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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I use a home built chum can that I can drop to the bottom and dump out my chum. I have used salties, oatmeal and cooked rice for chumming with good results. When I used to live in Ontario we would fill the can with chinook eggs when fishing Owen Sound bay for whities. Sweet!!!! Had some awesome days. Here's some info you might find usefull. Build a Chum Can Chumming the ice part 1 Chumming the ice part 2
  2. That would freak you out the first time it happened. Lying there sucking down a rum cooler ladeedadeeda WHAT THE HECK!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!
  3. I have already ordered the hyfax kit and the travel cover for it. I'm working on building a hitch for it as well. I won't be doing a lot of hand tugging as most of our lakes aren't road accessible. Besides it's way easier dragging it behind this.
  4. According to Frabils website it weighs in at 71 pounds. It's fairly light and would probably be easy to pull by hand (at least when there is little snow).
  5. Should be no problem as long as it fits. I have a total of 8 batteries for my electronics and they're all the same size.
  6. From the quick look I had inside the open box, it has the same seats as yours.
  7. I'll let you know when I open the box tonight. I looked in the box that he had open in the warehouse and it looked like the fold up clamp on ones that are supposed to come with it. Here's some pictures that were taken for me by one of the ice shanty guy's who went to the Minneapolis Ice Show.
  8. Not worried about a missing screw or two. I have tons of hardware that is probably better than what is supplied anyway.
  9. So here's the story. Last March during the ice fishing sale at my local Canadian Tire here in Yellowknife I went in to get a Frabil Trekker II flip over ice shanty that they had on sale for $209 which was 1/2 price. I get there and the inventory says there's one in stock. Great!!!! So the fellow goes to look for it, about 15 minutes go by and he comes back saying that he is unable to locate it. He asks if I can come back tomorrow when so and so is on duty. Sure, bo problem I say. I come back and talk to so and so and he goes off in search of the elusive ice shanty. After anothe sort wait he comes back and tells me he can't find it either and that it must be a mistake on the inventory. I ask him if they will be getting any more in and he said he didn't know. He said I could get a Rain Check and that because of where we live that they have an indefinate life span, not the usual 30 days like back in civilization. So I go off rain check in hand and resolve to check in monthly to see wether they are in or not. Well until October their inventory still had one in stock. Some smart manager finally adjusted the inventory after about 6 visits by me. I asked when they would be receiving inventory and was told that they would be in in November. Several more visits later and being told, they are on order, they are not on order, I can special order..................I'm starting to get a little ticked. One manager told me they wouldn't honour the rain check. Well I go into the store today and have one of the managers check the stock and THEY ARE IN!!!!!!!! He calls the sporting goods manager to look after me and he takes me into the warehouse to look at one he opened this morning to make sure it's correct......................IT IS!!!!!! He loads it up on a dolly and rolls it to the front desk where the first manager is I hand him the rain check he rings up the price $209 and sporting goods manager helps me load it in the truck!!!!!!!! It took 9 months (coulda had a baby in that time) but I finally got my shelter and at the advertised price from last March. So for all those that have had bad experiences with CTC here's one that ends with a very happy customer. After work it will be assembly time in the kitchen.
  10. He got his hut out on it's maiden voyage this weekend and all went fine except for an issue with his quad having a flat.
  11. I'm old I guess 'cause I lose my nerve at about 130 kmh.
  12. SWEET!!!!!! But you do realize that God invented the snowmobile for such trips, right?
  13. Darts!!!!! I have several lakes I fish regularly amd I try a few new ones every winter.
  14. I'm glad the weather warmed up for you. How much ice did you have? The best way to avoid losing your rod down the hole when fishing pike is to use a tipup!!!! And if you're jigging with the other line you're holding onto it anyway. If all goes according to the weather man I will finally get out next weekend.
  15. I got mine at Home Hardware. 5# Propane Tank
  16. Nice Bread!!! Whats Pr0n?? ?? ??
  17. I was supposed to finally get out this weekend, until we ended up having a blizzard that started late Friday and lasted most of Saturday. So there went Saturday's fishing, Today was spent digging out. Too cold to go fishing today now that the cold front moved through. Froze my butt off out in the yard running the snowblower for almost 2 hours in -40 windchills!!! YEAAAAY!!! Next week is looking good so far though.
  18. Or you could just stay single and do whatever you want. I know for a fact there would be no way I would be able to spend a month chasing trout in Alaska every year if I was hitched up. Unless I could find that one in a million girl that would want to come and live in a tent for a month and chase fish, drink, enjoy life.......... I would never give up my outdoor fun for any woman, ever. It's the only thing keeping me sane!!!!!!!
  19. Nice I would kill for -18 and no wind. It's currently -36 with the wind here. Help!!! I fallen and I can't get up!!!!
  20. Here's info from our Canadian Government that will hopefully help you out. Overcoming Criminal Inadmissability FAQ's
  21. I run synthetic oils in all my motors 2 stroke or 4. I will never use Dino oils again, except during break in.
  22. Baffin Island is nice this time of year.
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