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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. your prayers have been answered ...i just penciled in rain for all of next week....no need to thank me cuz i need it too ....but feel free to send me some egg sucking leeches for the gratitude
  2. if i was at the goodyear dam i would have kindly educated these young lads to the sport of fair catching I agree there is some people that shouldnt be in potential confrontational situations ( im sure he is a very nice gentleman in person) one of the flaws with the internet is its sometimes hard to decipher the interpretation of the post when it contains words like "irks me" ( i read confrontational attitude in that ) which is why i even posted anything to this thread...i actually enjoyed the write up and shook my head when i seen the pics of the rippers....it wasnt until the follow up post he made that irked me . i meant no disrespect to him and was merely trying to educate him that if he isnt a part of the solution then why post it on a fish forum so now the irresponsible adults can go have a turn at it ( regardless of their skin colour) ( kinda like the garbage left behind issue ) just today there were two kids fishing too close to the dam i was at ...yes ...they were kindly educated and now hopefully they have a new respect for the sport and the rules that apply and if they tell two friends ...and so on ...maybe eventually word will travel to the goodyear dam ...
  3. you think thats bad??? try brushing your teeth with deep heat rub.... you think thats bad ??? at least you have hair to worry about washing ...
  4. its my opinion that if you didnt say anything to these young kids ...you are just as much to fault as they are....YOU are the responsible one and the one they look to for guidance...if you seen them playing with a loaded gun ....would you just watch and take pics with the hopes of posting it on "rotten dot com" seriously ...you should have said something ...if you do not educate them its obvious thier parents are not fisherman or they would have....yes kids will be kids and they will get away with something until told otherwise by a responsible person ( shame on you) also shame on you for trying to introduce a racial scenario ....( that irks me ) boys of this age will be boys of this age regardless of the colour of their skin ...you were responsible enough to tattle on these kids to this forum ....making yourself apart of the problem and doing nothing to become a part of the solution ...pipe up and be responsible ...with a warm heart ...take the time to educate them ......you may just find they will listen you take a kid to a candy store ...do you seriously think he isnt going to eat any when left alone ?
  5. did he say he had 6 and caught them all ???? limit is only 5 ...and as soon as he hooks his fishing line to the next one ...he is two over his limit.... those fish are toooooooooo far gone to even smoke IMHO
  6. never ever ever have i ever been sea sick ...until....the steelback brewery dude got a hold of me for the night (complimentary drinks at every bar we went to )...next mornin on the water ....lets just say there were a few pickled fish that were caught .. Syn ...now thats funny stuff
  7. holy crap ...lmao....talk about brown nosing ....lmao....
  8. just a reminder ....you are now required by law to carry your trailer registration ...
  9. Twocoda


    welcome to the board .....good shootin on the bass...
  10. pens dont cost much ....all you have to do is sign on the dotted line...
  11. hmmmmmmm where do you mount the riggers?
  12. for those that have fished the goodyear dam ...it used to be clearly marked the distance from the dam you can fish ...im not suggesting sitting on the dam ( of course you have to abide by the regs.) but in the general area of the dam there are several nice stretches of pools and the top of the dam used to be like a mini pond that is completely fishable providing you are the respective distance from the dam ...its been along time since i have been down there so if the regs have changed and they shut down the top of the dam all together for fishing ...well i guess you would be outta luck for fishing there...
  13. learn something new everyday....i thought all the whistles on my boat were for waking up sleeping people...or having a whistle jam session out on the water... who knew
  14. take your kids to Goodyear Dam and throw a worm out .... yes the salmon feed here and at this point they are still predators so lures will work fine as well... Good Luck and Welcome to the board
  15. other then going out on the atlantic or northumberland strait in a boat ....i cant help ya out with PEI...but if you were fishing in NS or NB i know a few awsome rivers down there.. i think there are charters out of Borden and Gilligans Landing I sooooooooo want to go cod jiggin ...
  16. might help if we knew where down east...
  17. This is quite the situation you are in ...i wish you luck i would focus on the tribs and do some shore fishing ...the salmon are in the rivers but if your heart is set on hitting the lake ..stay in shallow cuz the majority of the fish are staging at the mouths... Good luck to you and better luck to your step son... brush up on some good jokes to make the kid laugh ...
  18. Make sure you tell Bubba ...no glove ...no love...
  19. mine is the view from my church where i am the god this pic is one i take from everybody of water i fish in ( two rods and a sunset)....i have about 40 different versions of it ...but i like this version the best.. its the start of the witching hour on Lake Huron.....good bye to the day and hello to the fish
  20. who would have thought Lake E would be the next producer of bio fuel
  21. Twocoda

    OFN hats

    if i buy two hats ...do i get a vest crest for free ???
  22. Congrates on introducing yourself to the pin feeling ...now you know what to expect when its FISH ON ...but in all honesty as soon as you know the fish is hooked foul....point the rod to the fish ( with your float submerged) and pull out ( .35 cent hook is nothing) ...when you get more experienced in the fight of a fair fish you will be able to distinguish the difference and deal with it in a more timely fashion ( rather then exhausting the fish) ...as for buddy barking at you ....he probably was frustrated fishing for hours with not even a hook up...(fair or foul) Exception to the rule....if your chuckin lures....land the foul fish and revive it faceing upstream ( lures cost money) It may take a few minutes out of your fishing time ... Rippers belong on a stage....not in a river.. Good luck with your future catches...
  23. this brought tears to my eyes and my wife is now accusing me of doing LSD.....
  24. sorry you feel that way bigredfisher...all the best on the new sites you come across Good Luck
  25. salmon should be in there now ...after the next rain it should be pretty productive.....do your homework on a float set up and go get em ...worms roe or flys ( pick your preference).....check your regulations and have some fun ....good luck landing the fresh ones welcome to the board
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