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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I had a cousin (way back in the 1920's) who killed a bear by ramming his pocket knife into the bruiser's ear. The blade broke off.
  2. A sad story told by a guy I had the pleasure and honor to meet personally. Although I do not know you closely, I can tell by your posts and heartfelt honesty that you are a very very special person better than most men, Gerritt. The OFC board is very fortunate to have you as member.
  3. That's too funny! I never thought of it like that b4, but yer right (as usual )!
  4. I though some of you might enjoy this..
  5. Wow! Those are Huuuuuuuuge Perch, man! Lake Wahnapitae, eh. I know that the Wanahpitae river becomes the Veuve river as it winds it's way towards Verner, and eventually to the mouth of Cache Bay, my old home town. There used to be some spots on that river that produced some big Pickerel (10-12+lbs) back in the day. Thanks fer sharin' hope we hear more from you.
  6. I tell ya, these new hi tek tv's can't hold a candle to the reliability of the tube tv's.
  7. http://www.mapquest.com/maps?state=ON&country=CA&latitude=50&longitude=-85&geocode=STATE
  8. Thanks fer sharin'. Only goes to show if a feller wants to catch fish, he can do so with a little thought and creativity thrown in.
  9. Lower Buckhorn Lake. There's a (used to belong to the Trueds) a lodge where you can either rent or launch yer own boat. Short ride (10 min) up the channel to the main lake, and right where it opens up, fish around there. Here's a couple of weblinks: http://www.reachharbour.com/ http://buckhorncanada.ca/
  10. Let him speak up fer himself, who are you, yer brother's keeper. MYOB.
  11. Now that is a decent sized Pike, Big head on it too!
  12. Wow! A 12" Pike! Whodda thunk!
  13. Well Markham is close to Scarborough, right...
  14. Kinda reminds me of St Paddy's day.
  15. Although I kin play that song on guitar, I never was a fan of Neil Young.
  16. I don't have Broadband, just skinnyband. Can you do it?
  17. Wow! I listened to the lyrics.. "..on a three masted schooner out of Twillingate Isle.." that's where me missus (Granny) comes from!
  18. Here's a new take on one of my favourites..Long Train Runnin'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETHFjlAJaQA...feature=related
  19. Saw Rare Earth in concert in Sudbury ON, back in 70 or 71. I was 17 or 18.
  20. I came across this article in the Toronto Star this morning. It is a case of abuse to another human being, I thought the members of this board should be made aware of. Click Here
  21. Can someone please explain to me why the price at Gas Stations fluctuate so much. My reasoning is the tanks, that they store the fuel in below the pumps must hold several 1000 litres/gallons of fuel, right? When the big tanker truck pulls up, to fill them, the gas station pays the going price for that particular lot of fuel, say fer arguments sake, 50 cents per liter. Would it not stand to reason that they can lock in their price to the consumer, until they run out and get another shipment?
  22. Gave my local Loblaws a try on their Walleye (Pickeral) fillets and it was fresh and turned out very good. Definitely a cost effective approach if'n yer wantin a taste of fish. Just ensure it is fresh by givin' it the smell test first, this lot was A-OK!
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