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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Don't venture too far with that old motor, yer asking for trouble. That's the main reason people put them up for sale.
  2. I tried and this is the error message I got: This file is an audio file (.MP3, .WMA, .WAV). It will not upload successfully.Click Ok to continue uploading
  3. I tried the search function fer my answer, but came up MT handed.
  4. As you may already know. Oakville is a very clean town, and I suppose they want to keep it that way. You may have the best intentions, but apparently there are many others who ruin it fer the rest.
  5. Give this weblink a look Click Here - Fishing Points
  6. The Muskies need to be careful around you.
  7. That's so gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  8. The locals all go to the big open water, across the lake around the Goose, Blueberry, and Fisherman's Islands to fish. Out by the French River. If you putts around the West Arm you may happen into a Large Musky, or some scrawny 'hammer handle' Pike, and the incidental Walleye. When I used to live up there we could never figure out what the 'Americans' were doing fishing the inner waters of the 'Bay'. Many would be ecstatic over stringers of panfish, and small Pike.
  9. I'm right handed and reel with my left. My right arm provides improved casting accuracy and strength for better control. All my left hand has to do, is turn the handle in a circle. (And bail the boat ).
  10. Man that is some thick carpet of weeds! No wonder they call it the 'Bog'! Good pictures too!
  11. Wet Dream?! More like Wet Nightmare. Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Wow! You guys did awwwwright!! Really like that pic of you with the weedline behind you, must be a good camera.
  13. Totally awesome!
  14. Yes but real Beluga caviar comes from Russia.
  15. Full Story
  16. Gotta say that is the best looking Wood Duck I have ever seen. A perfect specimen!
  17. Nice size Bass! What type and pound test were you using?
  18. Wow, what a read. Sounds like a perfect time was had by all!
  19. They say things come in threes, let's hope that is the end of that spell.
  20. Hold on thar now , young feller. That's a heapin' helpin' lot a questioning all at once like. Now, if'n I understand correctly yer main concern seems to center around yer anxiety with the number of boaters present at the boat launch, and it's inherent effect on the speed with which you can begin yer much anticipated participation in a Bass tourney? Err on the safe side by gettin' to the launch by 5:00 A.M.
  21. Ah the venerable Walleye. The gentleman of fish. Pure gold I tell ya!
  22. It's nice to see you did something these youngster will remember for a very long if not a lifetime. Good on you Misfish!
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