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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. One of the first years we went to Perch fest, it opened on Easter weekend and there was still lots of ice.. We stayed at a motel, where the kids did their Easter egg hunt, and we ice fished all weekend. Rob also had his first encounter with thin ice. Tell the kid not to go there and...., you guessed it, SPLASH.
  2. It is hurtful to have to do, but better than letting your friend suffer. My Lucky was 17 when we decided to put her down. She was a wonderful friend, but her health was failing and she was suffering. I still think about her and our other dogs often. Better to think of the wonderful 14 years you had together. You have my heartfelt sympathies.
  3. If you are on the water for a one day trip geared to fishing, I'd go with a tricked out Kayak. Some that I've seen fully fitted out are Wow! Overnight a pontoon or yak just isn't going to do it.
  4. You got that right. IF your employer goes belly up, today, you have a fifty/fifty chance of your company pension also going teats up. The feds put in loopholes that allow an employer to borrow against their contributions to the plan. It sucks to find out your pension is worthless after paying in for many years. Had I known this back when, I would have opted out of my company pension.
  5. Remus Rudd No matter what side of the political fence you're on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling! It just all depends on how you look at the same things. Judy Harper an amateur genealogy researcher in Northern Ontario, was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's great-great uncle, Remus Rudd, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Winnipeg in 1889. Both Judy and Stephen Harper share this common ancestor. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows at the Manitoba Provincial Jail. On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Rudd horse thief, sent to Stony Mountain Jail 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the CP AND CN trains six times. Caught by Mounted Police Force, convicted and hanged in 1889.' So Judy recently e-mailed Prime Minister Harper for information about their great-great uncle, Remus Rudd. Believe it or not, Harper's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research: "Remus Rudd was famous in Ontario during the mid to late 1800s. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the CP and CN Railways.. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroads. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the Mounted Police Force. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed." NOW That's how it's done, Folks! Now that's a real POLITICAL SPIN! This story has circulated using Al Gore, the Australian PM and a few members of congress.
  6. We don't get the big snow dumps, but we always get sheet ice. The QEW was full of scrap metal and cars in the ditches again this morning.
  7. Even if the truck is governed, no vehicle should be doing 110 kph in these road conditions. There were a few rigs trying to push 80 on the QEW and they had to slow down once they started to lose steering control with their rigs. Still makes for some palpitations when you see one of these fellas fishtailing in front of you.
  8. Even as far South as Niagara we get the occasional wolf brought in by a farmer or hunter fresh after a shoot. The last one I saw brought in was brought in by Herb Shnick about 5-6 years back. Far bigger than a yote, and certainly had the paws. Whatever the case, they are fantastic animals to watch . I hope you see many more, Justin.
  9. The storm may have hit late, but Niagara sure is getting pasted. That morning change from rain to snow laid down an inch of solid ice on the roads. Made for some fun driving to the cancer clinic. Good thing we got back home long before the worst had hit. Might have to harness the sled dogs. Casey loves this stuff, but poor Baxter can't plow through the heavy deep snow. he keeps getting stuck.
  10. Can't be any worse than the chili cheese fries they serve up in the States, or butter biscuits and canned gravy
  11. IF the lodges start closing the natives still get to suffer consequences. Pink slips all around for lodge employees, including natives. Fewer tourists in the region mean fewer people buying native caught walleye, native made goods, souvenirs, etc....
  12. Simple. The same solutions that will help reduce crime. Fines that hurt. Real consequences for wrongful acts. Ditch no fault insurance.
  13. I've known farmers who would string wire to catch up and deter skidooer's that would run their fields.
  14. I'm saddened to hear your pup's time was due. I know only too well how that knot in your throat feels. I am glad that you chose to do what was best for Marvin. Nothing to regret in that. Marvin got one year more than our Lucky, and I am sure they were wonderful years.
  15. You forgot the home fried taters and onions to go with it.
  16. In the schools up to the 1960's, pink on the map represented the extent of the British Empire/Commonwealth, and that covered nearly a third of the global map. By extension, it is only normal to get into conflicts with your neighbours. Or in the case of map #1, 90% of the non British World.
  17. Thanks guys. We're pretty happy about the choices we've made. However , I don't know what possessed me to put wife and son together under the same roof once again. Worse than a pair of sibs trying to get the better of the other. Hard to find another adult in the house . At least we're having fun.
  18. Thorold is the Bride's hometown. Central to most of my friends, and the fishing in the region House in Thorold worked out to be more affordable for the 3 of us. We had outgrown the place in Grimsby, and it was poorly maintained. Especially the elevators. Every week you risked get stuck in one, or both had failed and you were doing 4 floors of stairs. Very hard for Judy, tough on me on my bad days.
  19. 2 straight days of moving with a convoy of vans and trailers. And day one of unpacking under our belt. Just need to find all the stuff for the Niagara Outdoor Show a week from now, Mar. 9th. "Granny" will show up next week to set things right around this place. I even have a man cave. Got to admit that I am blessed with all the good folk that turned up to help move. Lord knows I just could not physically manage it.
  20. Our hydro bill has averaged $80 in winter, $120 in summer. The discrepancy, by season, is simple. Summer time sees a lot of food processing and canning. That means more kitchen usage and heavier demand on the A/C. Some folks I know have lower bills than I do. It's all about efficient usage.
  21. That was a good read. It sums up much that was a part of my upbringing
  22. And here I was stealing my mom's old hose to polish my boots. If I'd only known.
  23. Reminds me of an old deli lunch counter I used to visit on the Spadina some decades back. Huge mountain of shaved cornbeef and swiss piled on an oversized egg bun slathered with mayo and a side of 2 giant kosher dills straight from the barrel. It was a meal for 2 grown men.
  24. There is some good smallie water around Brantford and down at least to York.
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