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Everything posted by hirk

  1. who says they clearly have a negative effect,is this speculation on your part or based on a biological study? As for fishing during the spawning period for bass a study was done on recruitment sucess on a lake the size of Rice and it was found that to maintain a sustainable population of large mouth it literally only required a handfull of nests to survive for adaquate recruitment. Im not suggesting bed fishing should be allowed but this shows it doesnt have the impact people percieve.I think a c&r early season wouldnt hurt the fishery myself but doubt we will see it anytime soon.
  2. Gerrit as a past issuer I can say for certain retailers dont skim, like someone said every document is numbered and a dealer must either pay for each one or return those not sold period,no way to sell and keep the money. I can say for sure that it happens all the time that mnr doesnt send out or have a record but its on their end that mistakes get made not the retailer.
  3. Bring some coin Brian, I will have lots of deals you cant say no too
  4. Im going to have some tables there, you too bigugli with lots of jigs im guessing?
  5. Seafoams primary function is to keep injectors/carbs clean and prevent carbon build up on pistons/rings in a 2 stroke(this is the leading cause of major 2 stroke engine failure). It does have a fuel stabilizing aspect to it as well though but if you run the engine regularly you shouldnt have fuel degredation or problems related to ethanol with the fuel itself. I ran an over hub exhaust prop and watched exhaust from seafoam treated gas clean the carbon deposits off the prop.If just the exhaust gases can do that Im sure my rings are clean enough to eat off of so it goes in every tank.
  6. Priced a replacement gearcase? I would only use merc,brp,yamma lube or amsoil but whatever its your money.
  7. I run it in every tank with my 2 stroke, its great for keeping interals and fuel system clean.check the classified if you want some.
  8. Pro quaifier has a zip in liner for cold weather too as a add on
  9. No thats not the time of year for them.
  10. That composite is meant to be a spare dont waste your time trying it the blades flex it wont get you where you wanna be.Raise the plate 1" and run it without over trimming.Your prop doesnt have plugs,they are to fine tune holeshot if its bogging or over reving getting up.
  11. Raise the jackplate so the center of the propshaft when level is2 1/2 below the pad,you are having to overtrim to get 5100 giving you a bad running attitude and you only get 4500 when trimmed down showing the case is too deep. Raise it and the prop will free up and turn more r's without over trimming and throwing a rooster which you dont want.Thx for the vote of confidence Ernie but Im sure you know more than I have forgot lol.
  12. I wouldnt put it up more than 2 1/2" below pad max without a pressure gauge. You real gain will likely be found in dumping the lazer and running a tempest due to better bow lift,this maybe why your r's are low now since you may be running too flat due to the lazer.The merc is a inline vs the johnson v4 it doesnt have the same punch but you should hit 52- 53 light setup good.
  13. The system was down Dave I don't think it had anything to do with the attendant. They are required to attend a mnr issuer class before selling them and be trained with the electronic system. She was on hold for 20 minutes due to high issuer call volume so its safe to say there are system problems.And I was going to go to Gagons but was already at ctc.
  14. Notice I said "not everyone", I wasn't talking about myself Bill.
  15. Bill not everyone is computer literate or care too use a CC online or even have one.As far as leaving it late? 1 day,1 week,1 month should it make a difference.The reality is I shouldnt have expected to be able to go to a issuer and get one I guess?
  16. I attempted to renew tonight at CTC and the machine wouldnt process my lic. and then spent 20 minutes waiting while the person issuing them was on hold trying to speak to a tech person in Tennessee. She never did get through to a person and gave up. I said I have a trip planned for the morning and have no other place to get one so how about giving me something in writing to show I attemped to get it and the store manager refused claiming its nothing to do with them it govt. Im not fishing without one but I have essentially been denied access to legally fish due too this bungled system. I would have thought the bugs would be out by now but apparently not as the ctc woman said it had just happened to the guy before me too.
  17. Just run quaility oil, they are not all created equal even though they meet tcw3 specs. Myself Ive ran straight penzoil plus turning up to 7200 rpm @40-1 premixed though) and used amsoil for yrs, right now running 2/3 penzoil with 1/3 amsoil and seafoam. Your running a low rpm recreational engine so synthetic isnt needed but it would extend your ring life some. Just dont run junk oil.
  18. Its what maintains the psi in the fuel system. Dfi's operate with a high pressure fuel system.
  19. Dfi require more cca's than efi/carbed, A 1000cca starting battery is the ticket especially if you running electronics off it too. It takes more cca due to the compressor.
  20. Nice little park with a great beach. Fishing is decent and you are close to Couch
  21. Sorry but if it was my money unless I was getting dealer cost (or an offer I couldnt refuse) it would be neither.If you want good build quality Alumacraft all the way. Yes lunds are pretty well made too but not worth the $$$ and Princecraft which I used to sell,well beauty is only skin deep:).
  22. The terrova make for a great walleye tm but if you like to fish slow and pick cover apart they are horrible compared to cable, your call but you wouldnt like it dock fishing:).
  23. Hows things Vance?no head? Sbk take a good look at the cylinder walls and look for score marks you may have a hung or broken ring too. Whatever it is will require a teardown and rebuild its just a matter of whats wrong and how much $ or if its worth doing? A used engine would likely be your cheapest option. Good luck with it.
  24. Remove the head (the metal plate the plugs go into) and look for damage you will see something. Dont even turn it over again before you do this.
  25. Chris I have a few options for ya and they are 1/2 price,call me if you get a chance or pm me, my # is in classifieds.
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