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Everything posted by Governator

  1. Nice report & pics!
  2. So I was fishing off Barrie's shoreline on Sunday for perch, I caught 11 gobies, 2 perch. I ended up fishing the marina side to get some rock bass so I could at least get a lunch out of my time spent. I had more dead gobies in a pile next to my bucket than what was in my bucket. Is there anything MNR can do about this? I know the Smallies eat them up and must be getting fat but don't they do more damage than good like eating up eggs?
  3. I love baked veggies, my problem is since I never plan ahead I often find they take too long because I usually do potatoes/carrots/onions. Got to start planning my meals better lol.
  4. imgur.com - super easy on a desktop, no account required or use the app from your mobile. Literally just go to the site and drag a photo to it and it's there, or multiple images for an album. No ads no fuss.
  5. So I took her out on the notty for a test run. Happy to report she doesn't leak, the battery near the front worked great thanks for the tips. I've never gone on the Nottawasaga before, does it always look like diarrhea? I dropped in off #26, I heard there is some pike in there in the summer months which would be great if true. Worth exploring more? Was thinking further south toward the wetlands.
  6. Thanks man. Hopefully I'll have her on the water Saturday for a test run.
  7. When you run longer cables would jumper cables work? I think Group 31 is would be pretty heavy to lug around.
  8. So what's your guys marine battery recommendation for the trolling motor? They seem to vary so much in cost, Group 27s in the $125 range at Walmart to easily $300+ elsewhere. I sort of think for my canoe set up I don't really need the AGM no maintenance battery unless I'm missing something. I'm assuming just look for the most amp hours I can afford or wish to carry lol?
  9. lol My new card just arrived today, it has a 3 year expiration date and the Sport Fishing 1 Yr Dec. 31st 2017 expiry printed on the back. So I'm throwing the yellow temp paper they gave me out I guess. This should be all I need now right instead of the card & paper like in the past?
  10. More of a worse case scenario I guess. Side-to-side in a wide transom would really suck
  11. FYI I'm getting a 14' Square Stern. I think it's the perfect combination of length for space, paddling ability and easy mount for motor. 44lbs holds 850 sounds nice too.
  12. So many good tips and set ups thanks everyone. Haven't been online much lately but I love this community. My deal for the boat fell through (wasn't buying new) but will get one as soon as possible and report back with my setup. Cheers
  13. Thanks a lot guys, great info here. What about paddling in a squareback? Is that difficult? Probably comparable to the average 12' aluminum? I figured the double pointed would give me the flexibility of fishing the small lakes I hit and still be able to easily paddle compared to a wide transom. Even though it'll mostly be used with a motor I wouldn't mind the occasional short canoe trip to Algonquin or Temagami. Not sure how the wide transom handles for paddling but I've also gotten myself in to many scenarios where the motor broke down, out of gas across a lake (or at a campsite) that we've had to paddle our way back (sometimes in bad weather) which isn't fun but I think should be easier in a pointed canoe especially when if I'm solo.
  14. Hey Guys, been a while. I'm picking up a Sportspal canoe this weekend with the intention of adding a motor to it in the near future (probably 30lb thrust range). Anyway, curious what your side mounts look like (DIY guys?), where you store the battery and is it ok for it be exposed to any water or does it need to be in a box? Thanks
  15. Man I love your videos and you have a way with words. - Another chunky monkey - A slab-a-roonie - Slimerrrr
  16. I use Power Pro for anything other than panfish. Feels super strong and it's easy to tell if the line is frayed. Also, I'm probably the only one who cares about this but I find tying knots with braided line is much easier & faster than mono.
  17. I find trolling rather boring but find it more successful during the day. If I'm going for the morning bite, I prefer drift casting over weed beds.
  18. Whenever we have success on a any lake, that exact location gets named "the spot".
  19. Yikes, scratch Nippising off my radar.
  20. I don't smoke but the result of an e-cig can't be worse than the pictures on the boxes of cigarettes.
  21. TSN only has broadcast rights for regional games for some Canadian teams. Those new TSN channels are just so they can broadcast regionally. In other words if you're in Toronto I don't think you'll be watching the Canadiens on TSN, it'll be blacked out on one of their channels.
  22. They should be more concerned with what they are going to put on their original TSN channel this winter than adding 3 more.
  23. What a pig of a fish. Great catch and nice video!
  24. I spilled coffee walking down my stairs today to work. I had to spend like 2 minutes wiping up that crap. Was almost late for work, almost.
  25. Anything over 1.5hr and I'm setting up camp and disconnecting. It helps living north of the city where fish-able water is within 10min of my driveway.
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