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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. OK Rick, I did absolutely nothing, nada, zip, bupkiss and the site works fine now. No more triple clicking to get back and no more expired web page warnings. At least for a few minutes!!! Still getting the web page warnings.
  2. Simple, he lives in an old trailer down by the rendering plant and is the offspring of kin marrying!!!
  3. Norton, what's that?? ?? ?? The only reson I was thinking it was an issue on your end was that nothing has changed on mine since before the update. It's good to hear others are having the same problem as me though. We can co-miserate together!!! I am thinking it is probably a cookie issue. I will delete the OFC cookie and reconnect and hopefully that will fix the issue. Rick If you want to fix up my computer come on over, and don't forget your fishing rod.
  4. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.......................I thought Mariko Isumi was going to be in town in her teeney bikini!!!! For some reason hookin' up with GBW just doesn't have the same appeal!!!
  5. I believe the fishermans worst enemy is: WIND!!!!
  6. It's in your configuration. I see there have been changes since yesterday as the 'expired web page' warning is now gone but I have to triple click to get back to the last page I was on.
  7. Me thinks they're busticated
  8. Yep, that's what happens when you fill your freezer with out of season walleye and poached moose, they come to your door with a search warrant!!!!!
  9. Was watching kayak fishing on WFN this evening and saw some pretty extreme fishing. During fishing this movie one of the group of 3 kayakers hooks up on about a 250# blue marlin and while the other 2 are trying to catch up one hooks up on a striped marlin. By the time they land the smaller marlin the first guy is a speck on the horizon and they have to chase him down in the camera boat. After an epic 5 hour battle buddy ends up breaking off!!! Here's the movies site: Movie site w trailer And a good review with pics: Review
  10. I did it 5 years ago. Got the heck out of Southern Ontario and moved to the North West Territories!! Why? Well the fishing was a big part of it and the fact that it's not Ontario was just as big a part. I grew tired of all the driving the roads the ever increasing number of rude people and the politicians in Ontario are ruining the province. My original plans for my retirement down the road had me moving to Smithers BC but after vacationing with my buddy Terry from Prince George and talking about living in BC, I found out it is just Ontario West and am rethinkng my retirement plans. The Yukon is looking pretty good. Great laker fishing plus rainbows, char, pike, salmon, grayling...... plus a fairly short trip for BC steelies and salmon and a days drive to South Central Alaska for some more awesome fishing.
  11. Oh yeah, OOPs, I forgot they finally made a waterproof job. Actually my post was just a shameless ploy to get more hits on my video so that I may win Trophy Clips spring video contest.
  12. Yep, they are great cameras for sure Bill, but drop it in the water and it instantly becomes a paper weight. That is unless you spend $200 on a waterproof housing for it. I have just replaced my 7 year old Olympus Stylus 300, with a Stylus SW 1050. While it isn't as crisp as the Canon it is waterproof, shockproof and it takes pretty decent pictures and the cost was very reasonable. The video and stills in this video were shot with it a week or so ago. Olympus Stylus SW 1050 Video
  13. Picked my latest cover up on ebay for under $150 delivered. I keep the boat in a portable garage so the main purpose of the cover is just to keep the dust and dirt off the boat. For custom snap covers check with the guys in the Pt. Credit marina. They can make you a good custom cover way less than $1000.
  14. And that's why they got the nickname Quadra Bog's!!!!
  15. It's fine in Chrome, FireFox and Safari but not in IE8 (my main browser)
  16. I see that the expired web page issue still persists. I have noticed that it seems to only happen when I hit the little green arrow to see the last post and then hit my back button to return to the menu page.
  17. Yeah, it sounds like carb or fuel pump issues. Could be the accelerator pump diaphram, H2O in the fuel, crud in the carb or weak fuel pump. Could also be a plugged filter. If it were me I would replace the filter and do a carb rebuild.
  18. In Spain it's the running of the bulls and in Maine it's the running of the moose!!!!
  19. Pretty amazing this internet thing. Anyone can come on and slag someone for catching a fish without knowing squat other than the species!!!
  20. But don't just walk onto a golf course and start picking because you will likely be attacked by headlamp wearing wormpicking ninjas!!!! Don't ask me how I know!!!!
  21. I used to hit up the baseball fields and the easiest pickin' was walking the base paths. After some rain it's even better.
  22. You're right, they had the aluminum cans sturdier predecessor the tin can.
  23. Keep them away from the sun as the UV rays will make that marker disappear faster than Tide ever could.
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