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Everything posted by Dano

  1. DanC, that is some funny stuff!!! Keith may be joining me at Anglers Kingdom this spring. Wayne, just when I was putting it all behind me.....
  2. Way to go Emil! Looks like a lot of fun, thats quite a hike through that slush, you sure are dedicated.
  3. To be honest, I wish I was still there! Nice pics Wayne.
  4. Thats good stuff. Kudos to all involved.
  5. Dano

    Humor (NF)

    LOL, Ron that one busted my gut....good stuff!
  6. Left my place at midnight on Thursday to drive up and meet Wayne at his place. After some transfering of loads and some wrenching on a trailer hitch we hooked my trailer up to his truck and headed north to meet up with Ron and his friends in North Bay at the Hortons. After some coffee, tea and a big gulp of sour milk, we were off to Temagami. Once in town, we stopped at the local tackle store to get the latest scoop on the fishing and ice conditions. I bought a book on the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve, which has some pretty interesting history on the area as well as Missinaibi. We drove onto the ice and made our way to Waynes cottage (nice spot bud!) He never did mention the near vertical climb form the water to the cottage, I dubbed it the "new" Chilcoot trail. After we got all the gear in and unpacking, it was time to go fish! Wait, no we had to make some lunch, at least Ron did..... for all of us! He's gonna make someone a fine wife some day, at least it takes the heat off you, huh Emil? Thanks just the same Ron, those wraps were great, the soup topped it all off. We were soon on our way, out on the big lake. Its not easy taking a picture while youre driving a snowmobile! Gentlemen....start your jigging!!! Here is Wayne with one of his fish, I think this is the one that will be in his belly tonight... Here is Ron and Keith working a couple of holes. Here is an end of the day shot, beautiful sky up there... We had a fish fry courtesy of Ron and some nice Simcoe perch fillets. Here he is giving me the gears about how a plumber would cook the fish... Here is the meal Wayne and I had on Sunday night, we needed two plates those T-bones were so big!!! Here is another nice laker caught on Sunday. My lakers were all caught in about 30' of water on white Exude tube jigs with a Bad Boyz type jig inserted into it. Missed a few fish but it was a great time all around. Wayne, you are a very gracious host and I would like to thank you again for an awesome long weekend. Ron, it was nice to meet you and your crew, great bunch and I look forward to doing it again!
  7. yup, you gotta fill both. God I hate those things.
  8. Way to go Emil!!! A well earned day is always nice.
  9. Yea, wouldnt that be the life eh? The very best of everything, boats, destinations, equipment. Buy up a few places around the world and visit your resorts as the seasons opened in a never ending circle around the globe.. wow........
  10. Looks good TG! Does that mean I'll be seeing you this spring? We (my Dad and I) will be at Kevins for the walleye opener. Wayne, its not too late to join us you know! (or anyone else who wants to for that matter)
  11. Cool pics guys. Ice can be created in some real interesting forms. Thanks.
  12. LOL Joe!!! Man, she is beautiful. Brought back memories of mine, Holly. Wonderful dogs, thanks Dan.
  13. You got that right mister, God forbid it delays the box lunch.
  14. I say bring it on, we are after all, in Canada.
  15. Thats a beautiful part of the province, thats for sure. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
  16. Not a problem Wayne, lets hope we have lots to report!
  17. Long time no see, but I'm back with a vengance, and on high speed for the first time in my life!!!! Man, what a difference from the old dial up, wow, you folks are really in trouble now. A big thank you to those who kept in touch with me during my absence. Hey, Mr. De La Cruz!!! nice pic on page 41 of the Outdoor Canada Fishing Special, and on their 35th anniversary to boot. How nice is that? Please try to remember us little people..... Maureen, I dont know if I'll be able to come to next weekend, could you send me a pm with your mailing address so I can send a donation to your worthy cause. Been out on the new (to me) sled a bit, thats a lot of fun, and I'm even legal!! Insurance, trail pass, valid tags.....man, I must be getting old. So I guess I need to go do some fishing Anybody ever hear from KyleM? How much drama did I miss? See ya
  18. Its is just a quick way to keep anglers happy and the tourist money rolling in with no forethought as to the impact of these introduced species on the eco system as a whole. Its a much cheaper and dirtier way to keep mouths shut rather than addressing the real issues of pollution and habitat loss. I vote for no fishery if this is what it takes.
  19. No thanks Wayne, I'm just goofing around with ya. I have someone in mind anyway, just didnt want her to be the only female there.
  20. Now Wayne, shouldnt that be their decision? LOL
  21. Yet another reason to stop breeding and introducing these government sanctioned invasive species. Thanks for the link nauti.
  22. Ive got my cabin booked too, but I might not leave it cause it looks like such a sausage fest. Anyone bringing a female companion?
  23. Of course we will, at least thats where the smart money is. I can just hear the laments now " Oh, there used to be millions of them here, a never ending supply, I dont know what happened!!" Blaming everything but ourselves.
  24. Thanks for the update Clampet, really appreciated. Always nice to have some first person information.
  25. Nah, its not a polar bear dip in my eyes if you arent going through the ice. It just doesnt seem right so I'll pass this year. Done plenty in the past though.
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