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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Real men don't wash their hands after filleting fish...
  2. Its just the deer paying back the dog for all the times .....People let their Dogs run a deer to death !!! idiots !!!!!
  3. I thought Candid Camera went off the air a long time ago..
  4. I'm going to get an Osprey to catch a couple of bass for me...
  5. Again ...no pics ....no Cougars....
  6. No pics........ Just another fishing story.......
  7. One of these days i'm gonna '' Lip '' one of those things...
  8. Its old news.... The Video was staged... BTW ... Still won't make me wear a Life Jacket..
  9. Sounds like an open circuit in the seatbelt wiring / doorlock system...
  10. High Fives to all parties involved.........
  11. If there's a Marsh nearby ........Blue Heron Those Damn things should be SOS = Shot on Sight
  12. Thats because he's not a Real fisherman and she's not a Real wife....
  13. Last night... On the way back from Fishing..
  14. Muskie opener this Saturday on the Rideau,,,5:00 am.. while the Wives and Kids are still sleeping..
  15. Tip of the day right here ... REMEMBER TO FILL THE TANK BEFORE TURNING THE '' POWER '' BACK ON ...if not bye bye new element..
  16. Awesome day spent on the Banks of the St Lawrence River... At one point I did have a '' FREIGHT TRAIN '' on the end of my line , But it headed for the current and the 50lb test cut off on a sharp rock... Thanks for the Great Day .......RJ
  17. Let me guess .....your a Firefighter
  18. I guess when your delusional...ya'll come up any kind of a bizzare name for a rotten otter
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