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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Hmmmmmm............. I know of a couple Lakes similar to that one........ Buddy and I will be trying out one for the First time this weekend..... Some Serious fish right there...
  2. The Bylaw should be apply to the Rural Residents ..........Some of them are the ones with several SCRAP vehicles scattered through out their property.....along with a couple of old washers and dryers to boot
  3. Awesome event to say the least Lungelarry... Mark Currie David Chong SmallieFisher Exaggerated Extended Arm Pose And What is up with this WHITE squirrel..
  4. I had a Doe and two fawns commit suicide right in front of me a couple of years ago . Here i am Barreling down a country road at a speed of 140 km's and the Sun of rabid dogs jumped right in front of my car......Ba Ba Bang ....
  5. After a day of boozing it up on the job ..These hillbilly's go home and pass out on the floor , Probably haven't even got the will power or energy to put the garbage out..
  6. Nice come back right there. Anyway Bass Boats Rule...its just the way it is
  7. Illegal me arse... Should have shot his front tire out......
  8. Imagine an Osprey sinking it's claws in one of your arms instead of this branch...
  9. Whoa... Some serious Quebec Hawgs right there..
  10. I think there's places you can join to control your anger....
  11. By far the report of the year , right here , right now.......
  12. Was it an Otter ...beaver...racoon...?????? Or all a Hoax Anyone know
  13. Those little critters have rights to you know...
  14. Right on Chevy.. Nice way to enter the Muskie Club...
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