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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Now that sounds like a sweet opportunity boys and girls.
  2. In Russia/Ukraine it's honey wrestling. (insert drool smiley)
  3. The lad made a moral choice and stood by it. Good for him, end of story. As a reservist, my combat instructor was a 110 lb woman who could wipe the floor with the carcass of any man stupid enough to play tough guy. She was damn good at what she did. The days of women staying home and tending house and family are long gone. How one deals with it personally....?
  4. Household chores and dog grooming. Hey FNA. IF your wife isn't mad at you, you're either doing something really wrong, and she'd rather get even, or did something really right
  5. Be nice. Some days every son thinks he knows better than his father, and some days most fathers think their sons is that stoopid. Starts around age 13 and lasts anywhere from 25-30 before son realizes pops was usually right, and pops realizes he was being an hard at times. All part of the process.
  6. You wouldn't be hinting at the "laurel and Hardy" Fishing Show?
  7. Thank Canada's bottomfeeders of the Bar. Offer no resistance or defence and let the lawful authorities deal with the matter. To bad you were killed obeying the wishes of the lawyers. No comfort for your widowed family, and criminal compensation for the victims is a pathetic joke.
  8. So, who wants to hook up and where on Saturday? The beer court.
  9. And the problem is.............?
  10. Did you manage a trip on the Jolly Roger while you were there? Best $45 I ever spent!!!!!! a four or five hour cruise with swimming, dancing and a steak dinner with all the drinks you could handle to wash 'er all down with. Been on that thing about 1/2 dozen times!!!! All you can drink rum swizzles served in 1 gallon jugs
  11. I'm sorry, but there is only one great Canadian fishing show. Some have come close, but none equal Red Fisher and his tales. I realize half the folks on this board weren't even a twinkle in their father's eyes when his show ran, but it featured not just the fishing but the great outdoors as a whole.
  12. Kids need to be able to explore on their own. Else they never develop necessary problem solving skills or self confidence. At that age my folks would not have had a clue where I was while romping through forest, field, and ponds.
  13. You can fish a lot of the ponds around the hotels. The city of Orlando stocks over 20 lakes within the city itself with public access. Walk out the hotel door and throw some baits while the Mrs sleeps in. Pretty neat having the lake to myself and my own cheering section.
  14. I admit to being a Disney junkie. The place is ever evolving, so things are always changing. Bass fishing there and through the area is also good. Once every 3-4 years is good enough though. Lying around the beach just tain't me. I need to be doing, and there is a lot of Canada still to do.
  15. Friday morning I hooked up with icefisherman and his cute son, Jordan. The target being smelt. After we were st up, the bite was slow but steady. After an hour someone flipped a switch and everything stopped. Smelt would not come off the bottom. With a lot of teasing we could get a few to rise every 1/2 hour or so, but it was a lot of work to get 4 dozen smelts. Always happy to see young Jordan. A smiling ball of energy. Emil, the smoked fish and sausage were excellent. On to this morning. RobD and myself set up in a local marina. hoping for perch or trouts. Caught the tail end of a morning bite, and had enough for a meal. Water was gin clear, and we could see a few oversized perch down the hole, but they weren't biting. Around 11 the bit turned off. Nothing to be seen anywhere, other than a big pike. Kind of explains why the perch disappeared. Nothing wrong with a perch dinner.
  16. What's a little weather when the fish are calling. Nice walters.
  17. RobD and I put in 4 hours this morning. One of us had to remain sitting in the hut at all times or it would have been airborne.
  18. I like all the seasons, but, being a Finn, I'll take my winter over 100F temps any time. Besides, ice wrangling has been great this year.
  19. We have our own version of the "Grumps" here in Niagara. Complete with cantankerous old fossil. Anybody who's met Old Harry knows what I'm saying. The movies are funny, but it's scary how our behaviour can be so close to that at times
  20. By the same extension of logic, you should also have reflective strips on your house. Cars crash into houses every year. All clothing should also be manufactured with sewn in reflectors for the same reason. Pedestrians are run over all the time. All anybody wants today is more and more unenforceable regs and laws. Jsut look at all the unenforced rules for bicycles. Just another costly layer of bureaucracy to protect idiots.
  21. Great report. Good to see out out and enjoying life. The amazing thing about adversity is that you can let it overcome you, or you can blow it down. You've got the right attitude to beat it down good. Keep it up.
  22. Put simply, the rewards program is a short term marketing ploy to get you into the store and purchase. By limiting the time you can roll over your points, they hope to get you into the store more frequently. They really don't want to see customers roll the points over for big purchases. Something you could always do with some other programs in the past. Still remember a while back, my one friend walked into the CTC with a breifcase full of funny money to buy a canoe. The person at the service desk almost fainted.
  23. My uncle told me about jigging for smelts years ago. Jigging for smelts in Musquodoboit harbour through the ice using eyes for bait. Netting of smelts wasn't allowed. Salt water smelts are a lot bigger too as I recall from some 40 years back.
  24. That's the part I really like. Sharing oppoortunities and experiences with others so they too can enjoy the sport we love.
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