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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Can't wait to join you for some soft water edumacatin
  2. He just might get charged. Would not be the first time a celeb was singled out as a public example by an eager prosecutor.
  3. It was no mistake. 1) the fish were being smuggled in a tanker. 2) it is known these fish can live for great lengths of time out of water. 3) There is a huge demand for the product in Toronto, but it needs to be live or fresh killed.
  4. Ever since Philadelphia started their goon squad, the game has gradually spiralled downward. I remember only too well the stitches, black eyes and missing teeth. I've had all of them playing hockey. Played goal before masks were mandatory ( masks were for sissies) and got a concussion for my efforts. That happens when you play the game. If you played a dirty game you got benched for 2 reasons: a) for playing dirty, to avoid a grudge game. Repeat the mistakes and you were off the team.
  5. It appears, as someone else pointed out, that hockey, today is a blood sport. A game where hospitalizing your opponent is as important as goal scoring. It's not the game it used to be, that's for sure. This violent game is also trickling down into junior levels with on ice brawls and after game brawls occurring at the 15-16yr old level.
  6. Coming to an arena near you, "Rollerball", or Gladiators on ice.
  7. If you are doing a lot of shore fishing, bush trekking, etc... A durable rod is a must. For that type of fishing the UglyStick is the ticket. Sensitive rods snap real easy. I've broken a couple of rods over the years backpack fishing, but the UglyStick is still there.
  8. A mobster is a crook living oustide the law. I know what I'm dealing with. Bankers are crooks hiding behind the law and the politicians, and get to change the rules whenever they please.
  9. Hey Bigbuck, you said the pigs/greedy, get slaughtered. You are quite right. In my case, the pigs were the investment advisors. I fed them my savings and the "conservative" funds they put them in got slaughtered. The one pension fund has not paid out to a single pensioner in 3 years. Seems it had lost 90% of its previous value. It might start paying off after half of the contributors have died. I'll trust the mob before I ever trust a banker or financial advisor again.
  10. My stuff on the shelves
  11. Cherish them wee ones every moment you can bye, lest you wants me to come by and gives you an educatin. Lucky sod. They are absolute darlins. Especially the grandaughter. She's got a spark of mischief in her eyes I recognize oh so well.
  12. And I think my family's luck sucks. When are you going to finally catch a good break
  13. Been a long day indoors. 6 hours of pouring lead during the day andd just fininshed off another batch of salsa.
  14. My mother thought she had enough, according to all the bankers and advisors. Then came the collapse in I.T. stocks and she lost 20%. Then they changed the rules and started taxing "safe funds" and she lost 10% more. The recession, so far, has cost her close to 15% of her fund values. One heck of a beating in just over 10 years. So much for being comfortable, eh?
  15. I'm one of those now on a semi-fixed income. Watching a gas hike of 20% over a year, and the subsequent price hikes on everything else, there are consequences. Scrimping and saving are the order of the day. Meat only gets bought, in bulk, if it's on for cheap. I have a set limit on my gas allowance unless I make extra. Slobby's and the Stupidstore are not in my budget. I have taken the lessons learnt by my grandparents, through war and depression, to heart. We waste too much time and effort on frivolous "I wants", and don't focus enough on needs. We don't need a TV plus accessories in every room. Can't justify $500 on a rod and reel. I've been quite creative in finding extra money the past couple of years. Despite my disabilities I refuse to give up, surrender, and lock myself in my room. There aren't too many options Pension funds and RSP's aren't that secure. Funds fail, go bankrupt. At the flip of a switch, governments can change the rules and start taxing the RSP's. They already did that on some money funds a few years back. The food banks and benevolent funds can't keep up in most cities. Churches are, once again, opening soup kitchens. There are a lot of people without heat and hydro, again, this winter. That is the lot in life for a number of low income and fixed income families.
  16. I'll be making more baits and some more salsa.
  17. Talk about poetic justice. Love the end result for the gas thief
  18. It's good you got out to have a breather. With the stress in your life. it is needed, with or without company.
  19. Just couldn't pass up the nautical humour. Roll me over.......
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