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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Lew, I'll never forget that day. I was brand new to the board at the time ... man I can't believe its been seven years already - and so much more water under the bridge. Great job on the tribute, I'm sure you think of him every single day. Gone but never forgotten. Be well my friend.
  2. Enjoy .. thats where I got engaged (some quarter century or so) ago
  3. Well ... all I got ta say is this ... When I get back from chasing MARLIN ...out in the TRUE blue ... I will most certainly be walking my favourite trib(s) and be thrilled to hook into even just one beautiful chrome (coho or bow) ... to end the year in style... and though I will probably walk miles that day, chances are I will do so without even passing a single compadre. Now .. LOCK er UP Roy before the wranglers get ugly
  4. Two more sleeps !!!!... going out of Playa del Cocowith these guys ... http://papagayosportfishing.com and in Nicaragua with these guys ... http://macuatours.com
  5. Deepest condolences Mike, words can't heal - but time normally does. Be well.
  6. Good neighbors and peace of mind are things that money cant buy... and remember that there but for the grace of god go you ... and I am sure you already know the right thing to do. But for the record, I happen to agree with Cliff. And for a lot of reasons - almost none of it has anything to do with the value/cost of the ding to your door.
  7. Happy Birth day ya old fart !
  8. Ahhhh yes ... my ol '69 Z28 ... quart of oil on every fillup and traction bars so low you had to hand wash her ... but then ... thats part of the nostalgia...I guess there's something about your 'first' that just doesn't ever leave ya....
  9. ... ooo OOO Mmmmm Bacon wrapped doggy do-do .... a nice light snack
  10. Thanks MB ... yes I was reading about "Cipro" today ... and did the Chloroquine (just in case) - although I am not so sure its not already resistant. Anyhow will take the camera and hope to post some pretty zoo-pic's on my return.
  11. Absolutely... go small .. (single egg) ... go natural .. or go COMPLETELY different ... I have had fish rising within 2 feet of me taking small pieces of orange peel as my buddy flicked them into the river ... you would be shocked ... The key is to be quiet, enjoy the scenery, let the yahoos move on ... and then fish ... observe, learn (some things spook them, some things interest them) ... the difference is very subtle. And remember .. its the fishing ... not the catching .. .that makes the day.
  12. I'm heading south for a fishing trip in Costa Rica at the end of the month ... not looking for your "secret holes" .. but any tips would be welcome I believe we are heading up into Nicaragua for a day of Marlin chasing and another day (or two) chasing inshore Roosters and 'cudas and such... I been reading alot about the fauna and bugs ... wondering if anyone has any words of wisdom (re vaccines etc) Oh .. and in case I forgot to introduce myself you can call me Jon
  13. Jeeze I'll be over 80 by the time they are ready for the (50"+ club) BBQ
  14. I always dab a little "essence" of that first speck slime behind my ears ... just like an expensive cologne ... ok .. I admit it .. I actually do like the smell
  15. Too true Chris .. still hoping to get on that waiting list for a "SPIEL custom" ... but for now I guess ... Le Baron's here I come !!!
  16. Oh well ... does anyone else hear a loud "Katch-chinggg $$$$" in the background ? Probably have about 20 minutes for someone to make me an offer I can't refuse on their oh-so-special float rod (11' - 12') ... before I go SERIOUS (pre-christmas) shopping
  17. Just wondering if anyone just happens to have a top half for an OLD Kunnan Advantage 11'6" trout rod ... or (Spiel) ... if it can be repaired (which I doubt)... its funny how you get attached to one rod over the years
  18. Yep .. my Lowrance H2O comes out with me ... especially on new lakes or when trekking through the bush to a 'back lake' huntin for specks Also comes in handy finding the 'route' in on those seasonal roads when some are not always well marked or plowed.
  19. I Got my 2 daughters and the Mrs each a Kindle (3G wi-fi) last year for Christmas and they all loved them ... only problem is that some newer books aren't available in Canada (but they are on Kobo - go figure - BUT there is a way you can buy a Kobo book and convert it for the Kindle so its all good ) .... anyhow ... havent seen the new Kindle fire (or the new Kobo yet) ... and they arent complaining ... actually seem pretty happy with the old B&W ... and the battery seems to last a LONG time so we will leave good enough alone for now at least. But let us know how the new Kobo stacks up Cliff.
  20. Hey ... isnt that the Grand Cascapedia ???
  21. Heck .. I never knew you could cast with a pin !
  22. Two words .... I'm Jealous .. nuff said
  23. Deepest sympathies to you and your family Simon.
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