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Everything posted by Governator

  1. As LD said above: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Au...art%2BStraw.jsp
  2. Fact: Leafs got more pts in November than the Habs. If they didn't start off the season with 8 straight losses they would be in the playoff pack at least.
  3. I'm so sick of it, breakfast television played an audio clip or message off the web that Tiger apparently left on some girls machine. Who freakin' cares??? His reputation is extremely important to the world of sports, more kids look up to him than probably any other sports figure to date and the media needs to show him some respect for that. He's not Brittany Spears.
  4. Really doesn't bother me at all, I just wish more shows were available in HD but that comes back to money available.
  5. First, hats off to you on the great report card and a pat on the back to your parents for following through with a great reward. You landed some nice lookin' fish... well aside from Frankenstein of course lol.
  6. If you just want value nothing comes close to home hardware. The reason they are still in business is because of contractors who go exclusively to them. Never been to Lowes though, I'm sure they are great. I prefer Rona over Home Depot.
  7. Are batteries not included? Kidding! Those look brilliant, have you tried making them in different sizes?
  8. Was pretty nippy out there this afternoon, but managed a couple of pike. My wife is away for a few days so I kept one for dinner, thought I'd share - mmm...
  9. Yea same here, I have a dual hd receiver from Rogers. It's pricey to rent but I find myself recording while watching another live program all the time.
  10. Well said, agree completely. Also I could be wrong but I thought they labelled professional athletes as high risk for contact sports? Knowing that players within the league have been diagnosed with h1n1 and having to go out and play against each other nearly 3 days a week and practicing inbetween, I'd say that should count for something. It would be a real shame if a team had to be sidelined because they were ill. Hockey is Canada's sport that we as citizens talk about pretty much daily. There isn't much that put smiles on our faces through the long winters up here and hockey is a way to compliment that. Flames can't be blamed for anything here, this is blown out of proportion.
  11. Also keep in mind if you plead not guilty your record stays clean until after the court hearing. So if you screw up badly, renew insurance prior to lol.
  12. Yea that's pretty high, it's because on the highway you were obviously movin' pretty fast. Mine was a stinkin' 103 in an 80 on hwy 11 and wouldn't lower it to 15 over. Mind you I've been in your position as well with a $285 one for 93 in a 60 through collingwood and it gone thrown out because the cop didn't file the ticket lol.
  13. I got a court date next Tuesday for fighting one. Always plead not guilty, I don't care about the $100 but I don't want to lose 3 demerit pts and the only way to get em is to fight for them. There's also a chance the cop won't show. In that event case dismissed (I'm crossing my fingers lol).
  14. Well I was pretty bitter to see Toskala in net on sat against montreal, but I think the reason behind it is that if the monster played 3/4 nights he wouldn't be playing at the home game in Toronto on Tuesday where they haven't won a game yet. Also, it really bugs me when people make remarks like "I'm not a fan of the leafs anymore because they suck". That's horrible and those who say that aren't real fans. I hate people who just jump on the bandwagon when a team is winning.
  15. Nice lookin' fish. Got a question, this may stupid but were you the guy with the potato gun last week at the dock? You just look familiar. EDIT: Nevermind don't think that was you lol.
  16. I'm getting the seasonal flu shot for the first time and then I do plan to get the h1n1 as well. I'd rather take comfort in knowing I'm doing what I can to protect my 2 month old who can't get any of the shots.
  17. Uhmm.. No it wasn't?... Anyway it's a good thing they pulled through last night. Considering the Ducks spent half the game in the box, if the Leafs didn't notch a victory from that they would've let a lot of fans down. Thankfully they did what any NHL team should do in those cases and took full advantage. You can't blame the Leafs for the reffing. They outplayed them 5 on 5 just as much as the power plays. They've been playing great the last few games and they were bound to get some breaks sooner or later. They outplayed the nucks the game before and would've won that game too if it wasn't for Luongo.
  18. For what it's worth the leafs can still finish the season with an nhl record 150pts.
  19. Awesome video, thanks for sharing. I'm so jeleous.... and hungry @ 9:30am for fish.
  20. Great that it has a security guard. It's cheap because of the area I would assume... That's a stone throw from Jane/Finch. Hopefully it's nice and secured.
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