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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Eee doggies Bly and Cliff! That was some day you both had.♠
  2. No small feat considering from a'couch'!
  3. Brings back memories of simpler times, and similar landscape.
  4. I think I read somewhere, that due to the global warming effect, we can expect Extreme weather. So don't be surprised if we get some more stormy weather.♠
  5. Eee doggies, welcome aboard!
  6. You are indeed going to a special place. It must be hard to leave.
  7. Awesome report GCD!! I like the way you explain the finder soundings. That tree on the hump did look like a good spot. The Blue cat, can reach some good size I hear.
  8. I see James Brown is 3rd. "Get up off a that thing.."
  9. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23112
  10. Howwwl!
  11. Other than 'Enter Sandman'. I ain't really.
  12. Dude, you melted all the snow!!
  13. Smashing through the boundaries Lunacy has found me Cannot stop the Battery Pounding out aggression Turned into obsession Cannot kill the Battery Cannot kill the family Battery is found in me Battery Battery Crushing all decievers, mashing non-believers Neverending potency Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker Breeding on insanity
  14. You must be thin.
  15. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3472136704/tt0093148
  16. Did she look like this?
  17. I propose we band together and organize sort of brotherhood for the preservation of the Sasquatch. Lemme see, what would be call ourselves...?
  18. Try this: Click Here
  19. Congratulations on the 'mile' stone!
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