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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Nice to hear they've upped their game at Shimano. Was only a few years back when they would not stand behind the snapped bail wires on their Stradics.
  2. No different than drinking Molson American.
  3. There are all sorts of potentially lethal industrial plants nestled in hundreds of major towns across Canada. Think propane depot, or fuel facility, gas plants, union carbide, fertilizers, chemical plants all within your urban boundaries. All capable of producing a massive explosion or gas cloud. How about lethal chemical loads on trains running through the city like the Mississauga rail disaster. Nothing new here.
  4. Bounce an XRap off something solid and it will crack and leak. Get it in the jaws of a 20lb pike and it will crack and leak. Want to lay odds that the plastic hollow bodies for a number of lures come from the same group of companies.
  5. have not been able to obtain a paper copy since Jan 1st. I have always kept a hard copy in my vehicle. As to the ads, there were 22 bright flashy commercial ads in the 2012 regs. That represents a lot of ad dollars, especially when a number were full page. Also, on every other page was an ad for some govt agency , program, infoad, etc... , adding pages and cost to the production of the Regs.
  6. It could be knee deep snow on Mother's Day. I remember a few springs like that
  7. A base of compacted crusher run followed by a 3-4" top layer of crushed lime. Once compacted its as hard as concrete.
  8. Been too long since I priced the stuff Calles a farmer up in St Jacobs. Over $57000
  9. Wood has a certain amount of give and flexibility while still new, but as it dries and sits it gains a certain, for lack of a better word, memory, that is very difficult to correct.
  10. The province cannot stop native netting. It is a federally recognized treaty right which the courts will uphold. The only way to stop the netting is for the natives to stop commercial netting themselves. Hence my suggestion the MNR walk away and let NFN manage the fishery.
  11. I have no problem with leaving those perpetrating terrorism, or treason, swinging from the gibbet for all to see.
  12. Go to your local pharmacist. Tell him what you want the containers for, and see if he can either give you a source, or if he can order in a case for you
  13. We all know that government is not going to stand up and take off the kid gloves. Stop stocking the Nippissing and French, remove MNR supports and provincial subsidies for those fisheries, and let the NFN manage the fishery for a few years. They will learn to make it work or collapse. If they go to the province for help, it's negotiable. This approach has been taken before some years back
  14. This is nothing new. Bombings, targetting women and children, bystanders, have gone on non stop since '39' and earlier. What's new is the fact that this behaviour has finally made it across the pond, and hitting North America in a big way The biggest mistake we have made is this. We welcome all sorts from the war torn regions of the world. People with stronger allegiances to their old world than to this new world that took them in. They bring their disputes grievances and wars here and carry on in their wars at our expense. There needs to be tighter restrictions and screening, and thinking long and hard before welcoming folks from regions caught up in long term war and feuds.
  15. We waste too much energy following this tabloid drivel and the pop stars they focus on.
  16. Done. Sees every week the govts have another fee hidden up their sleeves
  17. I can remember ice fishing the side channels a number of years back during perchfest. It was also my son's first, of many, experiences with going through the ice
  18. i'm feelin kinda old at the moment
  19. Not just the Great Lakes. A lot of your wild B.C. salmon swim through the same sewage, as do lot of commercial fish on the East Coast
  20. The rapids flow from Pretty Channel into Lost Channel, then 6 Mile flows out into Gloucester Pool via White's Falls ( we used to body surf it in the day) and a little known place called the jacuzzi hole
  21. I may have a daily target, but I'm game for whatever is biting.
  22. I've always managed to have gear to give to kids. Some of it my own. Some I've refurbished from yard sales. I also buy a few kids combos for the local charity @ Christmas. Biggest kick was taking 3 combos to one family's home on Christmas eve late in the evening wearing my float coat and Christmas cap. The mom made sure the kids were peeking through the window as I Ieft the gifts by their door. The stories I heard from those children still leave me grinning from ear to ear. Another option is the OFAH Tackleshare program.
  23. Sure looks like pretty channel from the south point
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