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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Here is a weblink with more info: Click Here
  2. I'm partial to Miss Largemouth.
  3. 15" Blade is way too long fer our fresh water fish. I think it may be suitable fer saltwater fish.
  4. You may want to check out this quick link that condenses the Workopolis job board: Click Here
  5. Wow, looks like a real isolated spot! I suppose there may be other access points but it looks great. Hard to beleive a new truck doesn't have the ground clearance fer that little (?) puddle. Really nice fish too by the way.
  6. That my friend, is the beginning of old age. Perty soon, you won't think it is worth the bother.
  7. A few years ago an outfitter out of Belleville, ON (Bay of Quinte) got ripped off for 9 or ten (I cannot re-call) brand new 9.9 HP Johnson motors that were on the back of the 14' rental boats. He replaced some of them and apparently it happened a second time. He had the motors secured by some type of locking device that was somehow compromised by the savvy thieves. He never got them back.
  8. Try and match Monkey Puke. It's deadly.
  9. Well, it sounds like you got the basics covered. Once you hook anything and mark the location, you can return and work the area over. Otherwise keep trolling over likely looking structure and switch up on the colors. Try locating clouds of baitfish, and work those also.
  10. Dang that's nice! I'd take Walleye over Bass.
  11. You'll be skipping o'er the crests!
  12. Nice Musky! And Crappie. Like the cross-hand hold.
  13. They claim 1 liter of water per hour of driving at 80km/hr. Not bag!
  14. Great job guys! By releasing them into the tributary itself, these little guys will imprint and return there to spawn. I read somewhere that the ministry did the exact opposite by releasing the fingerlings (?) in open water. Apparently they don't reproduce that way.
  15. Just curious as to how many board members drag jigs tipped with crawlers fer Walleye across sandy flats. I found that some lakes have weed growth over the sand flats I used to fish 15 years ago.
  16. Bloody amazing bloke, what! Jolly good, jolly good!
  17. Geez GCD, I never realized how serious you take this stuff! I pity the fool that speaks ill of a Gerber 700 series Fisherman.
  18. That's just great. It reminds me of an old fable my mother used to read to me when I was 4 years old.. Click Here
  19. At least yer funny!
  20. Anybody that gets surprized at rising gas cost is living in a cave. By next year I expect to be paying in the neibourhood of $2.00/liter.
  21. I must give credit to Headhunter for the geography quiz, it was his thread : http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;hl=geography
  22. That's darn hospitable of you and your wife to open up yer place like that! It sounds like a nice way to spend a day or two.
  23. The best I managed was: Final Score: 321,315 Level: 9 Traveler IQ: 106 This was after playing many times. You get better at it.
  24. Thanks fer sharin' Kickkinfrog.
  25. If you want something to pass the time try this interesting world geography quiz: http://www.minijuegosgratis.com/juegos/hwd....html?b415=0766
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