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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Hooked into my wifes foot with a RED Devil when she was 9 months Pregnant .............That will teach her to go Barefoot while out in the boat while i'm trying to fish..
  2. Looks likes a solid fish 5 lbs 10 ozs
  3. I've had one for three years now ....must be over 100,000 km's on it Still going strong Btw ... It goes on sale for $ 79.99 at times
  4. Lay the two broken pieces side by side grab them firmly and snap them into four pieces ...lop in garbage can .
  5. Not likely... Sounds to me like you go '' Looking '' for trouble
  6. Only ignoramus idiot fishermen would fish a dock when kids or adults are out having fun PERIOD .
  7. Probably didn't know what you said to them
  8. I hear ya.... A friend and I were out yesterday and experienced one of the Worst days of Bass fishing ever
  9. I'm sure theres a couple of Ottawa River '' GUIDES '' who will take you out for the day for a certian Fee
  10. Remove from rod ..throw in Garbage
  11. Whats kind of Ironic is he caught a FIVE POUND SIX OUNCE Largemouth last week ..and didn't post it on this Thread .
  12. Check out any one of the Pros website ....they all hold them out far from their bodies also
  13. Just simply remove all line from spool ...lop in garbage...respool with 20 lb test to be on the safe side . And also throw the leftover line in the garbage..
  14. Here Here ........ Lets tell it the way it is.
  15. Man ... Quebec does have some sweet Bass Lakes...
  16. Some serious looking Baby Hippos right there.....
  17. If that fish is 51 Lbs ..then all the Bass I catch are 10lbers...
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