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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Good one Pete!!!
  2. I think I'll be trying for anything that bytes in one of our local lakes If the weather cooperates Leechman
  3. WOW that's amazing I'm in..... I've got the dought..... cut me a deal and I'll fork out the cash Leechman
  4. Here's the jig I use in combination with the stinger...... but I can't seem to find them at CTC anymore The jig's got 2 eyes on it... one at the top to tie your main line and one at the bottom for the stinger hook. Here's the pic It's my one and only I have left and got lots of use You can use a minnow or worm with it. I think it's 1/2oz Great for walleyes!!! Hope this helps ya Leechman
  5. Whoaaaa.... that right there is a serious beast Congratulations Bushart You did a fine job on the camera shots Thanks for sharing your solo trip with us and keep up the great work!!! Leechman
  6. Great report, fish and pics tdotfisherman But tell me..... what's up with the glove thing??? Joking / joking You guys sure got a great fishery down there!!! Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Congrats on your PB muskybugged She's a real beauty Good job on the release!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Beauty looking largies Fins and Skins Great way to spend an hour!!! Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. Great report and pics Rustic-Fisher Sorry to hear about the miss birds but got into some beauty bows!!! Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Nice ones Kinger Got to love it when you can go fishing minutes away from home and get into quality fish!!! Congrats and thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Hey folks, I know that you have seen this before but got playing with Movie Maker and was able to compile all of the videos that I have shot this weekend into one. Just having fun It turned out pretty good Check it out and let me know what you think... Leechman
  12. Kev, you seemed to be getting the hang of "Movie Maker" Loved to footage Jacques
  13. You guys have a great time and safe trip
  14. Paul, Photobucket has a monthly limit of Megabytes for uploading.... you've just exceeded that amount. Your pics are still there.... they're just disabled until you upgrade to PRO (which comes with a monthly fee) or wait til the end of the month so that the total goes back to zero Deleting old photos will not help in this case.... you either upgrade or wait
  15. Great report and pics Jen Looks like you guys had a good time fishing and hunting Congrats to your son Chris on the Snipe Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Great report, pics and fish Pete Glad you got some help with the craddle and camera this time around. Congratulations to Albert on his PB Real nice gators!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Great report, fish and pics Glen Got to love the sudden action on them Sabiki rigs AWESOME Congratulations on the tripple header Looks like you got's yourself a nice meal and good time on the water!!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work Jacques
  18. Ice fishing is always in the back of my mind Leechman
  19. OH MAN that guy has nerves of steel A 12 yard shot for the kill..... AWESOME I really got a good chuckle out of the second bull's reaction Great video!!! Thanks for sharing TJ Leechman
  20. Awesome report and pics Paul Bronze back and gator galore day..... just doesn't get any better than that Congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing Jacques
  21. You got some good feedback so far Dave and I think, to put it simply, keep up the great work as mentioned before, would be great to see the tweaking of the lures for enticing finicky fish and plan of action on new body of water. I enjoy watching those DTV segments!!! Again great work Dave Leechman
  22. Beauty report Greg Looks like switching it over and some fine tuning paid off big time Congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Justin Crankbaits have always been a favorite lure of mine for smallies.... they seem to go crazy on them Good job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Awesome looking gator TennesseeGuy Leechman
  25. Great looking buck outdoorsman Congratulations to your bro I still got just little over 4 weeks before I head out..... can't wait now Thanks for sharing Leechman
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