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Everything posted by hirk

  1. Fished Sunday from 7-4 3 guys 1 walleye, couldnt fish a single spot I normally hit because of the wind. It was 1 of the roughest days Ive spent on the water, did manage a boat full of hail lol.
  2. You can feel the difference on hard bottom if you are using a good setup, the weight will allow you to feel more but unless its important to feel when you say go from a sand bottom to gravel there is no benefit.
  3. woodys that applies if your tow vehicle is a truck but suvs and passenger vehicles are exempt from the mto safety requirement.
  4. Guys I wasnt trying to imply that mercs are better than yammies therefore they sell more only that they make a good product. The perception that yammies are more reliable and "better" would not likely be proved out if you could compare defects per 1000 units to compare apples to apples. Yes you hear of fewer problems with the yammies but thats to be expected given there are far more mercs in service. I would guess they all would rate close for defect rates and that there is little if any difference between various brands in reliability. They all make a good product and they all blow up.
  5. Moxie that opti would be slightly better on gas than a yammie 90 4 stroke, is lighter and would have better excelleration. Merc sells 10 engines for every yammie sold so its fair to say optis are a pretty good engine.
  6. Allumacraft all the way if i was choosing between them as long as they both had the layout i wanted. Lund and Allumacraft are the top tin boats made as far as quality, i wouldnt worry about being under powered due to its higher rating because these boats will perform about the same with a 70 due to the weights being the same. Like mentioned its the motor you want to worry about for warranty/service, the boat could be fixed under warranty at a manufacturers approved repair center like Grumpy's no need to return it to the selling dealer. Its hard enough finding a dealer to service a yammy never mind a suzuki and then there is the parts issue so for that reason alone I would pass.
  7. there is a marina across the road from blue bay resort that has guides for fishing the huge mangro sanctuary in cancun. its small tarpon,jacks and cuda and catch an release only. you would be casting not trolling.
  8. like art suggested, kerr resevoir in virginia or craigs suggestion kentucky lake
  9. This is an industry trade show open to the public with the intent to offer diverse product under one roof,to showcase new product and to educate via seminars,based on those criteria I think it is a sucess. As far as deals people have to understand its a trade show not a flea market! I keep hearing people talk about the good old days and how the deals were so much better,well I put that down to perception over coming reality because I went to shows in the good old days and the deals were no better.
  10. they are on the market,readily abvailable and priced the same as plastic. big bite baits offer the bio edge line for instance.
  11. $13.99??? The preserved should be under $5,what brand were they?
  12. Difference? How would getting a renewal 3 months early help if as in my analogy you couldn't renew until after it expired unless you did it online? Btw the Mr only sends out renewal apps for expired cards not yearly tags so based on the original poster if you wanna fish Jan.1 2013 you either renew online or fish illegally . It has nothing to do with procrastinating if you can't buy it.
  13. You guys seem to be overlooking the point that access to renew is not available equally to everyone if retailers cant issue 2013 prior to jan.1 but its available online. The fact is not everyone has or can access the net to purchase. Would it be ok if you couldnt renew your drivers lic. on time unless done on the net? Fishing like driving requires a lic. and you face penalties for not complying.
  14. If you look at number of expected charge cycles divided by cost you will see the optima is cheaper. They also have a longer flatter output curve before running out of power compared to wet cells that get progressively weaker once you pass about the 60% discharge point.
  15. How deep and what kind of cover do you usually fish?
  16. There is a study done in indiana that looked at the effects of open seasons,bed fishing and c&r during largemouth spawning in their state and minnesota,ohio and a few other surrounding states all of which have not had a closed season for over 50 yrs except minnesota,very informative. I cant link it but google effects of catch and release on largemouth bass and look for the indiana study.
  17. There are many examples of lakes in the US that have no closed bass season were populations remain stable over time and Im not just reffering to lakes with a much longer growing season. One study done showed that on a lake the size of Rice it only took 6 sucessfull nests to maintain a stable population through recruitment. My point is that yes even though taking fish off the nest temporarily or permanently may result in some or total loss of the fry there is no evidence that this would have a negative effect on the total population numbers.Lots of open lakes have proved out the sustainablity.
  18. Looks great, I have used boiled linseed and preferred it over tru oil,when hand rubbed with multiple coats its beautifull. The damp cloth helps bring out lite dents etc. but if you do it again try using a hot iron instead of a torch it may do a better job.
  19. This wins hands down as best thread ever here!! I debated creation vs evolution with a seventh day adventist in a car from Florida to Ontario,then one day during a funeral service he says Ive got it! Humans have smoked for thousands of yrs right? Then why dont we have chimmneys growning out of our heads? His wife look at him and said your an idiot and I was left with a lasting laugh
  20. If I trolled alone Id have it on 100% so I could get back in,if my boat used the shifter for throttle same thing,to get back in and not get cut to shreds when it starts running circles.I worry alot more about falling in cold water while fishing and wear a suit or pfd then getting thrown from the boat. I always hooked up when running say low 80's + but 60-70 something not usually,with a foot throttle its down to idle right away if you get tossed. Short of hitting a log or rock in average conditions it would take bad driving or stupidness to get thrown.
  21. If you see them in a store look close at the body design,they are designed too roll left to right when twitched,I have one but have not fished it yet,a very nice bait
  22. Fish what comp. psi? Do you realize you could grenade it, unless the comp. was just bumped up alittle its russian roulete running regular.
  23. Sorry but your inreased performance and reduced usage is just your perception. You will not benefit from using higher octane fuel than what the engine was engineered for in either instance. Higher octane just burns slower and could cause more carbon build up if anything.
  24. Im thinking it would fish much different than a spreader because of the swivels and longer arms.Im think it might make a great slow jigging setup
  25. Anybody wanna guess how deadly this will be? I didnt expect them to shine here in open water because the conditions that exist in the southern US that made them huge dont apply here for the most part but I bet they will be deadly through the ice,just bend the wires out,thoughts people?
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