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Everything posted by Governator

  1. I lived in Aurora my whole life and now settled in Barrie. I don't drive to Toronto everyday and if I had to I certainly wouldn't be living up here. People who live in Barrie to commute to Toronto everyday are crazy - so many hours of life wasted in driving. Also FYI - Anything north of highway 9 is part of the Ontario snow belt (Barrie is smack in the middle of it). It doesn't matter if you work 9-5 or 5-1 you will have terrible drives in the winter if you plan to live here and drive to Toronto everyday. It's one thing to be stuck in traffic for 2hrs+ each way during rush hour, it's another when you feel your life could be at risk when the snow blows over the 400 between hwy 88-89. That stretch is one of the worst drives in Ontario in the winter from whiteouts (Just 1 or 2 winters ago there was a 75+ car pileup there). If you're going to work in Toronto everyday, do yourself a favour and live close.
  2. Beautiful, congrats! That hospital time generates memories for a lifetime. Had my first boy < 2 months ago. He was 6lb 6oz @ 18.5". GL with the sleep
  3. To be honest I'm surprised Wilson hasn't reduced komisarek's playing time or perhaps even bench him for a period. So far he's been the worst on the team imo and yet everyone seems to praise him? He coughs up the puck more than McCabe did and takes more useless penalties than anyone in the league. Just tonight we score to make it 2-1 on the power play and less than 30sec later he takes a massive elbowing penalty to tucker who gets revenge on the scoresheet. Bench his a$$
  4. I know this is off topic, but as I mentioned my dog was throwing up last night. She continued to vomit in to the evening hours and then had blood coming from her butt. This is her 3rd episode of this since 2007 (puking, bleeding, etc.). I took her to emerg vet hospital and they gave me a $1500 estimate for 3 days of hospitilization. She's only 5 years old, she's hypoallergenic, wheres a cone around her head half the time because of her allergies and has had these absolutely terrible episodes of puking and bleeding. She takes a pill everyday, gets hardly no treats and the vet told me last night if I took her home she'd die from dehydration. I'm at a real loss here, I love her so much but I'm so afraid she's having just a miserable life with all of her issues and she's only 5. On top of that I have an 8 week old son who's now my #1 priority and I'm afraid of the decisions I'm going to have to make with her soon. Has anyone had similar experiences with dogs like this?
  5. I think my dog got in to something... she's thrown up 3 times tonight... sigh - gonna be a loooong night.
  6. One of the friends was 20...... who could've just bought the booze...lol.
  7. Are you planning to fish from shore or launch a boat? Saw a couple of boats on the holland river yesterday, not sure what they catchin in there.. I drive past it a lot over bradford, only fished it once for crappie in the spring. Is there much to catch at this time there?
  8. It's because Pike spawn before Muskie, so when the Muskie's come out "NOM NOM NOM"...
  9. What's with Pike going in Musky waters..... blah PS Caught a couple 5lb+ gaters this weekend... good times.
  10. I bought the cheapest green one from CTC (It was like $30-40)..... worst.idea.ever. The thing rips so easily, lasted about 3 outings. Ran in to a guy at a lake who had the same one and his whole butt was sticking out too lol. I'm hoping santa brings me a real one.
  11. Thanks for sharing, some real beauties there and the walleye pics are making me hungry.
  12. That's pretty awesome regardless if you didn't go for tuna - Thanks for sharing. Wonder if any of those shore fisherman use a 1 piece rod lol. "Just a sec, I got to strap my 15' rod to the roof of my car."
  13. I tuned in a couple of minutes before the broadcast began and they didn't show it! From the video online on the facts of fishing site he did an awesome job though. He gunned that in there.
  14. I believe it considering here you can get like what 6 months in jail for killing a seagull...
  15. This story didn't just circulate 2 months after it was caught. It was all over the web and posted here almost immediately after. Lets do some searchin' EDIT: Well I can't find the post here, but here's the article I read from July: http://hamptonroads.com/2009/07/japanese-a...re-world-record
  16. I don't understand where this is coming from to be honest. I don't mean to come across rude with this but at the end of the day this is a fishing board and were all not licensed mechanics. I simply had no idea what a oz sensor is (or whatever it's called) so I didn't reply. You got several good replys there for a pretty complicated question. You mentioned people reply to the guys with 1 post and tell them where to go, well that's simply because most of us can answer a fishing question here and direct them. Just my 2 cents, don't sweat the litttle stuff!
  17. My first is now 17 days old... - things to look forward to haha
  18. I've always felt that tim hortons should consider restricting drive-thrus to only coffee (and maybe donuts/muffins). Any sandwich, combos, etc. should be purchased inside. Whenever I need to buy a sandwich I always go in, I know how frustrating it is for the guy behind me to have to wait the extra 30-45sec for me to get my meal. Not only that the lineup quickly increases.
  19. Wait, there's a law that says you can't be on a road waiting to get in to a parking lot? This isn't the fault of the cop or anyone waiting in line, it's the fault of tim hortons (or country style / whoever) and their responsibility to handle their own traffic imo. They obviously purchased land too small for the drive-thru and should be held responsible.
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