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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Maggots, red yarn, eye balls, mimmow heads.
  2. Pick a nice sunny afternoon for 2-3 hrs tops. They are a little more active later in the day.
  3. Get used to having the Mrs serve you your on a platter. My mother always has at least once a year., and sometimes so does my daughter.
  4. Nice scenery to go with the morning's brew.
  5. As always good to see you breaking that skunk, for now Nice fish.
  6. THe back sure is stiff after looking down the FishTV hole for 6 hours. Neat to watch the little buggers taking up the bait. You 2 chose a good time to skedaddle. The snow got a lot heavier later on, especially along the lake.
  7. You got it. When hungry they'll swim right up the hole to get your bait.
  8. When the boys came home they smuggled tons of German and Nazi souvenirs home with them. The top item was a Luger officer issue pistol. Next was anything with an intact nazi emblem, all of which were to be destroyed. SS and party blades were very popular items. I had inherited a collection of nazi postage 20 years back that fetched good money when I sold it
  9. Past couple of years a few of us get together to catch some smelts on the ice. So Big Cliff and Crappieperchhunter made the annual pilgrimage down to Niagara to get together with RobD and myself on the ice. The bite was steady, but the smelts haven't come in in huge numbers yet. The plus side is that they are a little larger this year. Besides Cliff didn't want to be cleaning 700 smelts like last year. That really gets tiring We were so busy having fun we all forgot to take pics of the day. Our final results. 200 plus for eating. RobD was keeping his for salted pike baits. It was nice to see such good friends once again. Hopefully we meet again at the month's end.
  10. The smile on a child's face after giving them their first fishing rod . The same smile on a child's face after a good fishing outing. A hug from my own kids.
  11. Just think of the mass coronary you will dodge by quitting, and the money you will keep in your pocket. Even after the coronary, I still feel better than when I was smoking.
  12. Front snow hood is too small. Air intake will plug up with snow and stall. Now this is a snow blower. They just never stop. Easy to maintain and reliable. The other T.T.C. kept a fleet of these multi use machines for over 30 years http://www.fairpoint.net/~jpierce/images/16TractorWithSnowblower.jpg
  13. A legal name change is hard to do with a record hanging over your head.
  14. Looks like a fantastic day. Boy am I jealous.
  15. Nice beastie. Gotta love getting them like that, feeling the strike.
  16. No Tory is going to reverse a pro-business decision that favours the big boys.
  17. But where would we be without armchair critics?
  18. You can ask a dozen different lawyers and get a dozen different answers. All depends on how mush you want to spend on fees.
  19. No better place to be. Especially the quality people.
  20. I'm sorry, Buffalo's sports reputation is about as good as Toronto's when it comes to football and hockey. Blind diehard fans and lost cause teams This from a Leafs fan
  21. Steered like a tank on a packed surface. Lean over til your helmet almost touches ground if you wanted to make a tight turn. They were near indestructible
  22. I forgot about Niagara.. They used to brew an Ice Bock in quarts that was quite nice, but that was a good 18 years back.
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