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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Sounds like you guys had fun out there..... Congrats on the beauty ski Now I understand why you wanted a spook shipped that fast Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. You got some nice deer action coming at your stand Brian Have you been out lately or are you just collecting the pics from the cam?? One week to go for us and I'm off.... went this morning to visit another land and me & my brother will have 23 acres of private land to ourselves this year I just can't wait to get out Jacques
  3. Awesome job Fishnwire. Looks like you've got yourself some deadly combinations in those modified lures. I would shorten the trailer a bit and instead of using a single hook, I'd put a smaller treble. You can ever dress it with feathers or buck tail hair. Let us know the results when you get to field test them. Leechman
  4. Never tried the wire method before and sounds like a good idea..... Good luck with your project Dabluz Please post your results when you make some... I'd like to see them!!!
  5. Thanks Grant!!! Shoot me a PM with your coordinates and....... well you know the rest
  6. Thanks Wayne!!! Yes a dowel would cut down on the sanding time for sure. I'm using the cutouts of the tipups I made last year.... I just could not let them go to waste Shoot me a PM with your home address and I would be more then happy to send you one..... but I don't think it would get there that fast LOL You could always take off in your plane and land in Gatineau airport if you want But I wouldn't recommend it today.... winds are from the west at 28km/h Thanks again Fishnwire!!! Yes I see it now.... maybe the next batch Thanks Glen!!! Hope you get your Christmas gift before I leave for deer hunting!!! Thanks Simon!!! Yes I know I talk funny in front of the camera LOL but I'm a Quebec pure bread with some inglaise speaking What you talking about
  7. Thanks mojobass!!! It certainly require some type of patience for making them lures..... just got to take it one step at a time Thanks Fishnwire!!! Those are good points you bring forward comparing my version and the original.... I don't own an original, only seen it a couple of times..... that is what I remember seeing. I could always split the piece in half and using my router table, create a pocket in the middle and insert ball bearings to get the rattle noise and then glue it together. Won't have much time testing it cause deer season is upon us up here and next Saturday is opening day.... but next softwater season will give it a try for sure. It's white pine and don't use any primer other than white water based paint on the first coat. Then add color and a couple of coats of varnish to seal it.
  8. Now that was absolutely awesome Simon I like your shore lunch technique!!!! Just doesn't get any better than that Life is certainly good to you and that made me very hungry for some bizarre reason Thanks for taking the time to post this video and sharing it with us!!! Keep up the excellent work Jacques
  9. Thanks Brian!!! Yes there are better tools out there to speed up the process but I don't own any of it.... so I have to build with what I have First time posting an embedded video and the bottom left play button is the only one working for me!!! Jacques
  10. LOL I guess this is a city person that never got out nowhere LOL Leechman
  11. Thanks for sharing Simon!!! Looks real good on him Jacques
  12. Click on the play button at the bottom left and let me know.... works for me
  13. Here's a step by step video on how to make your own wooden spook for those that are interested. It's kind of hard to shoot footage by yourself and narrate it but I think I did OK..... you be the judge I tried to keep it as short as possible but unfortunately the video got over 100MB in size..... Not much I can do about that Hope you enjoy Leechman Here's another link if it doesn't work
  14. Amazing Drew!!! That was an epic story and awesome pics Glad you and the girls are finally settle into your new home.... looks like paradise You guys sure got into some beauties up there and some biguns Congrats on that beauty speck.... a fish of a life time for sure It'll look great on the wall!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Dude..... what took you so long J/K Congratulations to both of you Leechman
  16. Great report and pics Cliff Looks like you boys spent quality time on the river banks Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Congratulations to the angler who caught it That is a massive brute Thanks for posting the pics Matt!!! Leechman
  18. Great report and pics jjcanoe From the release shot, look like a good size one.... too bad it decided to flock it's way back into the drink Sounds like you guys had a good time nonetheless!!! Thanks for sharing your time out on the water with us Leechman
  19. Here ya go Brian.... that's the best I could do with it and it looks like a fox to me Jacques
  20. Now that was a thing of beauty Glen So many steps into making those jigs!!! They are a real work of art :clapping: Take a bow my friend.... you deserve it :worthy: Loved to video and you did a great job of it Movie maker is such a great little program. Question for you: How long does it take from start to finish to make a batch of jigs?? Now you got to promise me that your next video will be from your boat..... want to see you live in action Again awesome job Glen and thanks for sharing Jacques
  21. Thank you Roy!!! I'll check out luremaking .com I know that you make musky lures and what you just explained above makes perfect sense.... need to have the strongest hold possible because them gators have a vicious strike and will deliver a heavy bite that no other species other than big pike can. Also don't want to injure a fish because the eyes did not hold and it broke you off. The ones I'm making are mostly for bass and pike.... but most importantly, for the fun of making them and maybe catch some fish Reward is sweet when you do I do appreciate all of your great advice on the subject and want to say "Thank you mon ami Roy!!!" Thanks mepps!!!
  22. Thank you Roy, you're a gentlemen and a scholar..... much appreciated I've never seen these types of bits before..... can you buy them in any hardware stores?? I guess you don't need any glue with this type of eyes.... once they're in.... that's it Thanks LucG!!! You just gave me an idea.... the blade would make a terrific addition. Thanks my friend!!!
  23. Thanks cram!!! Thanks corvette1!!! Thanks Roy!!! That is a great point. I wasn't sure how I would open one of them eyes.... that is why I used a ring.... but if you have a pic of the ones you use, can you send it to me please. I'd really appreciate it Thanks Mike!!! Thanks Chris!!! Yes another good point.... I think sanding the edges of the pieces at the joint would make it run smoother on surface. I'm going to test it "as is" to see how it performs. Thanks Dusky!!! Thanks Brian!!! Yes the advice from this community is number 1 It really helps in making better lures!!! Thanks again guys for your great advice. Leechman
  24. Thanks for the report Bruce Sounds like an enjoyable day spent along the water! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  25. Great report troutologist Sounds like fun catching them eyes!!! Thanks for the tip.... I'll have to try it next time I'm out fishing for walleyes Leechman
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