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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. This is exactly right, the idea of getting vacinated is not only to protect yourself but to rid the potential of the virus spreading and mutating and rid it from the population, much the same as small pox, polio and other deadly viruses
  2. Great job......nice to see that old trailer is still working
  3. I still love bottom bouncing for steelies, thats the way I learned how to fish steelhead it sure is becoming a lost art now but it can be a real effective technique but it takes time to master the feel. Braided lines have simplified the technique somewhat you get some strange looks from the float dudes when your cracking steelies without a float hahahaha
  4. They work fantastic on Erie perch, best way to go
  5. Thats a coopers hawk, I've got one in the neighbourhood, it eats a least one bird a week in the winter out of my feeders. It's cool watching him grab a sparrow and eat it up in the backyard, amazing how when he's finished with it there's nothing but a pile of feathers left.
  6. Thats one big old bull, probably on it's last years of fertility.......probably taste like an ole boot aswell not a very good specimen to hunt for the table, better off to leave this old dude alone to live out it's last days.
  7. It's a learning curve!! Picking the right bait is the least important factor I think, the learning is in reading the water, the seams , the eddies and such and learning the best way to present your offering to the trouties. The actual bait used is not that important if your presentation is correct and your drifting in the right area of the pool. To become a good steelheader be patient, when you choose an area take the time to read the water your drifting, look or seams and such and where you may think the fish are lying and concentrate your efforts on these spots. The better you learn how to read the river, the more success you'll have. It may be true Steelhead are as dumb as any other fish but you do have to present the bait to them very precise somtimes in the areas there holding.
  8. Thats a sweet little chromer, perfect eating size .......beautifull spot aswell, is that the Chippawa? I fished that back in 81 sure is a sweet river
  9. The funny thing is Pheonix averages 4500 people on a good night, in Hamilton you would pack copps to the roof. What waste the NHL is, still a bush league organization. Supporting a franchise in a market that could careless.
  10. Pigeon/ Chemong is my favorite area, I imagine you'll get alot of different answers to this post.
  11. Salmon bashing is over now, cry baby steelheader time, somebodies fishing in my drift wa,wa,wa,wa , my favorite river was mentioned on the internet wa,wa wa,wa..... you took a pic in the spot I fished 2yrs ago wa,wa, wa, wa ........ Steelheaders are the biggest babies of bunch hahahahaha
  12. I run into and fish with Italo quite often here in Niagara and he's a super nice guy, very polite, helpfull and a joy to fish beside. I wish more anglers down here were as polite. I'm glad he broke up with that fat ignorant Henry, he's just a clown. As for my favorite fishing shows, I really like the In-Fisherman and Babe Winkleman was great aswell. Those dudes are way off the radar as far as getting excited and very knowledgable fishers, especially the In-fisherman staff really teach how to get on the right patterns.
  13. A guide on Lake St Clair uses a portable oxyginated livewell to revive the Muskie and reports great success with this method
  14. I forgot about this one, this knot every steelheader should know how to tie.....yarn is a go to bait on the Niagara come winter time
  15. I use a clinch knot, my buddy beside me uses the polamar knot, the dude down the bank uses a uni.....what ever you feel comfortable with a can tie quik at 0- -10c. I don't think it matters much as far as hooking up with fish.
  16. Beading has become a hobby for alot of crafters, hence the specialty bead stores poping up around town. Great place to search for Steelhead beads
  17. I know it's late but the S.A.R card should have been played at the planning stage of the development, if evidence of a S.A.R would have been given at this stage the developement would have been stopped in it's tracks. Studies would have had to be conducted and no development would continue untill a viable alternative to protect such species was in place. It may to late at this particular time in the development.
  18. Very nice fall smallies
  19. Dude you really need to consult a lawyer, first the development fiasco and now this thread. This is I beleive a fishing site not a law site
  20. If the developer is in violation of site restrictions this matter should be brought to the MNR, MOE. These Ministries can shut down the developement and heavy fines can and probably will be leveled against the developer. If Buffer zones were ignored the adjacent property owner may be in position to form a lawsuit. Your colalition should really consult with a lawyer if violations your describing are occuring.
  21. I think there may be Muskie 60+lbs but these fish would not fit into the Genetic norm, like most real trophies they would be somewhat of a genetic freak. I agree with alot of what you say, but I still beleive monster muskie exsist, I mean not all fish fall into the biological norm. A true trophy may exsist that falls way outside the normal growth rates and such if the genetics are right and the fish is somewhat of a freak to the norm.
  22. This is Lake Ontario not northern Superior, Chinooks provide a fishery in Southern Ontario, without Pacific Salmon or introduced Rainbows and Browns the lake would not have much of a fishery at all.
  23. They all die, a few more weeks the dead will be gone and you will never know a salmon run was even in the tributary.
  24. Guys Salmon die after they spawn, there in the last few days of life right now. The carcasses are from fish who have lived there life, completed the cycle and are now dead and rotting giving there nutrients back to earth. It makes complete sense it's the end of the circle of life for the Salmon
  25. I'm sure mommy moose was not killed she's just out getting laid so next year she'll have another little guy to take care of.
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