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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. As the soap opera of life continues to unfold, The Mrs has been home for a week (thankfully). Recovery will take a long time. Daughter still has another 5-6 weeks of treatment. To help things along for all 3 of us, we hopped in the car for a day trip up hwy #6. It is quite a nice drive, except for tornado ravaged Durham. Stopped in Owen Sound to fish from shore and get skunked. Ran the coastal road to Wiarton. Absolutely beautiful. Had forgotten how enjoyable road trips are. The fresh air and exercise is good for us as well. A few pics: Indian Falls Bruce Caves Even stopped and fished some Saugeen. We caught lots of big chubs. Nothing else., but the daughter and I had fun while the Mrs. napped. Great way to spend a day without any worries.
  2. Drove through Durham town. yesterday. Folks were still busy at it clearing the debris along hwy#6. The worst hit part of town was still cordoned off and guarded by police. As for the sirens. There is a lot more involved than simply putting up a few towers and sirens. The old air raid warning system was derelict for decades before they were torn down. 2/3 no longer worked because they were never tested annually ( didn't want to scare folks ) and there was no regular maintenance. Then you need another layer of emergency infrastructure to track storms and issue the necessary localized warning and set off the alarms. Now, do you set up this advanced warning system for certain parts of the province or province wide. We do have a well known 'tornado alley', but many storms have occurred beyond those parameters. Thorold and Minden come to mind.
  3. She just wants a taste of that hot French blood they always hear about..
  4. Lots of different species depending on the time of year.
  5. As a kid,( before there was a 400 extension) the only place to go was Elwood Epps just outside of Orillia. Always helpful and friendly, and our family would never dream of going anywhere else. Even a few years back he would still come into the store to gab. Today, I live in Niagara, so Pete's is tops for selection and Fishin Niagara for advice.
  6. Congratulations to you and your new family. Now hang on for dear life. It's a wild ride you've just hopped on, and it lasts, at least, 20 years.
  7. "Sniff" "Sniff". Gather up the posse boys! Ah smells a lynchin in the works for this one
  8. I had a ball lock and a chain through the frame anchored deep in the pad. It"s only a deterrent, and to show proof to the insurance dinks that we had done due diligence. Amazing how many insurance companies refuse claims on that basis.
  9. Congratulations on a successful event. Hopefully bigger and better next year.
  10. Nice little kittie there, about 6-7 lbs. Nothing shabby about that at all. WTG
  11. I see some of us haven't forgot old Red Fisher and his tall tales. From the living I would choose 1) Bob Izumi 2) Babe Winkelman 3) Roland Martin All 3 have something of a laid back , it's all fun, approach to fishing. They all know the looks of a good fish feed Where and what would be any sweet spot of their choice for multi species excitement.
  12. Thick weeds in Dils lake. Heavy weedless jigs texas rigs etc..., scum frogs. I've seen 5lb buckets pulled on occasion. There are sunfish by the score and some crappie. The back end of the park is the bank of the Welland R.
  13. He gets his fashion sense from the Red Green School of Fashion I was not wearing shorts along the banks. Skeeters were thick in there. (Besides, don't want to scare off the fish)
  14. 2 little side trips armed with rods and backpack. In the morning, buddy Bill and I hit 12 Mile creek before it got hot for some smallie action. In the evening I was back in Guelph playing chauffeur to some of my daughter's friends who wanted to visit her. They visited while I hit the Eramosa for the first time. The only action came on tubes. A couple of smallies and this: A nice 25" pikie who lives for yet another battle.
  15. Wonderful catch there. Don't you just love it when things come together.
  16. I've been very happy with the Pfleuger President I've had for the past 3 years of fishing for a wide variety of species.
  17. Congratulations on your anniversary. Most of the happiest couples I know lived life together as a military family.
  18. Are you trying to tell us that Monique is gonna give us all a run for the glory?
  19. Looks like you've been doing some right serious fishing while you were away. Caught some mighty fine specimens at that too. WTG
  20. I searched high and low clear across Niagara looking for the Grail. been to 6 different stores. Finally, after fending off bus loads of dollarama frenzied migrants who just got paid, I finally found a Dollerama bamboo pole. Here is the swag: Here is the armoured version of the pole with a woven wrap of dollarama duct tape to compensate for certain weaknesses in the cane. We now be ready, Aaargh!, to do battle with the mighty Leviathans of the deeps
  21. ANother excuse to part with a C note or two NOT
  22. bigugli


    I do not miss the dreaded Toronto cram on the weekends. We avoided it like the plague. When I lived there, I chose to have Fri-Sat. weekends when possible. Night shift ending Sat am. or wait til 4 am. Sat to drive up and commute straight to work Mon. morn. There are some great back routes for getting around Barrie or running up to Haliburton. Just have to experiment.
  23. It's a bitter piece of reality to swallow but Homo sapiens sapiens is the most invasive and destructive species on the planet. We still have not, collectively, given up the primitive habit of use it up and move along. Only difference is that there are fewer and fewer places we can go to escape from the filth we pile up, and fewer and fewer resources at our disposal. Anybody care for some "Soylent Green"?
  24. Gotta get rid of all the bad luck vibes in the boat, like bananas. Might want to start with your cousin
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