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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Now you got me hooked on watching muppet videos all last night. 30 episodes of the Swedish chef on their own. Let alone the other musical numbers with Beaker.
  2. I used to love bombing about on an Olympic 12. Thing steered like a tank. Couple of my friends ran Deeres
  3. That's a wonderful image to see. Just don't ruin him for life and teach him to be a Leafs fan
  4. Model paints work fine with an overcoat of clear enamel. Yes, luremaking is addictive and expensive , but sooo satisfying.
  5. As long as you are already in the ministry database, you can go to a Service Ontario kiosk and pay for a replacement copy of your licence, if lost or stolen. You will be given a 30 day paper copy while you wait for your new card.
  6. Had enough of staring at 4 walls and the VDT. Had my wife drop me and my gear at a fishing hole with my friend Bill. Cane in hand and shopping buggy in tow, full of all sorts of goodies, I go hobbling down the path to a good spot. Get out my chair, cushion, bucket, backpack, rods, bait. Oops, forgot the umbrella. Despite the change in wind and weather, the bite was off. A hit here and there, some misses and a few keeper perch. Then the rain hit. So much for "scatterred showers" This one hung over us for 3 hours. At the same time as the rain hit the bite died off. Next thing, whack, a sharp hit and bite off. Next my buddy Bill gets this monster We then see a couple of small ones roll on the surface. I got a few short whacks but can't pick the rod up fast enough, and Bill gets another hammer handle. No more pics in the pouring rain. Despite getting soaked it was good to get out. I feel like a bag lady pushing the cart full of gear along, but It's that or no fishing. I am kinda liking the comfy chair though
  7. I can just picture it now. Dave running out onto the ice with a souped up power auger being chased by the Keystone Cops.
  8. You are always being watched. We stand out like sore thumbs out there in the bush, crashing and bumbling along the trails.
  9. I'm certain this venture will be a big success Cliff. You aren't one for half measures.
  10. If you are using a portable with a cloth cover, bad move. Does not take much for the fabric to melt. As for weight. How is the portable Mr heater too cumbersome. You will now be carrying stove and pipe, plus wood/ coal for a day on the ice. If you have a solid hut. Do yourself a favour and buy a portable acorn hunting stove. Or a military tent stove, if you are serious about going that route.
  11. I've never washed the car. Cuts into fishing time
  12. You keep forgetting the cardinal rule. " Nobody's happy til Momma's happy"
  13. Old news. We knew this some 30 years back Used to be the norm to get, or give, a swift smack across the back of the head for being so rude as to dump cig butts in the water. I hated when it was my turn to clean out the bottom of the boat (yeeechhhh!) back when I smoked.
  14. Sorry to hear Steve. He had been a fixture at your place for some time.
  15. Down East, the B & B's range 120-150 per couple per night. with a nice continental breakfast of pastries, bagels, toast and preserves, juice, coffee, tea. Usually quite simple. A fixed breakfast would be nicer.
  16. States like Florida, Georgia, etc... include fine revenue as a large part of their budgets in various state departments. They also do not give out piddly fines and offer little leeway. They also don't have a system that bends over backwards to give you a light penance. Start the fines as a $500 progressive.
  17. Can't go wrong fishing the West Arm in early june for pike and walleye. Lakair and Shuswap are both good.
  18. The black commercial tarps would hold up if properly secured.
  19. With most of the older units, and some new. Insulation during installation was non-existent. They may have also failed to seal the unit when installed. The actual unit may be fine. You need to remove the trim, if any, to check if it has been adequately insulated and sealed. I've had a few sub-contractors, when building houses, that I had to harass to ensure the job was done right.
  20. Best to have an MD remove staples and inspect. There are usually 3 options. I would not think staples to be a good idea on the hand. Stitches would be preferred. On a less mobile part of the hand or fingers (not too deep) I would suggest steri strips which are very effective in keeping wounds drawn tight.
  21. My fave bass pic is of my Mom not me. I regularly fish Dalrymple, and was so glad Mom wanted to come out for a day on the water. We were casting into the shallows for largies and pike when the water under Mom's spinnerbait first swirled then exploded. After a few minutes, Mom had a healthy 3 1/2lb smallie in the boat. She had never caught a smallie that large. It is a moment happily etched in my mind. I was only too happy to be net boy. Fave perch coating is 80% corn flour, 20% corn meal, powdered salt, onion powder and paprika, sometimes a little parsley. Roll moist fillets in mixture and fry in hot oil (with a tsp of margerine for browning) . As for lake trout/whitefish One fish carefully gutted and washed. In the cavity you will put the following stuffing. 2 cups dried bread cubes (stuffing) 1/4 cup diced fried onion 1/4 tsp salt, sage, parsley 1 tbsp melted butter with 1/4 tsp ground garlic 1 can crab meat or canned shrimp Mix together well and fill gut cavity. Then truss or sew cavity closed. Rub body with butter and roll in tinfoil. Toss in a 350 oven for 30 to 40 minutes.
  22. Thanks for making me drool. You all had a great weekend to be on the BOQ. I was thinking about how it was going Maybe I'll be up and about for one of these G2G's by June. Never know.
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