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Everything posted by davis

  1. lol, the mello pics remind me of this little bit from a Dave Chappelle stand up act re: falling asleep around a bunch guys...
  2. ha! I was literally just talking to Kinger about his trip out with you. He was just showing me the pics. Beauty fish...
  3. Amen! I avoid any and all pre-auth payment structures at all times. otherwise, if a dispute arises, they've already got your money and your time and energy is spent on trying to get it back. No thanks. Good luck with your situation.
  4. Easily the 'weirdest' experience I've had... Me and my buddies were fishing Beaver Lake in Kearny, ON. Slowly making our way down the river, casting to shore we spot a deer pop out from behind one of the cottages. Wasn't spooked by us - so we stopped fishing for a few mins to take some pics and enjoy the moment, then continued to move on. She followed us along the shore as we made our way down the river, and after just a few mins of this, she jumped from a dock into the shallow water close to where we were casting. We thought this behaviour was a little strange, and we reeled in lines in case she decided to go for one of the lures. She then proceed to swim out to the boat, circled us, and actually attempted to get in...she was hoofing the side of the boat trying to get her front legs over the edge. We couldn't believe it - and kept snapping away with the disposable camera we had on board (before any of us had digital). Used the trolling motor to get clear of her, then started up the main and decided to move out and fish another area. Well she swam after us, her head and ears poking out of the water, and then finally made her way to shore where she kept on our heels. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. Came across some cottagers on shore and told them about it - they knew of 'her' as apparently some of the cottage owners would regularly feed deer making them super friendly. She actually became a bit of a nuisance and we had to boot off to a whole other section of the lake to enjoy some fishing. Doubt that'll ever happen to one of us again....
  5. Let's go FISH!!!
  6. my god i love garlic! good stuff. i've got a whole lot of basil that would go well with that... if you're not concerned about keeping the garlic clove whole, getting the skin off is as easy as giving them a quick smash with the side of your knife - skin should pop right off.
  7. My little 25hp outboard doesn't have a kill switch. In light of this event/thread, I'm thinking again that I should seriously look into installing one, if possible. Before I hit up the search engines, does anyone know of a method or means by which I can do this? Are there kill-switch kits that I can purchase and wire in?
  8. had a small'ish muskie do the same one morning at Scugog. It was a foggy morning, but there was no mistaking it as a muskie - he swam by the boat, maybe 10 feet out, head out of the water just swimmin along. My first thought was that he was suffering from some sort of disease. I've never seen it happen since...
  9. nice. i bought the GoPro HD recently, and i love it. so far it's only been used to make vids of trail riding on the dirt bikes, but I can't wait to get it out on the water...
  10. used to be that they would at least donate the money to charity (or at least say they would) the air pumps at PCanada cost $1, but sticker also says you can ask for complimentary air from the attendant - which is what I always do without any problems.
  11. You'd be surprised at how common this is. Many websites that allow you to upload photos utilizes language that essentially gives them full rights and ownership of that material. Most people just dont pay attention to the Terms and Conditions. For example, this was taken from the Terms & Conditions of a well-known photo processing company/site... In order for us to transmit your photos to "X" Photo Corporation and / or "X" Photo Corporation for fulfillment, we need the right to make use of all content on the service (in accordance with and subject to the following) You grant to the Web Site and its service providers and licensees a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, unrestricted, world-wide right and license to access, use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, perform, communicate to the public, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and otherwise use such Materials (in whole or in part) in connection with the Service, using any form, media or technology now known or later developed, without providing compensation to you or any other person, without any liability to you or any other person, and free from any obligation of confidence or other duties on the part of the Web Site or its service providers solely for the purpose of providing the service; As was explained to me once, this language is required to allow them to take the material you've uploaded and actually complete the service that you've requested - i.e. make prints. However, as you can see, the language is quite liberal. While the likelyhood is slim to none that they'd act on these rights and simply sell your photo to a 3rd party, if it were to happen, it doesn't sound like anyone would have much recourse. Obviously this doesn't include people who just skim through sites copying pictures at will. Best bet if you're going to upload photos - keep them small and at low resolution (i.e. 72 ppi)
  12. found this on the weathernetwork. there are a few videos of what is clearly a tornado. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/your_weat.../ontario/upload torandoes fascinate me like no other weather system...too bad they can't just happen in the middle of open fields away from homes and people sad news
  13. head out from the provincial park and focus on the weedbeds...there's plenty of them...
  14. condolences! i've got a 2000 CRV with 240km and she's still running great. Definitely one of the best vehicles we've owned. And just last year we leased a new '08 Kia Sedona. I dont drive it everyday as its the wife's vehicle, but i've been pretty impressed with it so far. tows well. hardly even notice the boat behind it - lots of power and a pretty good ride. i'll be in the same boat as i think we'll be letting the CRV go before the winter. it'll suck to take on another car payment, but at the same time this market is full of deals right now...
  15. TONY...lol...that's the funniest thing i've heard all day
  16. nice - thanks for all the info guys. Flapn, myself and the rest of the gang are heading up tonight, and everyone is looking forward to it. We always try to temper expectations in case the weather acts up or the fish are off the bite, but its hard not to get excited about the first fishing trip of the year. We normally do very well at the 'other' resort, but i'm sure this one won't disappoint. 3 boats, 3 'teams' with some friendly wagering. should be goodtimes!
  17. it can totally be a tough decision, and an exciting one too all i can tell you is that i've not had any problems with my sylvan good luck
  18. thanks mistaredone...great links!
  19. Hi all, Every summer we rent a cottage on Balsam lake owned by my wife's co-worker for a week in July. Nice place with all the amenities, and close to a little honey hole i've discovered that's done well for us over the last few years. Great lake for my little 14'. Want to consider changing it up this year - try a new area, new lake, etc... Am willing to drive anywhere from 1.5 - 3 hours in any direction. Anyone here have a cottage available for rent in July, on a 'good' fishing lake? Or can you suggest a good resource to use to find one? d
  20. ferry lake?
  21. ouch...glad it worked out ok for kitty so, um, exactly what street will you be throwing those St. Croixs on?
  22. I think it's more about the rising demand in countries like India and China, where more and more cars are hitting the roads everyday. Not too long ago, Tata Motors announced plans to launch a car in India priced as low as $2,000 - which is expected to result in the addition of hundreds of thousands of cars to the country - every single one of them will need gas to run. China has been stockpiling oil to avoid shortages during the olympics. And, these countries are still in the relatively early stages of rapid development. As their economies continue to grow, more and more of the population will gain access to cars. Add to that the need to fuel industries, public services, and on and on... The estimated combined population of India and China is 2,454,297,888 - that's a whole lot of demand!!! crazy stuff, but the development of these countries have and will continue to have major impact on a global scale sigh...i wish i was fishing...
  23. amen i've learned more things from these guys than most other shows
  24. Momma nature is pretty cool. My buddy FLAPN has a good story about a Hawk (or Falcon) that regularly terrorized Blue Jays up at his trailer, and was finally driven away by a "gang" of Blue Jays that obviously had enough of that...
  25. should be a "settings" link under the logo...make the change there
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