should have an 8 inch moor vent between every rafter...if your rafters are trusses ( 24 inch centers ) you should have 16 inch moor vents between every truss....if you have an interior cathedral ceiling ..you should have open ventilation through out the entire perimeter of the soffit Your ceiling should have R 40 Minimum insulation in it ....if you have cellulose.... that translates to 11.5 inches deep or if you have bat insulation 2x R20 bats criss crossed Assess your R factor for the insulation that is in there .....ensure it is vented properly otherwise new eaves trough is only going to be damaged the way yours is now ...you need to solve the problem of the ice build up before you repair or you will be wasting your money on the new materials Good Luck
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