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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Thats cool...i did the same for an orphaned gosling about ten years ago ...named him Honk and man was i happy when he finally flew the coup.. I fed him ground up Special K cereal paste until he was big enough to eat corn
  2. Craig Ritchie....nice installment of the Bitter Reality...of a Pro
  3. if there is a stress to get her off the deed ...all she has to do is tell her ex she is going to declare bankruptcy ( even if it isnt true) he wil then have to protect his portion of the investment and due diligence to have her removed ....for the interim ....he has to pay her rent of half the costs.....the longer it goes on the better off she will be cuz of the appreciation of the property.... Look at the brightside ...at least they arent fighting over a child...its only a house that never had the oportunity to be a home
  4. Hows 399 for the same canoe http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-b...QAdIdZ112161423
  5. Copious amounts of red wine will put the camera outta focus...lol.... or make a good excuse for double posting ...lol... enjoy!!!!
  6. I agree the first one is a nasty lookin .... Good shootin though
  7. i think the fish for MCronch comes from lake erie ...white bass...i could be wrong ...it almost happened once ..lol..
  8. Nice depth of field ...... Is this a passion of yours or a job???? or both ? I enjoy seeing through your lens the mountain pic.....is that Minawanka in Banff?
  9. To answer the question ...i would say ...as much as your wife will let ya ...otherwise you would be buying new....check out the classified section and have a gander at the boats available ...ive got one in there ...but its a little out of your price range unless you have a really awsome wife... i think there is one recently put in at the price range you are looking for ... Good Luck
  10. Definatly worth trying ...and catching ....magic depth today wont be the same as tomorrow ...let alone a couple of weeks from now ...the lake will tell you what to do and ill tell you to fish temp... Good Luck
  11. Glad you posted an update ...i was thinking about your lil guy all day ....try to stay on the high side of the emotional roller coaster you must be on
  12. This thread is only for speculation of creativity IF you were a PRO fisherman ...other then the daunting task of ...well....FISHING everyday ...what in the world could you possibly complain about ...have fun/ be creative ... Heres a few to start it off... 1 The lures i endorse are working for the competition and not me 2 Not having HOOTERS as a sponsor 3 Having me as your competition ... 4 Not being recognized by your peers Lets see what ya got ...??
  13. welcome to the board axes are too labour intensified so i use a chainsaw nowadays ....thanks to the UMU ( Underground Murderers Union ) Local 666 Good Luck ( getting away)
  14. Because i fish derbys i have to deplete the stock i have in very fast manners ....so i can keep on fishing ...i throw big fish frys with the fish i dont donate to the respective fish clubs for their money raising efforts....i have no problem being a host to my friends and family for these events and never worry that i could be possibly poisoning someone ...( i eat fish out of ERIE and HURON....never ever out of ONTARIO ( no offence to the people that do) I do fish ONTARIO a few times a year on the lake and in the river ...for the pure enjoyment of catching bigger fish and getting my eggs for the season...
  15. make sure the batteries are installed properly...these little units are pretty durable...i would find it hard to believe its broken...ive dropped /banged/submerged mine several times and amazingly it keeps on ticking ..
  16. just a suggestion ....did you try changing the batteries???
  17. The sheltered waters of Owen Sound are favorable with a west wind ...if you get to Kincardine and cant fish it ...keep on going up the coast till you get to owen sound...RULE OF THUMB.....WHEN IN DOUBT>>>DONT GO OUT http://www.pilor.com/
  18. Nice trout young man ....hope none of your friends seen ya fishing with your mommy...lol...j/k
  19. is there any rules against setting up downriggers on a frigget???
  20. I think i found that one ....if you can verify to me the credit card number scribed on it and the expiry date ....ill be sure to get it back to you ...
  21. Dont forget the whip finisher tool for finalizing the knots
  22. why not try something against the grain.... EVERY SPRING for the rainbow run when im running spawn bags the bass are actually a hindurance to the fishing for stealing bait or hookin them out of season....so why not tie up some bags and give it a shot?.....If you do ...and it works out for the better ....give a shout out to the administrators that TWOCODA IS A FISHING GOD!!! Please give him the member status....lol...( obviously no mosesty in my family...) IF only i knew how to change it ...i would do it myself... Luck got nuthin to do with it !
  23. Scientist find Evidence of Life on planet HD189733B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientist find Evidence of Life on planet HD189733B The discovery of building blocks of life on one of the closest known planets orbiting a star other than our own sun is a gas giant planet HD 189733B. Astronomers have detected water and carbon dioxide, key signs of life in the atmosphere of HD 189733B orbiting it's star 63 light years away form Earth in the constellation Vulpecula. Scientists have said for sometime that life would be found soon, it was just a matter of time, has that time come. The carbon dioxide is the main reason for the excitement," said Mark Swain, a research scientist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. In a separate study, published in the journal Nature, a team from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena has found the signature of water vapor in the superheated atmosphere of the same planet. The fact that Methane was found lead to Ron Stewart conducting his investigation using APEP. Methane, composed of carbon and hydrogen, is one of the main components of natural gas, a product of petroleum on Earth, methane is produced by a variety of sources: natural sources such as termites, the oceans and wetland environments, but also from livestock and manmade sources such as waste landfills and as a by-product of energy generation, power plants. Scientist Ron Stewart using APEP-Advance Photographic Extraction Process successfully extracted images beyond the Atmosphere surrounding the planet to reveal the surface and structures showing signs of what is believed to be highly intelligent life. Not only oceans and land masses but green belt areas thriving in what is considered a very harsh and hot environment. On July 11, 2007, a science team lead by Giovanna Tinetti published the results of their observations using the Spitzer Space Telescope concluding there is solid evidence of significant amounts of water vapor in the planets atmosphere. A follow up observation made by Giovanna Tinetti using the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the presence of water vapor and organic compound methane. Methane at high temperature should cause water and methane to react, replacing the atmosphere with carbon monoxide. Ron Stewart's science team not only found water in the atmosphere but across the planet verifying Hubble's and Spitzer's result with these photos. APEP is a digital imaging system that adds an estimated 600% to Hubble's visual enhancement of images. Soon APEP will be upgraded with HD-High Definition imaging that is estimated to increase it's imaging capacity by another 500%. This new imaging capacity could lead to a new system for planet by hunting scientists. A wide star field image of the region around HD 189733B and it's Star HD189733 is located in the center, just to the left of the planetary nebula Messier 27. The field of view is approximately 2.7 x 2.8 degrees Credits: NASA/ESA/Digitized Sky Survey 2, Acknowledgement: ESA/Hubble.
  24. Great white re-incarnated as a pickeral.....whats next ....man eating puddy cats??
  25. he is saying ...if ya want to pay 30 and only offer 20 and he squeezes ya for 25 ...then yer still ahead by 5 and everyone is peachy... there he was ...gone !! over dare neer da beech privit no fishin lord tundererin geeeeeeesus bye.....
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