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Everything posted by Governator

  1. awww gross thanks Dutch. I didn't see any that bad or anything but we probably pulled out 50 and they all had these nasty seed like things under their lower jaws and some had the black spots on the belly.
  2. So my buddy and I hit bass lake for the first time near Orillia yesterday. We didn't come across any bass but found ourself a bunch of perch at the south side and decided to just kickback and pull them in cast after cast. Unfortunately we didn't have a camera with us, so I got to describe this best I can. The perch were tiny 4-6" but they looked very odd. They often had black dots on their bellys and had what I can only describe as .. "seeds" all around their lower jaws, underneith. Looked kind of like white seeds in a watermelon. It was absolutely disgusting but was wondering if that's normal during this time of the year (Spawning?). Regardless, I don't want to ever see that again lol.
  3. Can someone let me in on the secret what (NF) means here ? lol... Not-Fishing?
  4. lol!! That is awesome.
  5. I highly prefer a folding matress over an air mattress. It's 10x more comfortable to me as I need firmness or my back kills. Something like this: http://www.furnitureandaccents.com/natwadtrhi.html I own 3 different ones. Actually what Sketty says seems better than what I showed (I don't camp very often).
  6. If I'm going to a new lake or area then I use a local tackle shop as they know what works best on their lake. Otherwise if Crappy Tire or Walmart has what I'm looking for then no need to drive 40min to bass pro shop. EDIT: Being in marketing I think promoting the fact that you know the lake better than others would convince some to come in to the shop where they might not have otherwise.
  7. Live [ 0 ] [0.00%] Artificial [ 11 ] [50.00%] lol
  8. Nothing is worse than a sore throat except perhaps backpain. Lay off the maple leaf deli
  9. By far the best spot from the shore in Barrie. All panfish but loads of action. Sad part is they are building a brand new subdivision off that road and soon it'll have more pressure than it can handle.
  10. Wow.. Very nice congrats!! Amazing pics, I think he makes you look tiny.
  11. LOL.... My buddy's finger looked like a few weeks ago from a little pike. Hence why are we both a little cautious now and thought I better ask for some advice. My wife is going away this weekend so I'm planning on fishing all 3 days as the weather is shaping up nicely. Can't wait!! Might go golfing instead on friday, we'll see... I cherish these freedom weekends lol.
  12. Thank you so much ccmt. Almost all of the pike I've been catching have been under 24" (dozens of them). They have so much energy and thrash sooo much I've been a little afraid to go near their mouth. I think grabbing it behind the gills like that would be totally the best way to handle them. I usually just get some needle nose pliars and have been able to unhook them with just their heads out of the water. Would a glove still help for gripping them to start? They tend to jump so much that it looks like they'd slide right out of my hands. (I mostly worry because we only have a small zodiac boat, a tooth in the side of that thing would send me swimming back to shore lol)
  13. Hey Guys, I'm new to pike fishing and a little intimiated by their jaws. I feel like I need to either gain some confidence and learn how to grip them from their gills or purchase a fishing glove like the Lindy Fish Gloves: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s..._-1_10001_38705 Describing how to hold pike doesn't seem to help much but if I can just see a couple upclose shots I think I would learn quick. Does anyone have any upclose photos I could look at? Cheers Gov
  14. That's a good question... that actually makes sense.
  15. I typed ontario fishing forum in google... she's optimzed well.
  16. Boat Launches - Lake Simcoe Marina, Innisfil - Innisfil Beach Rd, Innisfil - Free boat launch in Barrie - near main beach Lake Simcoe Marina In Innisfil, south east corner. The Marina has boat rentals for Simcoe and the only one around as there is none in Barrie. They have a boat launch there and a Government dock for shore fishing, but beware there's no parking at the Marina if you are using the Gov Dock. There is also space for MAYBE 2 cars to park infront of the dock, otherwise you're getting a parking ticket ($30, got one last month). http://www.lakesimcoemarine.com There's lots of perch off the end of that dock. Innisfil Beach Only been there a couple of times to the dock with little success. You need to go further out in deeper water from that point. The boat launch seemed very active when I was around, so it's likely free. Barrie You can fish all around the shoreline except near beaches or the duck pond. The shoreline near the downtown area has a lot of spots available. The parking lot is behind Hooters I believe it's a $1/hr and there's tons of spots to fish from. You can also fish from a Gov Dock off of Dock Rd. I've been there many times, I'd say the best dock around for active bites. Keep in mind it's basically all panfish; perch, rock bass & sunfish - live bait works best. Little Lake Tiny lake with a lot of pressure on it, you'll see a lot of boats out there on weekends but on a week night it's a great place to hit. Take 400 to duckworth and go west and you run in to the lake. There is 2 campgrounds and both have boat rentals and are usually sold out most weekends. There is also a boat launch at one of the campgrounds, I believe it's $6 to launch. You'll find a ton of hammer-handle pike & bass there. Hope that helps. Cheers, Gov
  17. What are you looking to catch? I live 2min away from Dock Rd. in Barrie and that one is filled with panfish; rock bass, perch & sunfish. Hate to say it, but worm & bobber works best for that spot and probably for most docks. At the barrie dock I suggest the right side of the dock at the very end over the rocks. Those fish are picky most likely from the pressure put on over the years. It's important you mask your scent when hooking on a worm. Rub your fingers in the dirt from the worm canistar first then apply the worm. Most panfish have small mouths and you really only need a chunk of a full worm - less than half. Use the smallest bobber you got, those fish don't have the strength to pull down a big bobber so you'll never catch a thing putting on a 3" red & white. With that basic setup you should be pulling in fish from that dock to the point you can't count. Early in the morning on clear days you'll often see a couple 2lb smallies next to the dock on the left, although they are stubborn and I've never seen one caught there. Hope that helps! Cheers Gov PS I'm new to the board as well, fantastic
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