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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Got another lake effect squall dumping snow right now to slow the ice.
  2. Wild period Sat with an empty bottle in my hand for the last 7 minutes.
  3. 3M used to sponsor a design school fashion show where the couture was all crafted from duct tape supplied by the company.
  4. Beer, brats and some exciting Jr. hockey. I just love it.
  5. Well I am finally back online. Computer froze up after someone downloaded a nasty program. Boy did I have a case of the DT's. On the plus side, I got lots done without interruption the past week. 5 cords of firewood stacked away. Built a new cabinet for my luremaking gear. Started making new stuff for the year. Watched some great Jr hockey. Made life horrible for the Mrs Even read a 1/2 dozen books. Now I'm just about ready for the ice. Boy did I miss this place.
  6. And here I was expecting to see a pic of GCD's hands taped together Neat job with the tape. Hundred mile an hour tape sure is great.
  7. Gotta love Jr. hockey. Far better than the NHL. These lads are playing their hearts out. I'vr thoroughly enjoyed every game.
  8. Lots of fluffy white stuff in Beamsville. Perfect weather for cutting and stacking wood with the son. Have gotten so much achieved with my puter down. Be a few days before I'm back online, so more time for essential chores.
  9. Sorry to hear you and your family have had a rough Christmas. I hope all goes well for your Dad. On the medical question, all depends on the size and location of the aneurysm. I've known folks with operable aneurysms, most being successful, and others, like my Gram, who were inoperable.
  10. The big problem with the Family weekend is the number of public events and derbies held that weekend. There are derbies in the Kawarthas and Simcoe, and the Fishing Show in Toronto, just for starters.
  11. Sounds like a lot of fun. Would be nice to do if i can walk it.
  12. I've never heard of vanilla sauce, but I'm sure it is scrumptious. The recipe for pulla is standard to all the scandi and germanic cultures. Only differences are in the spices, shapes and toppings. Pulla, Swedish tea ring, English chelsea bun and Bohemian braid start with the same basic dough.
  13. Was the riisipuuri smothered in blueberry sauce?
  14. Thanks for making me drool. Feels good to find that hot bite. Hope this warm front doesn't screw up the ice too much.
  15. You couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift than to have your father home again.
  16. Ain't that the truth! Nothing like the heavenly aroma of Grandmother's baking. The mix of cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon that would fill the air in our small home.
  17. You did quite well with those. My Gram always cheated and filled them with raspberry or blueberry preserves.
  18. Got to have 'pulla' as part of the table dressings. Goes along with the cardamom cookies, gingersnaps and shortbreads and washed down with a nice glass of Lingonberry punch or Peter Heering. Hyyva Joulua
  19. Like they say it's a fish story til there are pics.
  20. I always try to fish new water every year. I do want to make it to the Lakair G2G, but that, like most other plans, will depend on how well recovery goes. In the mean time there is a lot of local ice for me to cover.
  21. Yep, the clear black ice always feels spooky at the beginning of the season. Been out on 4-5" of clear ice for the past few days. Just haven't had much results beyond some OOS accidents. They may be in the same family as crappie but they don't count.
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