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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Just got back from fishing the East side of the BAY ..... Can you say '' Brutal '' and real '' Nasty '' WIND ......
  2. No need to make your point over and over again...
  3. Here Here .... Curado.........Citica...............
  4. Looks like you guys were fishing McLaurin Bay.... Wait until you hook into some of those Whities... Nice going Mike....
  5. Hey nice going Jacques .... Last night I was thinking about the three of us hitting that lake early this morning , then heading a little further north for some whities ...Several hours later I woke up on the couch ..hockey game was long over.. Remember were heading to the Bay of Quinte soon....
  6. 27 posts... And you have the nerve to dictate what goes and what doesn't go...
  7. Sorry for not showing up , I was distracted by this Snowy owl .
  8. Also back in the days when we needed some energy = glass of milk and 1/2 bag of chocolate chip cookies ....Now = redbull ...
  9. One or two miles to the gallon... Most of them use two gallons to the Mile.....
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