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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Is this you coming in fer a landing, Irish?
  2. Yes, there's this precious gem our very own National Capital, Ottawa aquired for several million called" Voice of Fire". It had generated many responses from irate readers for quite a while: OTTAWA 1990 —- Ten years later the embers of Canada's biggest art scandal are still burning. Within 72 hours of the National Gallery of Canada reporting that it had purchased Voice of Fire, a huge abstract painting by American artist Barnett Newman for $1.76 million, the media, the public and the government went ballistic. The two-month furore that raged in the media and the House of Commons in March 1990 was Canada's biggest art controversy. A 1996 book Voices of Fire: Art, Rage, Power and the State, edited by Bruce Barber, Serge Guilbaut and John O'Brian, chronicled the fiasco and tried to make sense of it. It all began March 7, 1990. "We rarely have a chance in today's over-heated art market to purchase works of the scale and historical significance of Voice of Fire," the gallery's director, Shirley Thomson, said. Voice of Fire, a 5.4-metre-high by 2.4-metre-wide canvas with three stripes, was originally commissioned by the American government for an exhibition of U.S. contemporary art at Expo '67 in Montreal. The public had a different view when Global News took to the streets with a camera and mic. It was compared to "a ribbon of a military medal," a "flag in some country somewhere," something "my son'll do in daycare." Some said they wouldn't pay $1 for it. Some thought it belonged in the garbage. Other smarty-pants thought they could do better. The first of many Voice of Fire parodies, Echo of Fire, by a Victoria, B.C. duo, was advertised as a steal in the Victoria Times-Colonist at $3.2 million. Political cartoonists satirized it, although many didn't pay enough attention to get the sequence and colouring of the stripes right.
  3. It was $9.95 fer the perch Dinner, but I added a Walleye fillet fer an extra $4.95.
  4. Beat yer swords into plowshares! You'll never get rich, diggin' a ditch! Not a very nice lifestyle, eh? I joined the army when I was seventeen. Did 2 months of basic training in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. Was lucky to be able to get out with an honorable discharge (medical release).
  5. Couldn't help but notice the related vid:
  6. And those were yer own folks?
  7. Yeah, I went to Port Dover, to check out the pier. Only 2 guys fishing, nothing to show fer it. Had a good perch and Walleye dinner at the local restaurant.
  8. That'd be a "Makinaw".
  9. Then how do so many American crooks make into Canada Eh?
  10. They taste better than they smell when yer a cleanin' them.
  11. Wow! Thanks fer sharin' man. I am really happy that you had a good day out with some professionals. Those fish are really big, too! It could not happen to someone who deserves it more.
  12. Now................................... that is really funny!! Thanks fer sharin'. I'm 53 yrs old. My knees were startin' to hurt, but I lost 15 + lbs and the pain has gone.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iquCHSkmUek
  14. They're fat little devils aren't they!
  15. That's it mister, now you really crossed the line.
  16. Yeah, I know the Beetle Spin, I used to go to school with his younger brother. They are great lures actually, combining the flash of the blade with the depth control of the weighted head, depending on how fast you retrieve it.
  17. I did not take the time to read thru this thread, so I do not know if lead head jig has been mentioned. I think it revolutionized the presentation aspect of fishing.
  18. Those are some dandy fish! Brown snake = dew worms?
  19. Stay away, ... away from coffee and anything with alcohol in it fer at least 2 months. Know your enemy.♠ It loves booze and caffeine, and other nasties.
  20. Hmmmmmmmmm, fishing you say? Maybe I ought'a give it try.
  21. I can't seem to get enough..♥
  22. Mario and Alcide Shank?
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