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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. He was obviously bribed by the US of A to throw the game!!!!
  2. I'll see your: Ahhhhhhh...... ahhhhhhh......... pull hair... spit ... ahhhhggggg!!!! And raise you a:
  3. Wait until next month when Canadian Tire has their end of season ice fishing sale and pick up one of their 2hp 8" Jiffy's at 1/2 price.
  4. Better to go in with a dollar amount and have a little flexibility and don't be afraid to walk out the door if they refuse to budge. I remember my first new vehicle negotiation in '89 for a brand new Ford Bronco. I spent quite a lot of time in the dealership negotiating only to turn and walk out because they refused to come down that last $1000. I walked into another dealership told them what I was willing to pay, what the other dealership was willing to sell for, 15 minutes later we were signing the papers at my price. It was hard work but I ended up talking them down $5K off the original price. Asking for prices by email is not really the way to go. Get on the phone and talk to them, it gives them more incentive than dealing with an email that could be from some tire kicker wasting their time. Better yet walk in the front door and talk, then you'll really get their attention. Good Luck
  5. Oh yeah!!!! He was walking up to do an interview with CTV guzzling from a pitcher!!!! And downed some more during the interview. I would like to be at the party!!!!!!
  6. Canada wins Gold in the Men's Skeleton!!!! What a race!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
  7. As in a Hollywood type movie directed by a French director. It is a very good movie though. I still want to go kick the trappers !!!!!
  8. By far the most accurate scales are made by Chatillion. When we're fishing for record fish up at the lodge a 100# IGFA certified Chatillion scale goes in the boat. They ain't cheap, but you get what you pay for. My everyday scale is a Berkley Digital. Chatillion Fish & Game Scales
  9. I see they were around while I was at work. My Honda is parked out on the side street. Thank god it was nice and clean and shiny!!!!!!
  10. In the words of the immortal Detective Frank Drebbin of Police Squad. Nice Beaver!!!!!
  11. CTV was just talking about the lady X country skier that crashed off the embankment during practice. She went on to win the bronze in her 10K race the next day. With 4 broken ribs and a punctured lung!!!!! That takes grit and determination!!!!!!
  12. WOOHOO What a game!!!! Them Swiss sure payed a tough game. Sidney Crosby for PM!!!!!!
  13. Here's another great resource for you. IBOAT's Resto Forum FYI, if I was doing the resto on this boat I would strip it and do a complete job. When I look at the condition of this boat I would swear it had been sunk. I would spend the time and do it properly. Remember to take lots of pictures as you're stripping it so you know what goes where when you go to reassemble it. Also label all the parts you take off, again to make it easier when you go to put it all back together. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to bring it back to it's former glory, but at least it will keep you out of trouble!!!
  14. Well, that's your own fault then!!! Sorry about your luck!!!!
  15. You should have left you computer on up here and configured your firewall to allow RDP (remote desktop protocol). Then you could remote into your Canadian computer and watched the Olympics that way.
  16. Milk crates work great too!!!! No need to worry about draining either.
  17. Yep: Streaming Olympic coverage Click on one of the viewers guide- watch online links on the right. As John says I don't know if it will be available south of the border though. I'm streaming it here at the college through our student information system. It's a bunch of 26" flatscreen LCD's placed all over the college. I figure it's the olympics so the students don't need to know squat!!!!
  18. I got up bright and early and watched some olympic coverage before heading off to work at 8:15 AM. We don't have family day in the NWT. We do however have aboriginal day on June 21st. I think I would rather have the longest day of the year off, don't you? We also get a half day off in March for the Caribou Winter Carnival.
  19. How about a Honda powered one? mokai.com
  20. Nope, just to a glass like finish.
  21. Alex Bilodeau won GOLD in the mens moguls tonight!!!!!!
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