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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics holdfast Sounds like you had a great time on the water and got into some nice ones!!! Looks like the guys that shot that moose were in a hurry to leave with the meat.... but it's not uncommon to see left overs along the bush especially during hunting season. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Great multi species report Court R It doesn't get any better than that!!! Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  3. Welcome to OFC Andoni I wish I knew the answer about the pike but unfortunately I'm as puzzled as you are LOL Looking forward to reading your future reports!!! Leechman
  4. Great report and pics singingdog Congratulation on your best of the year!!! she's a real beauty Them bronze back can sure put up a good tussle for their size. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Right on Jason Nice looking doe 1 down 5 to go That's a great start!!! Good luck on your next hunt and thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Yes I know Glen.... I know
  7. Well folks, have not been fishing this weekend but been busy on the wooden projects. Saturday morning had a land property to check out for deer hunt but did not pan out so when I got back in the afternoon, started working on a special project for my good friend Glen aka GCD. Got it finished late night Saturday Sunday morning, my daughter had a bowling tournament that we had to attend..... Senior YBC and she finished second for best overall pins above average with a +128...... couldn't be more proud of her When we got back around 2:00pm, had an idea of making a jointed spook, got down to the basement to get my tools and out to my deck, got busy.... was able to make a few spooks and this time you can definitely see the difference Here they are all white, first coate Then came the chartreuse Under view Now for those that wonder how I make the white decal on the underside, have to create my own. Here is a pic to show you. Here is my piece of resistance but not quite finish yet on the paint job And an underside view Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! Leechman
  8. Great report and pics aniceguy Sounds like you had a good couple of days on the water!!! Beauty fish and thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. Nice Skud!!! Got to be patient with the big boys.... they are nocturnal but sometime will make a slight mistake.... that is when you get the reward if you are patient Good luck on your hunt Leechman
  10. All good suggestions so far I use Gulp fish fry in white or chartreuse on a micro jig to get to the perch and pannies..... here is a pic That stuff really works wonders Leechman
  11. Nice Brian. When are you going to make a choice and shoot it?? LOL Some nice ones in those pics!!! Jacques
  12. Congratulations Lunker777 on your PB She's a real beauty!!! Thanks for sharing that awesome moment with us! Leechman
  13. Right on tibbs Got to love hooking into fish on your first cast and on your favorite lure to boot Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Great report and pics Ryan Man...... yeah that guy did some gutsy moves to put the tower together and I say this because a hate heights Good on you for going out and getting into a few nice ones Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Leecher


    Skud, would ya quit steeling the poor little thing's fish J/K Did you put Gulp juice on the fish?? cause once they bite.... they won't let go :lol: Cool pic Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Man that's an empty place by yourself :whistling:
  17. The kid's got great talent and it's one slick move he was able to do for a 9 year old Wouldn't surprise me if we see him in the NHL..... he's got great potential!!! Leechman
  18. Thanks ehg!!! If I get a deer this year, I will keep the tail and dress some trebles for that. It's lots of fun making them lures!!! Thanks Jocko!!! Yeah you're right.... I'm definitely hooked Thanks Chancho!!! Unfortunately those aren't for sale but thanks for asking
  19. Great report and pics Dr. Salvelinus Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Awesome pics Rustic-Fisher And to answer your question, no but had a grousse once that just did not want to go away while I was ice fishing.... funniest thing to see Leechman
  21. Yuck that is gross did you put it out of it's misery?? Leechman
  22. That sucks big time sorry to hear the bad news Matt.... hope you can find out what happen somehow Jacques
  23. Congratulations to both of you Johnny She's a keeper for sure..... cute and the looks of a little angel Leechman
  24. You're a very funny guy Kev It's doable but I guaranty those senkos will definitely float :lol: Thanks Mike!!! Give it a try, it's fun to make them and is the ultimate when you catch a fish on them Ohhhh and it's real addictive to say the least Brian, do you mean color or shape?? LOL Yeah the frog pattern is one of my favorite and attracts fish too!!
  25. Thanks xkempx!!! My father in law has one of those air brush..... may be I can borrow it for the next bacth!
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