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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Cool report if I don't say so myself..
  2. At least you got out fishing Jacques......catching a fish is always a Bonus........I'm stuck at home looking at birds flying around.....
  3. Phenomenal Report as always... Memo to the Moose... Could you lop on a Bass report of that nature...i'd like to see what a real Monster Bass looks like...
  4. Might pick one of those up just to have as a spare...
  5. Might want to try 5'' gulp sinking minnow wacky rigged ..Watermelon or green party mix...cast out...near drop offs and shoals.... let fall...hang on tight...
  6. Now that the Habs lost the game.....I'm going to sleep like a Baby tonight...
  7. That is one Gorgeous Boat right there Steve... I noticed it has Four seats..one for Leechman/ one for 24/7/ one for Whitespinnerbait/ and one for you of course..
  8. How many hours/ days would it take to catch THREE HUNDRED SUNFISH....
  9. Unless Bigfoot plans on stopping at Tim Hortin' any time soon...you'll never see one
  10. Well I was suppose to go out for a Softwater White outing yesterday but the wind had other plans for me... So took a little drive to Lake Ontario instead , came upon an Island where I got off a took some wildlife pics... And now for the piece of Tail...
  11. I'll be throwing on some Free Muskie Lures soon ....Wonder if your Dad will take a stab at them
  12. Hey Trevor.. Let me know if you go with an Interstate Battery.....I can get you a Serious Discount on one...
  13. Honda civic...Awesome car ..Wife has a 2007 ..75 k's on it no issues at all Mazda has a Phenomenal Reputation ....Serious Workmanship and Quality...
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