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Everything posted by Dano

  1. yea, its a dead match for sure. Terry? Would you honour us by doing some of your photo magic? It just begs to be done, no?
  2. Now now Roy, this isnt about you.....
  3. Hey, that guy looks like a good egg, can he catch fish?
  4. Lookin' forward to the pics man!!!
  5. Thanks for the news. Gary? Get well soon now, ya hear!!! (or if you are actually getting those sponge baths, fake not getting well till you tire of it ) Seriously, all the best and hope to see you at Lakair!
  6. I dont believe snopes either. Clearly its Steve French looking for a little chronic.
  7. Dano

    My place

    That sure looks beautiful Eddy! Enjoy it!
  8. looks fishy to me I say its bunk
  9. Ontario Out of Doors is good, as is Outdoor Canada. In Fisherman is indeed a good one too, strictly fishing, multi species, so if you arent a hunter, you dont sacrifice content. I also get Esox Angler, but to be honest havent gleaned much from it yet, perhaps because I am the supreme angler and already know everything ........JK I am a pike guy, and have never fished for musky (yet) or read about them, so I guess thats not a fair perspective..
  10. Isnt 100 yds. the smallest spool you can get? Why not use it all? I dont think you'll have to worry too much about casting it out too far, could you cast the length of a football field?, besides, why would you?, you should have mono backing on behind it anyway. Hope this helps.
  11. Doogles??? I think Im gonna puke.... Happy B-day douG!! All the best!!!
  12. Good stuff, thnks for sharing that. Kudos to you for helping out, its a lot of fun doing stuff like that.
  13. The only way I'd fly into that crazy ass country is in an F18 or a Blackhawk helicopter bristlng with armaments.
  14. Great stuff MTP! Thanks for the pics, I bet there are a lot of man hours that go into one of those boats. Kudos to those who buy them and keep the tradition going!
  15. No, but that wasnt my boat or my usual way to fish Wayne, and I'm not usually fishing in 100km winds and 4 foot waves.
  16. Havent really found a need for one yet. My boat is low enough to the water for me to unhook and revive (if necessary) by hand. No problem man.
  17. Hey man, nice fish! Thanks for thr report.
  18. Been using PP for years, havent found anything I like better yet...
  19. Dano

    Hi All

    Welcome aboard! We can forgive the knowing MTP thing....we're good that way and like tjsa said, wont hold that against you.
  20. Probably more of a walleye lake than a pike lake. I was talking to the CO's up there a couple years back and she told me there was no "official" access to the lake and it is up to their discretion what they might do to you should you motor over land your not supposed to, it is in a Provincial park. Why not just fish big Missinaibi instead? More choice with lakers, bass (supposedly), as well as big pike and walleye in too, maybe not large numbers of them, but enough to keep it interesting.
  21. Best wishes on your birthday Monique!
  22. Awesome.....just awesome.....that lake is magic, eh?
  23. Yea, thats a solid little reel for sure. Great pike casting reel, also as mentioned use it to troll for pike, lakers or walleye. I see nothing wrong with braided line on this reel at all. I've even seen guys using them to ice fish lake trout. I prefer the traditional or round type, but then my hands are large and I like to have something to hold on to, the larger reel just feels more comfortable to me.
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