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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Thanks for the mention Vance. Was a pleasure meeting you. Congrats on the free tickets! 'Tis a great site with some great people, thats for sure!
  2. Great shots, thanks for posting! Not totally sure, but a few of those look like Golden Eagles.
  3. links not working?
  4. Everything makes its way to the ocean eventually. Its not the only mass floating out there, either. Rather sad what's been done to mother nature. I haven't got time to check out the links but will a little later. This is a link to the algalita marine research foundation. They've done some of the most comprehensive research to date on the gyre and are IMO the definitive authority on this subject. Thanks for bringing this up Dr. Salvenious. Algalita Research foundation
  5. Some good points there fil. Looking forward to part 3 for sure. Could be gb's right. This mild weather must be frustrating for the guys looking for the more typical fall situations...
  6. Bass fishing at this time of year can yield the biggest fish you'll see all year. Sure you have to be patient. But with the season ending very shortly. Steelheading/Rainbowtrouting will be on for oh, all winter. Float fishing stopped being fun for me around 20yrs ago. I like fishing lures for trout but don't like the most of the shorelines in S.Ontario, if only because of the rediculous amount of garbage left lying around. The truly pressing question right now is Smallies, or Muskie?
  7. Congrats on the win Cudz! You guys sure put a hurtin' on those fish yesterday! Thats one sweet smallie Jaydub, congrats on the PB! Those pics don't do the fish justice, though. They're always alot fatter in your hands... Great day to be out there, hopefully this mild weather keeps up, I'm itching to get back out there again! Those are indeed some sweet 'staches you guys are sporting!
  8. Nice looking bronze you guys got into! Looks like a really nice place to spend a few hours. Great shots!
  9. I'm in and have the cheesiest dirtstick you'll ever see. Gets plenty of laughs, so I'll keep it around.
  10. Nice looking fish Steve! I managed to not spend a single penny at that marina this year. I had a situation last year where I had only enough gas to get over to the marina and pull my boat out and wouldn't you guess? Yeah, ramp blocked. So, cursing his name, I made it to right around the narrows into Little Bosh when I emptied out the last drops of fuel. So I'm cursing him even more as I drop the trolling motor in. About 1km from the launch, you guessed it, emptied the juice from the battery. So I paddle and paddle, and so on until I finally got my boat on the trailer. Which is no easy feat at this time of year because of the low water levels, as Steve alluded to. As I'm pulling out, the corner of the trailer catches the ramp and twists it right out of whack. Had to tow back to the cottage doing 40km/h and, luckily came accross a trailer not too long after that. The following season I paid him a visit and, VERY nicely considering I'd stewed over this for some time, told him of my misfortune and suggested strongly that he should put in an honour box for when hes not around. Also, that I put a few hundred dollars in his pocket every year up 'til that point, but that I wouldn't use his services anymore and that MANY other cottagers felt the same. Its too bad, too. By the sounds of it, the Wedge used to be quite the hub of activity on those three lakes. Good times come and go, I guess. Congrats on the outings Steve. The trailers really are the cats meow!
  11. Nice fish Aaron. Also looking forward to Thanksgiving weekend. Got out for a few hours today, but just couldn't get the hooks into the quality fish that you have there. Even used pretty much the same lure combos... Did you find that the fish were grouping together or scattered? Maybe last nights storms turned them off today? Congrats again. Some real nice fall colours!
  12. Taken from Ukraines got talent. Gives new meaning to the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words".Simply awesome. Crazy sand
  13. That fish is so big it's... well, it's silly!
  14. Theres an old expression that says " When everyone is thinking alike, no-one is really thinking at all." Kind of makes me think of this topic. It seems kind of funny that Tamiflu gets approved faster than any drug before it and then, all of a sudden theres an influenza pandemic? Hmmm... as for Polio
  15. I was having a real tough time finding good sized fish this year and finally found some in relatively deep water(20-25fow). Fishing tubes got a few decent fish, but the only thing that got any number of good fish was a ridiculously slow pattern with a weightless Senko. To maintain any kind of depth, I had to count down to 50 before I knew I was in the depth range necessary. As the drift progressed, I'd have to let out some more line to keep bottom contact and would have to constantly retrieve the bait to pull sandgrass off that had collected over the course of the drift. I'm really thinking that a drop-shot rig would've been a much easier presentation to apply in this situation. "Sigh" guess I need some new tools...
  16. Nice fat fish! Seems like this has been a great year for the guys fishing trophy waters. Some real big fish landed this year already.
  17. If the CO would've shown up and saw a guy end up on a shoal and get out, fight the musky, take a few pics and then return the 'ski in good condition, he would have absolutely nothing but "Good job" to say. Congrats on the PB tightline. Sounds like you guys had a great time!
  18. Sweet fish man! Cant wait to get back up there. Weather looks alot nicer than when we were out...
  19. Pull off the trap and give it a thorough cleaning. Theres lots of stuff that can accumulate in there from your shavings to the missus' hair. That + product can result in some real funky smells. Has this been a problem for awhile or just started?
  20. I don't think hes made poor choices at all. He's brought in solid defencemen that play a very tough game. Thats been missing for years now. Remember Dmitri Yuskevich? People loved him because of his rugged play. Exelby, Komisarik and Beauchemin(whos been invited to the Team Canada tryouts) are all those type of player. Now they have 10 defencemen which gives them some leverage when it comes time to trading for a forward of some quality.
  21. Wow. Thanks for sharing. That was an awesome read!
  22. Nice looking Largemouth and the ''ski is purdy too! 20 fish in that amount of time is a great day, congrats!
  23. Think thats frustrating? Try the musky there. They're killing me this year! I don't know what to tell you Darren, I'm sure you had some really big bass follow, they can be really picky sometimes and the only thing I could offer is to keep out of sight. Those fish can see you from a mile away, unless you're fishing the limited cover thats available. My tough times lure on that lake is a 1/8oz jig with a 8" worm(colour can be really important) trimmed back to 6" or so. Come to think of it, dropping down in weight, but not size of the bait can be the ticket sometimes. Drop me a line next time you're heading up. Good to hear you got into some fish at least!
  24. Was thinking about celebrating Canada day with a day on the water tomorrow and was wondering how the fishing is on the Moon River launching out of Bala. The plan is to look for bass and pike. On paper this area looks kind of straight with not much in the way of bays, points or other distinguishing structure. Is this area productive? Weather looks...promising. Maybe some suggestions for the smaller lakes in the area if the Moon isn't really a good bet? Thanks for the input and good luck to anyone heading out tomorrow!
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