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Dave Bailey

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Everything posted by Dave Bailey

  1. Looks nasty: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/severe-toxic-algae-bloom-predicted-for-lake-erie-1.3145164
  2. Dave Hadfield took my father up for a flight a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yMrWOv3l44
  3. Thanks. Getting tired of people saying it can't be done.
  4. Got out to a favourite honey hole the day after the FMZ 18 opener, and again six days later on my way back from Montreal (thanks boss!). Includes a tip for some who seem to have trouble with a simple little thing. Watch at 1080p. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEWy7qC3BDU
  5. Sounds like the requisite blast was had! 30" walleye would be a dream for me. Probably made the same post on another board, then did a 'cut and paste' to put it here. For some weird reason, that's what happens.
  6. Caspians are beautiful birds with one of the ugliest calls you'll ever hear. Sounds like someone being strangled while vomiting. You can tell them a mile away.
  7. Filtered cigarettes should be banned. The health benefits of them are dubious, but the environmental consequences are proven.
  8. I have this urge to eat poutine, while in a canoe. Must be July !st!
  9. Thought this might be of interest to some of you: http://store.algonquinpark.on.ca/cgi/algonquinpark/00309.html
  10. Summer storm outside, lots of thunder, only one thing comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2VY33VXnrQ
  11. If you want to try something a bit different, get a canoe and head for Hazel Lake.
  12. Wanna bet? But will certainly answer a question that most of us in the GTA ask at least once every day: Can Toronto area traffic get any worse?
  13. The animal we call 'elk' has a very close relative in Eurasia, the red deer. The most recent research indicates, as far as I know, that they are separate species, but some bright spark could be writing a PhD thesis as I speak that says they're the same.
  14. My license is in my fishing vest, and that is always with me. Keep it in your wallet, or car, or something that doesn't get left a 4 hour drive away.
  15. If you're in Europe, it's an elk. But they weren't. So they're zoologically challenged.
  16. Yeah, 1964! My uncle was a meathead at the Bomarc base, took us kids there, and that's where I caught my first pike.
  17. I would do it. The only lake trout I ever caught was while drop-shotting for smallmouth, can't see why that wouldn't work either.
  18. Hard to beat a compass. Sit on the flight deck of the most high-tech airliner in the world, surrounded by wizardry that NASA would have been jealous of just a few years ago. And what will you always see affixed to the centre post of the windshield? A compass. If all those gadgets go kablooey, you still have that simple magnet to guide you.
  19. Apparently a 'compromise' was reached, but I don't think it's satisfactory. One pool will have fish, so people can see them, and another will have toy fish for catching. Here's a report from Global News, which presents the animal rights position with no critical analysis whatsoever. http://globalnews.ca/video/2052314/let-them-fish-compromise-reached-between-animal-rights-activists-and-indoor-fishing-program
  20. Last night's game was unbelievable. If there is any team out there that is actually looking forward to meeting the Jays right now, MLB should require that they first change their team name to 'Masochists'.
  21. Higher magnification means that any shaking is also magnified, but 10x50 binos are usually okay. Another thing to keep in mind is the diameter of the image at the eyepiece. To get that, divide the magnification, in this case 10x, into the diameter of the objective lens, in this case 50mm. That gives you a figure of 5mm, which is good. 4mm is also okay, but 3mm or less means that even the slightest movement of your face and you are seeing black, and it's hard to keep the image centred on your eyeball. With 7x50 you get 7mm, which is great.
  22. Nice! Not sure about their present status, but at one time they were considered the most abundant bird in the eastern North American woodlands. That was based on their calls, but they weren't observed as often due to being hard to spot high up in the trees.
  23. No, they object to the entire idea of fishing, period.
  24. Some of you may be aware of the annual event held at the Scadding Court Community Centre in Toronto. Each year, the centre's swimming pool is temporarily turned into a fishing pond, and the event is a big hit with the local children. Here's a news article about it: http://metronews.ca/news/toronto/1392257/toronto-swimming-pool-set-to-become-a-fishing-hole-for-local-children/ Well, some animal rights activist has started a petition to prevent it: http://metronews.ca/news/toronto/1393467/animal-rights-activists-outraged-by-indoor-fishing-event-in-toronto/ I have already sent the organiser, Mr. Kevin Lee, an e-mail expressing my support for him, if anyone else wishes to stand up for fishing, you may contact him at: [email protected] My letter: Mr. Lee, I have heard about the attempts to prevent you from holding your annual fishing event, and I wish to let you know that you have my full support. I live in Pickering, so I'm not really able to offer assistance, but might I suggest that to counter the petition, started by Lucas Solowey, that you start a petition yourself. I feel certain that, given the support the event has received over the years, you will be able to gain more signatures, in less time, than he will. I will be attempting to drum up some support for you on a number of fishing related web sites, and wish you every success with the event
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