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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Nice looking fish! Judging by the calm waters, they're all jiggin fish?
  2. Awesome fish anders!! Id clip that lure to the pic, or mount, that im sure you plan on getting done. Congratulations!
  3. Awesome fish anders!! Id clip that lure to the pic, or mount, that im sure you plan on getting done. Congratulations!
  4. That sucks. You wont forget that anytime soon i bet! Even worse when its somewhere you dont go often. Just consider it a clean release!
  5. That release shot is awesome! What a pretty fish. Problem is Bucktail, you need to use more Senkos!
  6. I always pull the middle treble off anyways. I agree with Sinker 100%. If i think about hook position after catching a fish on a jerk, the front treble is usually the one that sealed the deal and the rear hook is either in the cheek or off in the gills/gullet if the bait was taken from behind.
  7. Im gonna put that to the test shortly Harrison. Things are on the upside now!
  8. Work all week in a concrete box with no circulation, temps up close to Hades, dreaming of bass and jumping in the lake and wake up to a lightning show this morning??? How frustrating... Still going to make the drive up to the cottage and hope this passes by the afternoon. As a side note, my daughter was in a battle of the bands last night and they totally rocked! They wont find out until Monday what the results are. But were immediately offered a paid gig sometime later in the year! The kids are all 14-15yrs old, but man, can they play. All said, great night last night, crappy morning. Lets see how the rest of the weekend plays out...
  9. Let me get this straight. JVR, who hasnt played center since college and has a 40% faceoff, is going to C the 1st line? With Bozak, Grabo, Connoly, mcClemont and Steckel on the big club? Kadri and Colbourne are also going to get a look, or are they?? My high opinion of Carlyle has already taken a hit. Silly move is putting it mildly.
  10. If its navigable, youre probably good to go. That being said, id heed tje other posters warnings. Folk can be pretty unreasonable when it comes to what is perceived as owned.
  11. Something about heatwaves and Largies. Gotta love it!!! You spent your day 100% better than most. Good call!
  12. I like what Burke has done so far. McClemont sounds like a terrific signing and deepens the C position. JVR, if he can stay healthy, is a huge boost for the top6. BB has alot of cash to play with, and with the right manoeuvering, a 1C could be all the team needs to gain some ground in the East. Nash is redundant at this stage. As long as he stays in the West.
  13. Nice ski for sure! Congrats on the 50!
  14. Problem is, the proximity to major urban areas and open icefishing season have had more of an effect on the fishing on Scugog than the rise of the Crappie population. Im sure one hand feeds the other. That is, crappie population spikes probably garner some attention in the matter. But for generations it has been, aside from a few forward thinking anglers, mainly a lake where people figured to catch a limit and feed the family. What goes around, comes around, unfortunately. I hope youre right, i really do. I just think that there is a different set of circumstances at play with Scugog.
  15. I think it was overloaded if memory serves. I usually ask a question or two of guys that wear a harness but dont tie off. A) are you married? B ) do you have kids? C) how are they going to feel when i tell them you died because you were an idiot? At this point they usually answer with something like "Im not going to fall" or "nothings going to happen". My answer to that is "The last guy didnt think so either". They tie off. Its imperative that we look after one another. Because if we dont, noone will.
  16. First site I visit during the day and also the last. Thanks for being here, and congratulations on the big number!
  17. Team defense should be a little better under Carlyle. That said, i would think Reimer will have a better year as a result.
  18. Parise will only be in NJ when he's on the visitors bench. They have some major financial trouble going on there at the moment, and Kovalchuks contract absolutely hamstrung the Devils. Like I said, Burkes going to make a huge move for him, but I'm reading the Pens and Red Wings have the cap space and are considered his most likely destination. Also, Minnesota apparently has stated they will match any contract offered in terms of money and duration.
  19. Can see Burke throw the farm at Parise. He knows that he lost out on Richards by not going against his contract "code". I dont think hell have the same reservations with Parise. Luongo, no thanks. Semin, no thanks. Nash, no thanks. Parise, at all costs!
  20. Bet youre glad you still have the boat, eh? Like i said, glad to hear youre back, we'll have to drown a few lures sometime.
  21. Agreed bushart. People often know what they should do but are complacent and figure that their boat isnt going to be the one that brings something invasive from one waterbody to another. Im guessing youre back Cudz? If so, glad to hear it!
  22. Hope every single person that reads this catches their personal best Bass this weekend! Stay safe and bring your Team 1 signs with you!!!
  23. If only he had someone elses knees...
  24. I was rooting for Marty. Hes been such a rock back there for so many yrs, its hard to believe someone will be replacing him. Hats off to Brodeur.
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