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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. It's been in discussion for a few years. Trimming off valuable public assets to balance out a few overpaid bureaucrats' and politician's expense accts. The problems with internet apps are several when away from home. What if you do not own a cell phone or Ipad? Connection problems? Server down? No cell service in the more remote areas. At least when I have a copy in my vehicle, the information is always accessible
  2. It's a slaughter on Dalrymple every year. How anyone expects a stocking of 4-5000 fingerlings, a few years back, to make a difference is beyond me.
  3. Was out when the sun came up to enjoy some peaceful serenity and some fine crappie. By 11am things had died right down.
  4. It's a 14 hr a day, 7 day a week lifestyle, and there is no such thing as a day off. That is the settler's lifestyle.
  5. Regardless of what form of electricity you would use, there are price tags and consequences. No matter where it is located, someone is going to be inconvenienced and upset. Anyone thinking differently is living in a fool's paradise Coal is dirty. Hydro affects water flows, lake and river levels , navigability and access, fish habitat and spawn. Nuclear energy has a long list of complaints. Wind and solar are just 2 more imperfect options in an imperfect world.
  6. The original idea behind introducing carp to North America was to provide an alternate and cheap food source for a rapidly expanding population back in the mid-1800's. That experiment failed miserably then, just as it would fail miserably now. The fertilizer plant concept has possibilities. How viable would it be after 5 years of aggressive carp harvest. How about commercial harvest for the purpose of shipping to Asia, where they are regular fare.
  7. Why should there be a double standard??? It is either acceptable across the board, or it is wrong across the board. As far as I understand, this has been a normal business, and government, practice for centuries. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes it goes real bad. That is the way of the world.
  8. You can't apply your standard to the way things were 50 and 60 years back. It's like accusing Henry Ford of intentionally polluting the air when he started building automobiles. Canada, in your Grandfather's heyday was a nation of 10-11 million people, not the 34.8 here now. Back then, sports fishing was something done by the wealthy and privileged. Most others caught fish as food. Fish were not play things, and they didn't go to waste. My grandfather would make the run to Simcoe, fill a bushel of whitefish and share them around when he got home. I was brought up on those same values. and yes I still view fish as food even though I do really enjoy the recreational part of it
  9. You should see what many Canadian and American cities dump straight into the ocean every day. Storm event overflows are a non event in comparison.
  10. Show me where it does not happen in the public or private sectors. I've held jobs thanks to family input. In the floral industry, it's par for the course. Same in health care. Used to be an almost automatic in with both the police and military. How many corporate execs place family in key postings??? Perhaps you need to take the rose coloured glasses off.
  11. 2 factors. As said before, temperatures. Secondly, the availability of food. If there are no baitfish swimming around, there is no reason for the crappie to be there.
  12. I have to find myself new wheels this year, and these fuel prices create quite a problem. Really finding it hard to match load capacity, handicap accessibility and fuel efficiency.
  13. Watching the pics and video of your lad growing up has me green with envy. I know it sounds selfish but ..... Just sometimes wish my kids would hurry up and make with the grandkids
  14. We've had weird cycles like this before. Was only a few years back that I was fishing perch in Orillia the first May weekend and I was in hail, sleet and snow. The big plus was that the perch were on, in shallow, and I had the place to myself.
  15. Only worth it if you are keeping the big bulls in 7-10" size. Flesh is tastier, and firmer, than the crappie. At least the smaller gills aren't too interested in the crappie jigs
  16. Time for a Mennonite Mercedes???? If we weren't so far from St Jakobs, I'd almost be tempted.
  17. We is alive and well and slaying crappie down here in Niagara. 2 solid days hitting a number of holes with mixed successes, but a lot of fun. Got to give a lot of our crappie jigs a workout, but in the muddy water, blacks were the preferred jig. Lots of crappie, bull gills and perch. . This sink load Saturday night made for a great shore brekkie this morning. The younger crowd is still out fishing, but I needed a rest. It's a long walk carrying a bucket full of fish back to the car. Legs just don't work like they used to
  18. Just wait til you go to buy your groceries this summer. All these stupid fuel price increases are going to drive food costs through the roof.
  19. They do have a Kid's day with all sort of activities at Tudhope Park on Sat May 3rd from 11am
  20. Chocolate labs are smart. As Daisy grows up, she will test the limits a lot.
  21. I just politely, but firmly, tell them they have to the count of 5 to get to the other side of the street.
  22. You forgot to mention the wristwatch portable fish finder.
  23. Pretty hard to turn a profit once the son started his spending spree!!! Gotta admit there were some sweet deals.
  24. The public's perception of our health care system is full of myth's, misconceptions, stereotypes, and plain naivete. I spent 10 years at what was once called TGH as a clerical and administrative assistant. In the off hours, I was part of a small administrative team responsible for keeping the wheels turning for the other hours of the day when the suits and paper doctors are not present. To start with, Ontario does not run our hospitals. They fund them, and then leave it to the hospitals boards of directors to spend the funds wisely. When a hospital goes over budget, they freeze OT, and close beds, but you never see management take the hit. A department may get shut down, but the dept head always seems to have a job. Did you know that TGH originally had a 1600 bed capacity? In my 10 years I watched 6 wards completely shut down and beds removed. At the time I was downsized out, capacity was around 750 beds. Lots of new research clinics and offices, because that is where the big dollars are. It's all about the politics of funding. As for wait times, well the Moose's story sound typical for even 20 years back. Patients are prioritized based on severity of need. On top of that, not every Emerg bad is available for Emerg patients awaiting treatment. You have the admissions backlog and bedspacers. Patient stacked up in the hallway on gurneys waiting for a bed in a ward. Then all you need is one patient to code, and one MVA trauma to roll in the door, and all your resources will be tied up for at least the next 2 hours. Meanwhile life in the rest of the hospital is no better. JC is suddenly doing another prototype transplant tying up 2 OR's for the next 12 hours. While additional transplants are quickly being fed into the OR for additional transplants made possible by the sudden availability of a donor. Which means I have to find ICU beds and additional ICU staff before the next shift start. The trickle down is that some of the more stable ICU patients get bumped into general wards earlier while still hooked up. More skills nurses are needed to look after them. Meanwhile, the wards now have a gurney or 2 out in the hallway by the nurse's station. While all of this is going on, the hospital is already short 10-12 skills nurses and 30 other RN's for the next shift. Outside agencies and overtime can't fill the holes. At one point I had 2 skills nurses in the system who were so valuable that they had not been able to take a vacation in 2 1/2 years. The hospital would not pay to increase the number of staff with their specific skill sets. It took the ministry's direct involvement to forcibly sideline one for 3 weeks. I have stayed many an extra double shift to sit and watch over disoriented patients so as to free up a nurse whose skills were better put to use caring for a number of patients. In short, the issues are manpower and money. There are people in the health system earning $1/2 million P.A. and more, who never get there hands dirty in health care. Hospital wards are converted to clinics and offices. Meanwhile actual patient care is overcrowded and understaffed. The money can be better spent. Just how that can happen is lost on me. I don't think another layer of government supervision will make any difference. Just another group of bureacrats adding to the cost of the system. As I said before, I was downsized out in the mid 90's. Best thing that could have ever happened to me. To be honest, we were already at the point where patients had already become nothing more than objects, not people. It was wrong then and it is wrong now.
  25. Here I was expecting a pic of a goat.
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