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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Yea, we just happened to skip over all the problems that have plagued us for years to focus on one that perhaps isnt even a problem. Makes no sense to me douG. What do you honestly think is going to kill more people in the next hundred years (not that thats all bad) global warming, or starvation? Global warming or wars run by greedy sociopaths and/or fundamentalist religious zealots? I think we have more immediate concerns.
  2. Yea, I have always been skeptical of this great horror called "human driven global climate change". Why are we as a nation (and globally) placing so much emphasis and spending so much money on something that is only a theory while people still starve, waterways are still used as dumping grounds, stupid wars are being fought for the benefit of a select few. I guess its a good distraction to keep our minds off the immediate problems facing us, and as a bonus, it provides liberal media darlings like Al Gore and David Suzuki with outlets for their psuedo science. Thanks for the link Chris. Indisputable indeed.
  3. Yea, I'm kinda with you on this Joe, I'm not sold on them either. Mike, if you go that route, make sure the water going through it is iron free and soft as well.
  4. Hey ya old phart!! Hope you had a great day and were pampered accordingly.
  5. Yea, I put my own # in too. Oh well, looks like I'm having fun anyway......
  6. Hmmmm, I see, but I dont understand how my avatar was inappropriate, yet this is ok? I mean its funny and all, but can you say double standard? BTW, looking forward to Lakair, cabin booked and paid for already.
  7. No, my last three tests were exactly the same, spaced out over 30 years. Guess beer doesnt make you dummer.
  8. ....doesnt it though? Nungesser Lake- 8 weeks and counting down! Great stuff Whopper, thanks. Wayne....
  9. Yea, I guess you're OK for a Johnny Reb.... GCD's theme song
  10. Man I hope that girl eats the fish, she could use the nourishment!
  11. They always stop and ask if you've caught anything, and are simply flabbergasted by a cooler of Croaker and (my) Striped Mullet... Only in the land of cotton... Hey Wayne, nice pic man!
  12. Good stuff Tom!! Looked like a gorgeous day.
  13. They should be a concern, at least enough to carry some bear bangers and pepper spray. It's the high density of bears which leads to stiff competition which make an ideal environment for producing the worst type of bear, the predatory male. I was fishing the area (not the park) and was charged by a male who had a tag in each ear. Lots of encounters in the area, dont kid yourself, its better to be educated and prepared.
  14. Another Academy contender. Good stuff Bunk!
  15. Cool link, thanks. Welcome aboard Guidedog.
  16. I'm saddened by your loss vance. I imagine the fishing is fantastic where he is now. My deepest condolances to you and your family in this difficult time.
  17. Wow, awesome report!! Those are some nice fish, great to see the little specks too. Thanks.
  18. Thats because you eat so many catfish Glen!
  19. Good stuff bunk! Looks like you had a hoot.
  20. I have fished Missinaibi Lake in that area before. It is a beautiful area with lots of wildlife to see due to the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve. We have done well there in June when the weather has been warmer for pike, walleye and lake trout. There is a pretty good campground there and boat launch as it is a functioning Provincial Park ( or was last I heard) with really nice docks. Lots of bears. Lots. There are some really nice back country camping sites with toilets. It is a beautiful lake. Did I mention the bears?
  21. Well you see Roger, Ron wouldnt listen to Wayne or I.... so its not THAT hard to believe!
  22. Nice looking fish! Congrats on your PB.
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