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Everything posted by davis

  1. You will love that plasma. Definitely the way to go. I own Sammy and Panny plasmas and still get compliments on the quality of the picture/colour. Super important to make sure your set is properly calibrated. Hunt around on the web for suggested settings and go from there.
  2. Also a good substitute for rice. Cut it up into small'ish florets (raw), pulse in a food processor until about the same size as rice. Fry it up, bake it, or even microwave it. Just don't add water/liquid - it'll absorb it quickly and turn mushy. Sautee onions and garlic in coconut oil, add the cauli rice and cook til it's al-dente'ish and finish with lime zest and cilantro.
  3. incredible. what a way to go though. found one of these gals in my shed last year and freaked me the f out. never seen one before, thought i discovered some exotic species. took pics gallore and made sure to keep the kids away, only to find out later that they're harmless and pretty common. sweet video
  4. pretty awesome, as usual did you fly out from Wawa?
  5. always liked his show. he lived or maybe still lives in OakRidges (north Richmond Hill) and would visit my buddies old video store often. was always happy to chat fishing. cool dude
  6. Agreed. Had the same happen to me. Those few extra seconds the brain needs to compute what your eyes are seeing likely made the difference between being able to avoid it vs running into it. Especially if there were other cars in front of the bike that also narrowly avoided the collision, as the various articles describe. Trying to suddenly stop a Harley doing over 100km/h without bailing is hard enough, nevermind trying to swerve. Sad story for everyone involved.
  7. I used my 2000 CRV to tow a 14' aluminum w/ 25hp - and it struggled on anything other than a flat stretch of road. I think I definitely cut some years off the life of that CRV by doing that. Wouldn't recommend it for your setup.
  8. if you're not already, sign yourself up on Facebook and post your grievance on their page (facebook.com/fishshimano). guaranteed you'll get a response and a speedy resolution.
  9. I've had my 50" plasma (Samsung) in the basement up until we moved to a new home a couple of months ago. It's now in the main floor living room, which gets a lot of natural light and is quite bright during the day. Key is that the windows are on the same wall as the TV - so as long as there's no direct light hitting the screen, plasma is totally fine. Glare/reflection is a plasma tv's kyrptonite. The overall brightness of the room hasn't impacted the picture quality at all. +2 on the power consumption/heat - it does get pretty warm. not as efficient as an LCD/LED. I'll be in market for another tv later in the fall, for the basement, and I'll definitely be getting another plasma.
  10. Thanks for the additional info. I think we're going to go ahead with the rental. We'll be there during the week only, so i'm expecting a nice quiet lake. Even if I only get out to panfish with the kids it'll be worth it. If I can sneak out and get some alone time on a nearby lake, that'll be bonus. Thanks everyone
  11. yes sir. though it hasn't seen a whole lot of water the last couple of years. looking forward to getting out more this season with the kids
  12. Wow, sounds like a fisherman's paradise That's too bad. It's a nice looking place, great beach for the kids @ a pretty good rate. I guess I can check out the status of surrounding lakes to see if there's something worth towing the boat to. thanks
  13. Thanks Brian. The fishing opps will make or break this deal. Waiting to see what the owner of the cottage has to say.
  14. Hey all, Considering a summer cottage rental on Bitter Lake near Haliburton (Guilford). It kinda came up out of the blue through a friend of a friend - and after some quick "interneting", doesn't seem to be too much detail out there about the fishing opportunities. Anyone have experience with this lake and some info to share? please and thanks, d
  15. FYI - there were a couple of versions of the original Hero. The Hero HD offered 1080p @ 30 fps. I still love mine and use it regularly, and the only issue to complain about is it's low light capabilities. Didn't see a need for the Hero2, but the Hero3 with 1080p @ 60 FPS...now we're talking!
  16. Great stuff. I think I posted this one a while ago in another thread, but hands down the weirdest sight I've ever experienced in the outdoors was when a deer swam out to the boat me and my 2 friends were fishing in on a small'ish river, circled us (close enough to reach out and touch it) and then attempted to get in the boat. We couldn't believe what we were seeing, and managed to snap a couple of shots on the disposable camera we had with us. After getting over the initial shock we decided it'd be best to move away from the crazy deer - plus my friend who owned the boat was pissed about it getting whacked by the deer's hooves. It swam after us for a few mins before heading back to shore and stalked us from the shoreline for the next hour. We later learned from some locals further down the river that it was most likely a "tame" deer that many of the cottagers fed on a regular basis. We thought the thing had some sort of disease. I doubt we'll ever experience something like that again.
  17. reminded me of a video i saw recently. always though the ghost was the hottest of peppers, until i watched this. i think you either have to be clinically insane or have absolutely no nerve endings, taste buds, etc in your mouth to attempt this. Nutz - http://www.thestar.com/videozone/1224007--eating-the-world-s-hottest-pepper i'm growing red and green chilies, and your standard hot banana's - that's about as far as i go.
  18. sweet fish
  19. had a buddy refer to pike as "lupus aquarius" = "Water Wolf".
  20. Nice job. Was an awesome morning on Simcoe. We had the same results - boated over 20 by lunch. Most came right out from the grass. Fantastic opener
  21. oh, you mean the pond/swamp that's showing surrounded by a few streets (sandbanks, bayview park ln, etc...)? my buddy built a house there on park crescent that backed onto that area - he sold it 5 years ago but from what i can remember it didn't look like a promising spot. more like a swamp then a pond, but I could be wrong...
  22. that'd be Bond Lake. Technically its off limits, but that doesn't seem to stop people these days. You'll see it on the East side of Yonge street when you're going north into OakRidges
  23. Just came back from our annual weekend trip on Nipissing at Sunset Cove lodge (just over from Callander Bay). Caught plenty of fish between 10 guys - we all maxed out for eaters, and lots more were thrown back. About 99% of fish were caught on a jig/worm (we're lazy like that) and at all times of the day. Fishing 20' depths seemed to get the most action. Water temps were hovering around 70. Noticed that size was down quite a bit from our previous trips. Most if not all eaters were 12" and under - hardly any in the 13" - 15" range and only a couple were caught in the 20"+ range. 25" was the biggest for the weekend. Good luck!
  24. Born and raised in 'the Oaks'. Yes, it's still known as Oak Ridges, though it became part of Richmond Hill a very long time ago. It was great to have a lake down the street when we were growing up, but unfortunately it's never really been worth the effort to wet a line. Most i've ever seen come out of it were panfish, teeny tiny pike, and a handful of bass. Bond Lake has always been off-limits, though in the last few years on any given summer weekend you'll see dozens of cars parked along Yonge st. as people ignore the signs and use the dock to suntan, fish, swim, etc... Nice looking lake, but again pretty slim pickin's when it comes to fishing. There are two other much better fishing lakes in the area - but I think i'll keep that knowledge to myself
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