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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. you ..you ....celebrity
  2. click on link http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=concept+idea this one has my vote for sure ...great report!
  3. pay it forward to other new members ...and welcome to the forum Good Luck
  4. well that should pay for a few politicians holidays this year ..."Volunteers Wanted" signs wont cost near that much ( unless they are affiliated of course) ok thats my last "negative" post for the day
  5. there will be a chart on tha back of the dipsy package as indicating your depth / line ratios
  6. Granted he is a talent ...but when he threw his pissy fits when he was a prominent member of the flames...he tarnished himself...real nice guy in person though ..last i heard he was playing overseas and doing very well ... GO FLAMES GO !!!!
  7. too bad they couldnt be trained to eat only gobys
  8. Downriggers arent always necessary http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/dipsy.htm Good Luck
  9. Tightline- if you happen to see this post...this is the type of fish I think Roy was referring to in the other thread
  10. 20 ft boat translates to BIG lake capabilities....switch species to target and youll bend the rods ( especially this time of year...) Good Luck
  11. if the fish went belly up and died ...i would think he had a case ....but ...it didnt so unless there is a written technique to releasing that particular species ...i would think he would beat the charge...what about the dude that used to spit in the mouth of every bass he caught ??? isnt that an assault? Interesting read though ...im going to follow this thread to see the inputs
  12. Thanks for the input guys ...ive always patterned myself to the formula of bright days bright lures..dark days dark lures with good success ...there are exceptions to the times though ...some nights total darkness on the lake and black is all that works....then times in the same situation white is all that works...maybe colour isnt as important as action of a lure
  13. they were touring with David Wilcox all summer
  14. When your trolling always keep in mind of the speed you are traveling ..switch up from time to time until you get a hit...then stick with that speed...
  15. Kate Moss salmon....
  16. Rated PG forum...he isnt allowed to tell
  17. third one looks like a Rosco though
  18. i was going over the skyway last week and thought the algae kinda gives the water a tropical look...
  19. purchase a dipsy
  20. i celebrated my first brown cooked in butter and strawberry wine ....i prefer browns over bows anyday!!!!
  21. OH GREAT!!! now im going to have to read every single post to find the small town in question...lol just razzin ya Laz....i am guilty of it too in the past but I try to use discretion a bit better now ...but when a father wants to take his young son to a fishing spot i almost feel obligated to steer them in the right direction that i know they will have a safe outing with a good possibilty of catching fish...right ? wrong? i dont know ...kinda catch 22... Posting bogus hot spots would only discredit your character and this forum ...this is the information age and if someone applies them selves...they can easily find hotspots without ever taking a step along the waters edge but that doesnt mean they will catch fish IF they are still in that spot on any given day.
  22. A few years ago we were fishing the Salmon Spectacular in Owen Sound and there was a guy that bought an underwater colour camera to run off his downriggers to see when a fish were hunting his bait. There was another guy that laughed at him and said he wasted his money on the purchase of a colour capable unit. After about a half hour of heated discussion these two guys actually duked it out because the guy ( with the B/W camera )called the other guy an idiot for wasting his money....yes there was alcohol involved... My question is if anyone knows...at what depths do certain colours of the spectrum turn to grey due to available light ? It makes me wonder if i really need to own as many lures of the same brand and size but different colours/patterns fishing in the depths that i fish. Ive always wanted to find out first hand by taking up scuba diving but as i say ...this incident was years ago and still to this date i havent scuba dived to find out. Anyone know?
  23. i wish you the very best in the efforts of this quest....you ,your brother and the "kid" are very lucky men to be alive from the cause of such a man all the best to you and yours
  24. note to self- invite bigugli to Grey Cup Party Looks good
  25. Fisherman can be duped??? im quite proud of my son for buying camo fishing line ....im sure the fish will appreciate it if he ever catches one and it sees what land and trees look like ...
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