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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Cool paint job I'd say yes too
  2. Thanks Joeytier!!! pm sent...
  3. Similar to these
  4. Awesome Rob!!! Sounds like you both had a great time Thanks for sharing TJunkie
  5. Daughter's Team finish second with silver 20 pins behind first place :) Next weekend is the provincial finals

  6. Thanks BigBry!!! Thanks Simon!!! Thanks Nick!!! They're great little rigs to use for hardwater fishing... light, sensitive and easy to use
  7. Second generation in deed Thanks Chad!!! Just need to add a reel and they're good to go
  8. Daughter's YBC Bowling Tournament Tomorrow... Nationals :)

    1. Leecher


      It's time to hit the bowling alley.... Wish us luck!

  9. A 7h adventure.... the perfect fishing companion
  10. Sounds like you guys had fun prospecting such a big word nonetheless, you got some fish That's what it's all about Great report and pics Thanks for sharing! TJunkie
  11. Live is better for sure... but up here, we are not allowed... so salties work good for us Also forgot to mention that all my tipups have small reels on them with ball bearings inside... when a walleye takes the minnow, can swim away with it without feeling any resistance
  12. For walleyes, my tipups are setup with 30Lbs dacron, bell sinker above a wire leader and Mustad Octopus beak hook, tip with a salty (salted frozen minnow). You'll probably ask why a wire leader?? Our walleye lakes are infested with pike and never know when one will strike As for lakers.... Season is closed up here so I can't help you with that. Tight lines TJunkie
  13. Awesome Chad Got to love it when you can fish out of your vehicle Congrats on the whitie Bet you thought you had a 15lbs walleye on when that beauty hit your jigging spoon eh Your having a great season so far Keep it up As for suggestions on cooking whities.... a dab of butter in a hot pan, salt & pepper to taste and that's it That's how I cook my fish.... with a side dish of rice and thinly slice sautéed vegetables Tight lines TJunkie
  14. Agreed 4 point weekend... can't ask for more eh
  15. Site looks good TJ! A great start! Good luck with it!
  16. Like Roy said... go to Snopes
  17. Thanks Rich!!! Had to think out of the box for that one
  18. Thanks Drew!!! My father always told me, when you're building something out of wood... make it durable
  19. Thanks Manitou!!! Thanks Fisherman!!! Neighbor's feeders take care of them Thanks staffman!!! Thanks Christopher!!! Sure is Thanks Roy!!! You mean this like this one and this bird house Front view Thanks Ron!!! and your welcome!
  20. I've been building my own out of pine for quite some time now and possibilities are endless in creating your own style of tipups / tip down which ever you want to call them 1" x 2"s are inexpensive, light, easy to work with and durable Here are some different ones I've created I rigged them up with reels Different design Balance is key My latest paint job Tight lines TJunkie
  21. My very first wooden project has return to me today A bird feeder that I had made for my father in law a few years back Inspired by his awesome work, was my very first attempt at making something out of wood using a band saw that my father in law gave me and when my wife handed me this today.... was stoked to see this piece I've worked so hard to produce had been stored in his work shop all this time All pieces have been created out of cedar planks, cut on the band saw to my specifications... glued together with some few needed screws It's a unique piece that cannot be found in any stores It's now being displayed in my living room and will not be used outside Here's a shot of it Another angle with the top open Other side Top view with open top This project was several hours in the making and really proud of it was specifically made for feeding chickadee's so that he can photograph them from a distance Hope you enjoy! TJunkie
  22. Awesome Ron Congrats and welcome to the club Hunting is a lot of fun, as long as it's practiced in safety Again, congratulations mon ami!!! TJunkie
  23. Need help to decide if I go fishing or not... flipping a coin... Heads or Tail?? your call

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christopheraaron
    3. spincast


      heads you fish, tails you piscator

    4. Leecher


      Marko, no worries... Just came back with white stripes for my efforts "insert wallbash emoticon here" ChrisK & Rick, somehow I knew you'd say that :)

  24. +3C over here Wednesday... time for a day off to chase some pokadots Then it's back down below zero
  25. I'm the odd ball here... purchased a Walmart special 4 - 5 years ago (Sub Zero 6") may be more, can't remember and it still going strong Like others mention... don't bang the blades or you're looking for a workout I used to own an 8" one, can't remember the make... was a CTC special, blue shaft with red handles and didn't last long now with the 6" find it much easier and really don't need bigger for the species of fish I target
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