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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. Well the water pick up for the livewell would be where the strainer is. Water should never flow out of the strainer only in so i would think your pump or the hose from the pump to the strainer is cracked or even the pump casing has cracked
  2. that's awesome diff a hardcore fisherman
  3. i would just go to a bay or somewhere calm about 20-30 FOW. Put on a heavy spoon or something drop it below the boat near the transducer and see if you can spot a line on the graph. if you can see your line on the graph and when you jig the spoon the graph follows your lure it's working perfectly.
  4. you can go have the battery tested to see how fit the battery is any local Auto parts store or Canadian tire should be able to do it for free
  5. Yea maybe you can also check your Ground and Positive connections scuff them up a bit and put some di-electric grease on them and check your voltage on the status screen it might help and solve your problem
  6. Nice Fish, Is that Instant Grass Seeds? lol
  7. Went out to my favorite lake like every other year but it's been a great opener so far for me. Only about 1/4 of the bass i figure are still hanging around the spawning beds. Caught about 2 dozen Smallies and Largies combined back at it in the morning very aggressive fishing today. All about this size lost a biggin today too
  8. I will return with my first outing of the year soon Woot Woot
  9. Sign me up
  11. haha yea condensor is not fun in a Montana
  12. You think he has a nice camera you should check out his Rod
  13. Well sinker did make a post about who to contact and stuff. Just thought i throw in a lil humor Maybe you can start up a group like this
  14. dang it i can never get enough sleep the day before opener CAN'T WAIT
  15. Closer look from the top. I KNOW WHAT IT IS
  16. How did you get the video to emded in the post i keep trying and it won't work
  17. yea i have a 2002 Montana van too i replaced the A/C condensor last year and vacuumed the system then added dura Cool worked for a bit but now i think the condenser is gone again. Dunno wut to do yet
  18. Big branches sometimes get's me
  19. Well if I'm by myself I usually put the gas tank on the bench infront of me and the trolling battery is usually back with me at the transom. If i got a parter both the battery and the tank will be at the back. As for speed clips for the battery I would just use aligator clips that are proper resistance for the gauge wire of the trolling motor. Another thing I would play around with is the position of the trim pin on the outboard maybe you can play around with that to. It's all about being to center your boat while your at speed and plane.
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