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Everything posted by Governator

  1. Sometimes when push comes to shove, selling property is the quickest bail out. Over the past year, my personal business has collapsed with my US clients going local causing my guaranteed monthly to vanish. After my wife was in an accident and the car was totaled last month, we've had to seriously consider selling the house under our circumstance. However, I've been very fortunate that a client has come through and wants to hire me on full time next month. There has to be help available, as mentioned above. I just can't imagine this great country not helping its good citizens when things hit the fan.
  2. For some reason I read this as bikini tops on a boat... sigh. Carry on.
  3. If they offered horse burgers at the racetrack, they'd fly off the grill after a night of losing $100. human's ultimate revenge, badum psssh.
  4. EEEEkk... glad I viewed that just BEFORE I opened my lunch.
  5. I did this event a couple years ago and had a great time. My son was diagnosed with ASD last month (He's 4) and while it's much less severe than Tyler's situation, this past year has really opened my eyes. I'm hoping I can be there this year.
  6. Yikes, forget my idea then lol.
  7. For perch fishing and most ice fishing I don't see the need of buying expensive braided line or fluorocarbon for that matter.
  8. Do you have a natural gas line available? That might be a better alternative, no?
  9. #beastmode right there. Well done sir.
  10. Yes I did! I thought Ice was falling off the roof on the deck last night around 4am. Got up and went checked everywhere then thought I was losing my mind until I heard about these this morning lol.
  11. Some people here tend to complain about his advertising methods and videos claiming safe ice and putting unknowers in danger. Personally I think he does an excellent job and I've never had a bad experience with him. I think he works very hard with getting the information out there and if it helps boosts his business good for him.
  12. That was sooo good. Flip to TSN2 for the Finland/Swiss game to decide Canada's quarter final game, it's tied 3-3 in the 3rd period. If Finland gets a point (either a win in regulation or if it goes to OT) Canada plays Switzerland. If Finland loses in regulation, Canada likely plays Finland based on the tie breaker.
  13. That's a cool story! Would be a fun guy to talk to for sure.
  14. I don't know if this counts but I'd probably take a day ice fishing with Gord Pyzer up north over any meet and greet with an A list celebrity. The guy just seems super cool and I'd walk away with a ton of knowledge of something I love but hardly have the time to learn.
  15. Peter from Cooks Bay Fishing Board. Can't really go wrong there. Plus his vids are a good source if you go alone.
  16. Up here in Barrie all is good... Not nearly the ice to report like those south of us. We just have a lot more snow than any of these pics as usual.
  17. I have an Onkyo TX-NR609, granted it might be beyond your needs but it's tight. It's a 7.2 system but if you run the standard 5 channels you can zone the other 2 channels to another room (add a 2 channel system anywhere else in your house from it). It's a couple years old now but powers my home theater nicely (still a work in progress):
  18. I'm definitely not prepared enough in terms of canned food, but I have plenty of firewood for the fireplace and a natural gas bbq with sideburner for cooking. I know where my camping gear is for the coleman lamps and the big ol' maglite is always next to the bed (doubles as my intruder beat down stick too lol). Always have some extra gas in the garage for snowblower or car.
  19. My kid wants to vomit when I say we need wash the germs off your hands.
  20. Either that's a tiny pan or those were some biiig perch.
  21. I don't know... 3/4 of Mastermind is the same stuff as Toys R Us and higher priced. Unless you've been living in a cave, everything for the past 25 years has been branded by Lego, Disney, Marvel, DC, TV Shows, etc. Toy manufacturers are not stupid at all, they know putting an advertisement of Power Rangers action figures on YTV is going to net them huge profits come Christmas time when Tommy wants the Blue Ranger set he saw. Not a boring telescope that he doesn't see on TV.
  22. We always had a great Christmas' growing up. Go to grandparents on my mother's side for full scale Turkey lunch then off to Dad's family for Turkey dinner lol. Every year the house changed on my Dad's side to a different Aunt/Uncle. So every 5th Christmas was the best when it was at our house (not in my Mom's mind hahaha). I now have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. My older son and I were about to watch a Mickey's Christmas movie on the weekend. Before it came on he was asking me if there will be presents in the movie, maybe Santa Claus? I said probably and he goes "I'M SO EXCITED", then he hopped on his little couch with his blanket. Just made me feel all warm on side knowing the best Christmas memories are still to come.
  23. What a great report and massive fish to boot! The pike she landed takes the cake though, wowsers. Looks like a sea monster going back in the water.
  24. I have a defender, cheap wireless one. Video quality is standard def but it can be tricky to get a signal at times. I don't think 100' would be within its range, not to mention they can lose signal. Wired is the way to go if possible.
  25. Those lakes should be better for your rubber boat... until a pike thrashes with a couple of trebles against the side of it.
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