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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. give yourself a pat on the back .....one heck of a report!!!!! as far as: bass go ....good ones scenery goes....excellent t shirt goes.......awsome i really do think there should be monthly awards for some of the reports that get posted on here...( hint hint ) http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=concept+idea
  2. wonder if ill get a discount on my land taxes if the property is underwater...
  3. first cousin /wife/sister .....is there a difference???? lmao
  4. lol....Redneck is a coined term only applied to the southern yanks... Daisy Duke was one hot redneck
  5. you may have got hooked but i was once netted... I was fishing in Ben Miller @ the falls and well .....5am i was pissed drunk.. lol...so im walking the top of the falls and slipped stepping over one of the crevasses and went from two feet of water to up to my chin instantly ....my waders filled with water my feet dangling over the falls my arms pinned against the crevasse walls to keep me from going over the falls with rod and beer in their respective hands. ..a gentleman ( my savior) comes up with a salmon net as im losing the battle to the current and slams his net on top of me (over my head) ....i hook my arms into it and he gets me out of the deep water ....he then says to me " im not sure if i want to keep you or put you back" ha ha ha ....no fishing for me that day ... for the concerned alcoholics in the bunch ....not a drop was spilled and the only damage that was incurred was to my pride
  6. My son lives in Edmonton ...he fishes all over out there ...mostly northerns and cut throat
  7. i hear those kind of earrings go over well with the mermaids...good luck with that ... glad your ok and can laugh about this ...
  8. time didnt go anywhere .....everything is early!!!! ....if we get a couple of years like this in a row ....the powers to be will probably want to re-write the calendar
  9. same story ...different time of year...good on ya for cleaning it up...
  10. i had one yesterday that spent more time out of the water then in and one tonight that didnt even break the surface after ten minutes fighting it ....until a guy next to me desided he should cross my line...lol... the insanity is only beginning ...
  11. from the bottom of the anchor bolt that goes through your tripod to screw your camera on the base... tie/tape a small rope /string and hang anything of weight off it ...rock /camera bag .napsack anything to create down presuure securing your tripod from movement ... nice shots !!
  12. i cant help you out with the lake but welcome to the board and good luck with your fishing .... why not be the first to give a detailed report of how the lake is ...?
  13. Maybe she should issue a fine to the MNR and donate it to the local fisheries club... just a thought ...
  14. and the peoples choice award goes to ....( drummmmmmmm rollllllllllllllllll) TA DA!!!!!!!!! Spiel and Rob for their dedication and support of informative contributions to this forum... Personal note....i would also like to thank the creators of spell check.....( keeping my "I" before "E" thing in line SPIEL / THEIR Keep up the good work guys
  15. very very interesting thanks for sharing stucco really cleans things up
  16. wouldnt that be something if a thread started by an administrator talking about conduct ...got locked down ? theres fish in the rivers....go get em and enjoy!!!!!
  17. with the water being that clear you might try a single egg or a stonefly with 2 or 4 pound test leader line.......is this pic and video footage current ( someone had to ask)
  18. borax and brown sugar is all i ever use.....procure is a poison and should be handled very carefully
  19. Nice fish ...its about this time of year the record fish are caught ....this one may be late for the derby but if you keep plaggin away at it ....you could possibly break the record fish
  20. im thinking there are easier safer ways to pierce an ear...maybe he should go get a gold fish hook and put it back through the hole ...
  21. We had a bear walking down the main beach right here in port elgin this past spring.....what a production that went on to try to locate this animal...lol....to no avail i have eaten bear in the maritimes but it isnt my personal favourite of the meats that are available to be hunted a bear with its hide off has an erie resemblance to a human
  22. i wonder how the heart bleeders from the city feel about bears eating bears because of the competition for food.....BRING BACK THE SPRING HUNT! or adjust the cull for the fall
  23. No problem cuzza ....the worst question is the one that isnt asked...
  24. Ill stop river fishing usually in the second week of Feb open water permitting ....then start back up about the end of March till the end of May then back on the boat.......creature of habit i am
  25. females produce roe ( spawn) also sometimes known as bait....if you take roe from a fish it is your obligation to keep the fish regardless of how black it is ...
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